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Hayabusa's Dawn of Defiance: Chapter II: A Wretched Hive


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[sblock=Tactical Map]

As you take your positions, you can see Zayda and his team walking down the stairs of the arena before the grates slam home with a loud clang. "Are you sure about this, guys?" Raden asks you all as he gets a glimpse of the three Gamorrean brothers walking to take their positions. Even blunted, their large blades look deadly, mainly due to the size. In the belt of everyone, however, is the blade that Darga has provided.

The Hutt himself moves his repulsor dais to the balcony overlooking the arena.

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Mack Granger, Human Male Soldier

Mack grins unseen behind his helmet, but the tone of his voice helps indicate his expression, "Not to worry. We got this, mate."

The soldier is confident like he has gonads the size of Death Stars.

[sblock=Mini Stats]DP: 3 (Rescue) FP: 6
Init: +8 Perception: +9
HP: 47 (16 Threshold) Current: 47 CT: 0
Reflex: 20 (18ff) Fort: 16 Will: 14

Weapon in Hand: Blaster Rifle

Attack Options: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Battle Analysis, Cover Fire, Running Attack, Quick Draw[/sblock]___________________________________

Mack Granger


Mir nods to Sloor as she checks over the weapon that has replaced her heavy blaster pistol. She nods over to the others... "Lets get this thing done."

Sh looks up at the hutt looking down on them nad nods in a respectful way. And as long as she has gotten the okay form the others she calls up, in huttese "Distinguished Darga we are ready and await your pleasure." She almost shudders at the last comment.

[sblock=Mir's Mini-Stats]Scout 2/ Scoundrel 1
Initiative: +8 Perception: +8
Conditions: none
Reflex: 17 Frotitude: 15 Will: 16
Hit Points: 29 of 36 Threshold: 15
In Hand: n/a
Force Points: 5 Destiny Points: 3
Force Powers: Cloak, Mind Trick, Mind Shard, Negate Energy, Force Blast, Rebuke, Vital Transfer
Force Talents: Illusion, Force Harmony[/sblock]

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
OOC: Ninja'd! Still works though, I think.
As the besalisk picks her up Mir lets out a gasp of surprise. She is even more surprised that he is giving her a kiss on the cheek. Confused and not liking being off her feet, "Ahhh... Sloor. Please put me down. I hope you have not gotten yourself all intoxicated, just before a battle."
"Hm?" Sloor grins crookedly, stretching his neck back so he can more easily focus on her face (he's *still* effortlessly holding her off the ground, one arm crosswise below her sitting thighs, the other supporting her back), "*I* ain't the awne suddenly talking strange, if that's what's you're asking... But I *have* been drinking," he chuckles - it's not like she wasn't there for most of it. A twinkle in his brown eyes, a slowly spreading smile, like a pointed challenge: "Are you saying I can't hawld my liquawr, Sra?"

[In the Arena]
"Are you sure about this, guys?" Raden asks you all as he gets a glimpse of the three Gamorrean brothers walking to take their positions.
"We could always shoot you now," rhetorically offers TB, always helpful in these sorts of situation. It distractedly adjusts the unfamiliar energy shield while busily cramming all available memory with ballistic programs and emergency protocols.

The Hutt himself moves his repulsor dais to the balcony overlooking the arena.
Sloor looks left... looks right... Raises a fist: "Crimsan Fists ready, Lawrd!"

OOC: Possum, I'm guessing the un-numbered one in the middle is Zayda and the un-numbered one to the north is the Demolition Droid?
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Mir looks at the besalisk, "I am sure you can my friend. You are just acting, differently."The woman shrugs, "Well, let us get this on then."

((Good to go here))

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
The big alien shrugs, avoiding eye contact now that she failed to meet his challenge -- even... disappointed, maybe? "You were as well, Sra, earlier... Frekking *swear* you seemed taw be having FUN!" he chuckles while raising his upper right hand in the classic I-ain't-Reekshitting-you gesture and gently poking her below the plexus with the lower.

<Response Mir?>

Sloor lowers her down fairly gently, but nowhere near break-as-soon-as-you-look-at-her gently, her legs unfolding until her booted feet thump firmly on Darga's dusty mosaic tiles. "Meant the bit abawt the gawd jawb," he whispers, one hand lingering on her shoulder before he straightens to his full height and looks away towards the rest of the group: "Right! Any awther business?"

[sblock=OOC]I think I mentionned this before way back when, but just in case: when I put-in <Response> tags, I want it to mean that Sloor (or TB) is indicating by eye contact, body language, tone, pause, ect that he's expecting a response from that person at that point in time. It SHOULDN'T be interpreted as "nobody else can speak up, react or comment there". The tag is just what my character is expecting to happen, and we all know how the world has a way of throwing surprises our way (part of the fun of human-participation games, don't you know). :D

All this to say: I hope you guys didn't feel you *couldn't* have put your two cents into the Mir-Sloor dialogue if you wanted to (and it's technically not too late for a last jab either ;)).

Peace out,
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"Me have fun... never..." she says with a pretend serious look... and whispers, "Don't let that get out now. Or I will beat you into pulp." Mir smiles and looks to the task at hand.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
[In the arena]
"Zayda to the left; drawid in the middle," gestures Sloor so only his side can see and hear. He tightens his grip on blaster and mace and peers around their rock one last time: this is IT!

OOC: Location info from a PM with Possum.
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