Hayabusa's Dawn of Defiance: Chapter II: A Wretched Hive

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Deal! Cawme an, you can daw the finger thing if you dan't think you can take him straight an, Darius man." The many-armed one grins and silently chuckles at the same time, enjoying this a bit *too* much in the jedi's considered opinion: "*I* believe in you."

<Response Darius, any other takers?>

OOC: He means the Lightsaber, Thermal Detonator, Sith Lord thing, by the way.

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Mack Granger, Human Male Soldier

Mack joins in the merriment and pressure to get Darius to go for it, "Yeah, you can do it, mate." Taking a bottle he starts refilling the glasses of the three guards. He conveniently forgets Darius's glass intentially putting himself in between their line of sight and the Jedi's glass.

[sblock=Mini Stats]DP: 4 (Rescue) FP: 7
Init: +10 Perception: +10
HP: 55 (17 Threshold) Current: 55 CT: 0
Reflex: 21 (18ff) Fort: 17 Will: 15

Weapon in Hand: Blaster rifle (single shot/stun)

Attack Options: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Battle Analysis, Cover Fire, Running Attack, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot[/sblock]___________________________________

Mack Granger

Dr Simon

"Okay, okay," says Darius. "But lets keep the game of skill, right?" He holds out his fist to start the rock/paper/scissors game. "Show on three, gentlemen."

Use The Force to gain advantage in lightsaber/sthermal detonator/siithlord.

Add 2 to the final roll for 11. Woo, Darius is Captain Lame tonight.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Hey, we've all gawt taw make little sacrifices fawr the cawse," laughs Sloor as he shifts to the side so the two contestants can face each other fully across the desk. He somehow finds himself on the Weequay side of things and so goes to refill their mugs, finds out they're already full and goes for a hard-clinking toast with them instead: "Taw easy mayney, spirks!" He drains his own glass with them, no trickery involved at all, slams it back down, "Haaaa!"

OOC: So if I got that right, we roll a +4 attack vs Fort defense (-2 for Sloor and Mack), making it 1d20+4=14. Whoa! A bare success for Sloor. No effect.

Took the liberty of rolling for Guards 2 and 3: 1d20+4=7, 1d20+4=7. No effects either... Maybe a cumulative malus for each drink taken, Possum?

I make it 4/20 alchohol ammo used.
"You sure you dan't want in an the actian?" he companionably prompts as the two adversarie start loudly counting up to three. "Dan't think Three Tops can take the mighty Darius dawn, uh?"

<Response guards 2 and 3 (Burn Scar and Piercings?)>


First Post
OOC: Okay, since I'm slightly making this combat/skill challenge up as I go along, how about a +1 on the attack for every two drinks consumed?


Mack Granger, Human Male Soldier

Mack pulls out some credits to show his support for the gambling, "Count me in. Where is your sense of adventure, fellas? Ante up."

[sblock=Mini Stats]DP: 4 (Rescue) FP: 7
Init: +10 Perception: +10
HP: 55 (17 Threshold) Current: 55 CT: 0
Reflex: 21 (18ff) Fort: 17 Will: 15

Weapon in Hand: Blaster rifle (single shot/stun)

Attack Options: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Battle Analysis, Cover Fire, Running Attack, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot[/sblock]___________________________________

Mack Granger

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Alright, saw awn the cawnt awf three, right?" reminds Sloor, raising his glass high: "THREE!"

For a moment there it looks like Darius and Three Tops are both going for Thermal detonator, but somehow, in the blink of an eye, the Jedi comes up...

Three Tops LDS roll: 1d20=9, vs Darius' 11...

"Saber slices Detonator!" roars Sloor as he triumphantly hammers the desk with two fists. "Drink up Three Tops man... And Frek if I'm nawt feeling lucky: Ten creds on the next hand!" Grining wide, he slides the main pot to the side of the desk, drops ten clinking creds into the guardroom's Caffa pot (after throwing out the dregs and placing it center stage, of course), and downs his own glass to keep up with everybody - wouldn't want to be seem to be left out, now would we? All at the same time and all fairly steadily too.

Alcohol attacks Sloor's 1d20+4=11. No effects, but Alcohol is at +5 next turn.

Alcohol attacks Three Tops 1d20+4=11. No Effects, but Alcohol is at +5 next turn.

"Cawme awn, Sra: Darius is awn a rawll here!"

<Response Mir?>

[sblock=Round #2: Three Tops LDS roll (don't peak beforehand, now :)] 1d20=6.[/sblock]
OOC: So what does that give us, Possum? I'm thinking One strikes vs Three Tops and maybe one vs Guard 3 from the general drinking?
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The woman looks to the one guards who commented... "Cheating? I did not think that was possible when having a good time. Slow and steady... enjoy... and not get slammed all at once and looe your senses."

Mir takes a few more sips of the tamest stuff that Mack came up with and waves her hand at Sloor, "Oh no... I'll watch you boys in this one. Someone has to have some wits about them to drag the lot of you back to our rooms after this."

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