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Hayabusa's Dawn of Defiance: Chapter II: A Wretched Hive

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"That seemed like a frecking lawt awf wards taw say... Awh." Knew it! Frekking knew it had to be slaves! (As for the Tibanna business... Guess you had to be careful of your client's reputation when you're dealing with public figures...? Frek if he cares.) To Darga, booted foot back on the edge of the dais: "Right, saw tibanna and awrganics: haw can the Crimsan Fists help?" And what will it pay, asks the accompanying predatory grin. A sudden thought: "They haven't gawt prawblems with the frecsing quality of the merchandise too, have they?"

<Response Darga?>

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A sudden thought: "They haven't gawt prawblems with the frecsing quality of the merchandise too, have they?"

<Response Darga?>

Demos gives a quick glance to Darga, and the Hutt gives a slow nod. "The slaves that we sold to the Iron Ring have been a bit 'under the weather'," The majordomo states while looking at you all with a slight apologetic look. "We buy them wholesale from the Empire and they come in that condition. They've been trying to pay us in slaves and credits, yet we are reluctant to do so--at least in the numbers that we have been."


Mack Granger, Human Male Soldier

Mack glances at the traitorous Demos and eyes him with some scrutiny, "So the deal is not so good, eh?"

The soldier follows the conversation as best he can, but he mostly keeps his tongue silent, lest he blurt something about slavery that will upset the Hutt.

Perception (1d20+8=18)

[sblock=Mini Stats]DP: 4 (Rescue) FP: 6
Init: +10 Perception: +10(+8 without Helmet)
HP: 55 (17 Threshold) Current: 55 CT: 0
Reflex: 21 (18ff) Fort: 17 Will: 15

Weapon in Hand: Blaster rifle (single shot/stun)

Attack Options: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Battle Analysis, Cover Fire, Running Attack, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot[/sblock]___________________________________

Mack Granger

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"We buy them wholesale from the Empire and they come in that condition. They've been trying to pay us in slaves and credits, yet we are reluctant to do so--at least in the numbers that we have been."
"Makes sense," nods Sloor, putting that piece into place. Sarlacc man, the ends of your tentacles are beginning to show! Makes you frekking want to see those slaves close-up all the more, doesn't it?

OOC: Waiting for Demos' answer to Mack's question before going on.


First Post
Mack glances at the traitorous Demos and eyes him with some scrutiny, "So the deal is not so good, eh?"

The soldier follows the conversation as best he can, but he mostly keeps his tongue silent, lest he blurt something about slavery that will upset the Hutt.

Perception (1d20+8=18)

[sblock=Mini Stats]DP: 4 (Rescue) FP: 6
Init: +10 Perception: +10(+8 without Helmet)
HP: 55 (17 Threshold) Current: 55 CT: 0
Reflex: 21 (18ff) Fort: 17 Will: 15

Weapon in Hand: Blaster rifle (single shot/stun)

Attack Options: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Battle Analysis, Cover Fire, Running Attack, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot[/sblock]___________________________________

Mack Granger

"No," Demos replies to Mack. "Darga would like to lower the amount of slaves that he gets from the Empire in exchange for more currency."

Dr Simon

"Most enlightened," says Darius and, lest that sounded too sarcastic he adds, "Credits are far more flexible. There's a much more limited market for, ahem, organics, particularly if the quality is poor. Are these people trading openly as representatives of the Empire?"


Mack Granger, Human Male Soldier

Mack shrugs, "Alright then, so what do we do and how much are we getting paid?"

The soldier's question appears to be directed at Sloor, but he glances at Demos for a reaction at his question. Watching the traitor for signs of deceit.

Take 10 on Perception (+8)

[sblock=Mini Stats]DP: 4 (Rescue) FP: 6
Init: +10 Perception: +10(+8 without Helmet)
HP: 55 (17 Threshold) Current: 55 CT: 0
Reflex: 21 (18ff) Fort: 17 Will: 15

Weapon in Hand: Blaster rifle (single shot/stun)

Attack Options: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Battle Analysis, Cover Fire, Running Attack, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot[/sblock]___________________________________

Mack Granger

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"There's a much more limited market for, ahem, organics, particularly if the quality is poor."
(TB beeps once to that last part, somehow airily amused.)

"Are these people trading openly as representatives of the Empire?"
"Frekking doubt it, Darius man," shrugs Sloor. "Nawt too gawd fawr their image, I'd think... Maybe if it wasn't humans, and even then... But you're right: awr nawble emplawyer is prawviding a frecsing *service* taw them by accepting this kind awf payment -- a service they wan't get elsewhere. That gives us sawme frekking leverage." A pause for some serious thinking (and it would help some if he could frekking figure out if boosting the slave trade's a good thing or not, mission-wise, or if they should be trying to quietly punch holes in that habitat instead... Track them back to the Sarlacc maybe?).

"Are we making *any* creds awn the awrganic side?" he finally asks Demos. ""Seems taw me that if we are, we just want the awther side taw drawp their awrganics-taw-creds exchange rate way, *way* dawn, Nawble Awne. Would amawst be wawrth it taw have awne awf thawse Iran Leagers with us taw testify awn the crappiness awf the merchandise... Dan't suppawse anybawdy recawrded that meeting? We could present *that*." Raised brow-ridges for all those around.

<Response Demos and/or Darga?>

Mack shrugs, "Alright then, so what do we do and how much are we getting paid?"
Sloor grins, glad somebody brought it up! He half-addresses Mack and the Hutt at the same time: "Awer nawble emplawyer hasn't said yet, Mack man. But I figure we'll be there as the hard-ball consulting team when he's nawt talking taw the delegates and cawver security when he is. As fawr payment," And here he turns fully towards their employer's languid form, a slow predatory grin progressively stretching his scoundrelly features: "haw abawt a 1% participation in the profits if negawtiatians pan out, awh mawst fair awf beings? It builds lawyalty." The grin stays on full.

<Response Darga?>
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Demos only looks to Darga when Mack mentions payment. The large Hutt laughs as Sloor brings it up as well. "A flat fee," he says, parroted in basic by the translator droid. "15,000 Imperial credits."

Demos returns to the previous questions. "They operate openly to us," he says, "but the general public does not know. Or would really care when it comes to the non-humans," he adds. "We are seen as an unfortunate necessity to the Empire, I believe. That or their anti-alien policies are simply illusion for the public still reeling from the Clone Wars."
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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
The large Hutt laughs as Sloor brings it up as well. "A flat fee," he says, parroted in basic by the translator droid. "15,000 Imperial credits."
The besalisk spreads his arms and dips his head in grinning acknowledgement: had to give it a shot! "20,000 and we've gawt a deal, awh crafty awne. It's a nice rawnd number, easy taw divide and all that gawd stuff..." Right?

<Response Darga?>

"We are seen as an unfortunate necessity to the Empire, I believe. That or their anti-alien policies are simply illusion for the public still reeling from the Clone Wars."
"Frekking cawrer pawlitics," agrees Sloor. "Thank frek we're far enawgh from there taw see it from afar." Almost enough to make an Ojom boy miss the relative quiet of the Deep Core... "But what abawt that prawfit margin, Demaws man? *Could* we still make a prawfit frawm the awrganic side? *If* we can make them live lang enawgh taw get taw market, that is."

<Response Demos?>

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