Hayabusa's Dawn of Defiance: Chapter I: The Traitor's Gambit


Mir maintains the concentration of her new 'pet' and has it move into the water and move slightly after the felucians fleeing. She looks over to the one on the ground before Keyton, "TB! can you see if the Felucian is still alive? And if so, administer first aid to keep him that way?"

ooc: combat is over, I assume? And do not worry, I cannot use illusion for everything. It does cost a force point to use, after all. ;)

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Sloor grabs the struggling and frightened Felucian and knocks him out with one punch as he refuses to surrender.

Sloor tosses him away like a ragdoll, looking for his next victim. "Cawming fawr YOU, spirk!" he shouts to the one attacking Mir.

Nebten and Possum said:
I don't want to harm you.

Keyton's blade slices deeply into the side of the Felucian he's battling, causing the young scout to drop to the ground, seemingly mortally wounded.

"A man of many facets,"
comments TB, dancing above on invisible strings.

The two remaining Felucians withdraw from the fight, hoping to get away from the rancor.

"Marbling arm-less sawns awf tadpawls!" rages Sloor, pacing back and forth. "Wanted taw make us breakfast! Breakfast!" He shoots after the fleeing spirks, missing by a wide margin and not caring... "Freck, freck, FRECK! You alright, Sra?" He glances nervously the rancor's way, then quickly glances away...

<Response Mir?>

"TB! can you see if the Felucian is still alive? And if so, administer first aid to keep him that way?"

"TB, handcuffs." He snatches the silvery things out of the air and clamps then onto their newly 'surrendered' prisoner, tightening them with an unkind grin on his wide mouth. "Figure he knaws the place pretty frecksing well, right Mack man?"

«TB can heal anybody that wants to. 9 HP without using a medpac, 11 if you want to use one (you cannot be helped by First Aid again in the next 24h in either case).

EDIT= On Sloors gestures, TB *will* check Keyton's victim, but only after everybody else has ha d a chance at his services.
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As soon as Mir is sure that the felucians have fled, she drops her concentration. She looks visibly taxed for her efforts and she takes a moment to regain her composure as the gargantuan rancor evaporates into the air as if it had never been.

Mir nods to Sloor, and eyes TB looking after others before the felucian that Keyton had taken down and she looks to Sloor and states in a calm voice filled with fatigue, "You do know that we are the invaders here, not them. While the option of a more diplomatic approach was open, I am sure they are used to a more Imperial welcome and have acted accordingly." Mir takes up one of her own medpacs and continues, "Yes we had the right to defend ourselves too. I will at least see to see if this creature is still alive."

Mir takes a deep breath and moves to the felucian and attempts to check its current state before she tries to treat it. (Treat Injury 1d20+3=6 )

ooc: Mir is merely trying to explain, not lecture. And she will take TB's TI after the felucian is seen too. (gotta see if he's even alive first)


<<Likewise wondering if Withdraw meant a Move Action to disengage or just fled and gone.>>

Mack stands ready to fire again if the natives continue to be restless., scanning the swamp. On hearing Sloor talk to him, as usual Mack is a little distracted to completely understand on-tactical conversations right after battle and doesn't even look to see what exactly the besalisk is talking about, "His nose? I didn't see any noses, but that blow of yours probably smashed his in anyway. Maybe he is from around here and can tell us something, eh?"

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First Post
Mir checks over the Felucian's prone form and thinks that he's likely too far gone to even try to treat (AKA, your low TI score made you completely fail at triage this time.)

"I do believe that you have made a mistake," TB says as he looks over the cut prisoner. The droid explains that the Felucian is not at all too far gone.

As the illusion vanishes, the remaining natives, standing far away from the group look at the area and themselves with confusion. They seem to tense up before a voice calls out from the wilderness to the west. A voice speaking Basic. "Wait, wait, Peace!" the human cries out as he runs into the water, racing for the space between you and the conscious Felucians. He says something in a guttural language, likely repeating the same phrase in their native language. He appears to be middle aged, with a scarred face and stringy graying hair.


Mir nods to TB and listens to the instruction of what she missed. (yeah, sucky roll) She looks up as a human races towards the group. She lets the others deal with him as she plays nurse to TB.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Mir nods to Sloor, and eyes TB looking after others before the felucian that Keyton had taken down and she looks to Sloor and states in a calm voice filled with fatigue, "You do know that we are the invaders here, not them. While the option of a more diplomatic approach was open, I am sure they are used to a more Imperial welcome and have acted accordingly."

"It's *awer* grawnd naw, Sra," contradict the big alien matter-of-factly. He's still gripping his gun and seems ready to use it too.

"His nose? I didn't see any noses, but that blow of yours probably smashed his in anyway. Maybe he is from around here and can tell us something, eh?"

"Naw why didn't I think awf-" begins the besalisk, friendly sarcasm set on high, but just then...

"Wait, wait, Peace!" the human cries out as he runs into the water, racing for the space between you and the conscious Felucians. He says something in a guttural language, likely repeating the same phrase in their native language. He appears to be middle aged, with a scarred face and stringy graying hair.

"Aw, a peace-talker. Let me handle this." Sloor slings his captive cross-body and strides forth. Stopping 2 meters away from grey guy, he quite deliberately holsters his blaster before he begins. "These spirks attacked us withawt prawvawcatian. We want reparatians, peace man, and we want it NAW!" is his opening statement, complete with strong gestures and a steady glare at the tentacled survivors on the other side of the clearing.

EDIT= Songdragon, please roll Help Another on TI and calc the HPs granted to your wounded attacker. As requested, and behind Sloor's back, I might add ;), TB will do the main job with a Take 10.
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First Post
"Please forgive them," the man says as Sloor approaches them. "They are both young and foolish. No doubt that they mistook you for Imperials due to the majority of you being human. Sadly, after all that has been happening, the feeling that human equals Imperial save for those you can trust; it seems to prevalent among the youth.

I must know, however, there's not a lot of humans on this planet, other than myself and the Imperials. Why have you come to this planet?"


First Post
There is regret in Keytons eyes after seeing how easily the Felucian fell. He doesn't get in the way of TB or Mir as they try to stabilize the youngster.

Keyton turns off his lightsaber and clips it back to his belt as he goes to stand beside Sloor.

I hope they forgive us, we were only defending ourselves. The vegitation in this area is already deadly, so we assumed its inhabitants are equally so.

As to your question, as of now I will say that we are not Imperials nor do we wish any further harm to your 'friends.' But I must ask a similar question in return, who are you and what are you doing here? Since you speak the natives language, I can percieve that you've been here for some time.

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