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Hayabusa's Dawn of Defiance: Chapter I: The Traitor's Gambit


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Actually, walking could be to our advantage, Keyton says getting out of the ship and taking in the environment. He clamps on his utility belt and double checks his items.

If we have the location of the station, we would be able to sneak up on them much better compared to flying any closer and alerting them. Who knows if that Star Destroyer was aware of us or not. If they are, our time to act could be short.

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"Alright Captain, good luck on the repairs." Mir says as she dons the poncho and grabs up the rest of her gear, "Come on Sloor, it's a little walk in the woods... or shrooms here on Felucia. I do well in wilds, as I mentioned before."

She then follows Keyton out of the ship and looks out on the great big wilds. She looks about the ship and tries to gauge the area. (( Survival 1d20+8=28 )) "Beautiful, is it not?" she says to Keyton as she starts down to the ground.


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It is. I thought you might enjoy the walk. These are all passive plants, right? I would hate for any to take revenge on me for that Corillian cacciatore I had last week.

[sblock=OOC] I am assuming we have a rough estimate of where we need to go? [/sblock]


First Post
Your first steps onto the soil of Felucia make it clear that this planet is truly alive. Massive mushrooms tower overhead, their overhanging edges creating a canopy that blocks out much of the planet’s sunlight. Every step on Felucian soil turns up insects and other fungi just beneath the surface. The noise of the jungle is loud and alien, full of the sounds of a hundred insects and animals moving through the mushroom swamps, all part of a living and vibrant ecosystem.

I need a survival check from everyone, please.

To answer your question, yes, you do have a general idea on which way to go


First Post
Survival (1d20+2=4) [/sblock]

Keyton pulls the hood over his head and allows his cloak to drape over his body. Other then that, he's ignorant of what is going on in the environment.
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Mack dons his helmet as he follows the Scout and Jedi out the hatch into the Felucian terrain. He has his blaster rifle at the ready and bayonet attached. The camouflaged all temperature cloak covering most of his armored body. He is glad for the filtration system built into the armor.

[sblock=OOC]Not sure what the survival check is for, but if has anything to do with fungal spores in the air, Mack is protected I hope.
Survival Check (1d20+2=5)[/sblock]

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Mir says as she dons the poncho and grabs up the rest of her gear, "Come on Sloor, it's a little walk in the woods... or shrooms here on Felucia. I do well in wilds, as I mentioned before."

"I dawn't," grouses Sloor -- though he just *knew* things were going to turn out this way. He makes a show of strapping on his newy-bought utility gloves, smoothing the wrinkles on his own camouflage poncho and even clumps his heavy boots on the floor a couple a times, anything to delay the innevitable. (Frecking planets!)

Your first steps onto the soil of Felucia make it clear that this planet is truly alive. Massive mushrooms tower overhead, their overhanging edges creating a canopy that blocks out much of the planet’s sunlight. Every step on Felucian soil turns up insects and other fungi just beneath the surface. The noise of the jungle is loud and alien, full of the sounds of a hundred insects and animals moving through the mushroom swamps, all part of a living and vibrant ecosystem.

"Well, at least there's a frecksing *roof*." Sloor glares at the first vanguard of the flying pests, locking eyes with its facetted blobs and, amazingly, intimidating it into a hasty if temporary retreat. "Tell me (1) that sawmbawdy remembered taw bring bug goop and (2) that there's a frecking *trail* taw fawllaw!"

«Intimidate followed by Survival check: 1d20+8=26, 1d20+1=3. Wow, we really suck at survival, don't we?
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Mir looks back at the grumbling Sloor and chuckles to herself and digs through a small bag and hands over a bottle and says, "A homemade batch, it smells bad, but works like a charm."

She looks out over the mushroom forest and turns back to the beaslisk, "Sorry, no trails Sloor." She pulls out a small blade and looks around at the others, "Are we ready?"

OOC: I am not sure if my first Survival check, is my check, it was a 28... if not, then Mir will take 10 for an 18 for survival

I assume we dealt with encrypting our coms?

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
“Nawt in this lifetime,” answers Sloor, mimicking her happy tone. He locks step with the humans nonetheless, heavy blaster held tight in his lower right hand.

And they are off, Mir and Keyton walking in the lead, followed by Mack and Sloor. TB ranges ahead for short stints, smoothly gliding over and under any obstacles before coming back to report.

“I am myself again! Mostly...”

«Just a suggestion on the walking order, folks. TB = Stealth 18, Perception 19.

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