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High Law and Low Justice, Part 5


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"Tommy. He's a T'tlain. Keeps the ship vermin free and keeps me company." He grins."Ah yes. Why exactly are we going to the spitball full of scientists again?"

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"A matter of old, old business. Well it seems a long time ago, even if it was only a few months back - but a lot has happened since then and I've got a lot greyer even if no one else has*. Back before the Dvonn incident we were a bunch of random space bums waiting for the next ship out of Daraamm. Myself, Ktarle, Saanath, Trelene and a couple of the others Tomas, Quinn - wherever he is now - and poor Zaed."

"Anyway, there was a disposseed Aslan noble there working as a waiter. Mostly people just called him Treth, but that was short for his real name. Treth had been dispossed of his lands in some legal difficulties and was pretty badly adjusting to human society. Saanath and Ktarle helped him out but a couple of cops came to arrest him and he was shot resisting arrest in highly dubious circumstances. In fact it was all fairly dubious."

"However, we left planet the same day and couldn't follow it up. After the Dvonn business was done Ktarle did a little digging and a couple of interesting snippets turned up."

"One. There was a trace organism in Treth's blood that was exactly the same as the hitherto unknown oxygen consuming one that killed so many people on the Dvonn."

"Two. There is no record of any Aslan ever owning Bleue Mer and the only record of any title is to Pharmacorp."

"Now it might be idle curiousity on our part, or a dislike of loose ends or a desire to see justice done or mere casual vigilantism, but we are awfully keen to have a look around Bleue Mer because it's quite likely we'll find some answers there."

He fixes Tess, "We are travelling with a vet and an animal handler, both Pharmacorp employees so please keep stum around them."


For the full story, see here:

Ktarle's investigations can be found further down this thread

* Saanath: Ruzz'koff is exactly the same shade now as he was then


Saanath has worked out, somewhat to his suprise, that the best speculative cargo to take to Missarge is 14 tons of statues. Apparently the Development Corporation are seeking to give the place some gravitas. It's highly unlikely that you will lose money on the deal unless you dawdle on the way, but you will need to get hold of 500,000 cr to buy the stuff.


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"500K? Hmm. I bought in for 200K, gave 50K for speculative trading, still got another 50K on my account. That's 250 for the crew and 50 for me. We still need another 200 K." Gwydion sighs.


ic - HLLJ

Saanath shrugs.

"We could borrow the money. Worst case, we should make back what we outlayed. But the down side is that we will probably miss our departure slot as it will take a while to organise that sort of finance. Then we have to arrange loading, customs clearance, etc. It could be done, but it would be a royal pain. Perhaps we should just move on. There will be other opportunities."

Saanath scrubs his head for a moment.

"I think we should just get off this rock, and get on with what we came here to do."


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Tess watches the fracas then says, "I have about eighty thousand I can put in...if you guys are reasonably sure it'll make a return, of course." She grins.



"I'm reasonably sure we won't make a loss. But we are talking speculative trade here. There is no such thing as a sure thing."


Ruzz'koff looks around the silent table, "Looks like no one has anything to say. That makes it your call Saanath, you are the trading expert here."
"I'll admit a part of me is wondering how we will make the payments on this tub without a little risk along the way and a look at the figures makes me think this is as little a risk as we'll ever see. Another part of me thinks that we may not be welcome if we turn up anything in Bleu Mer and that a a cargo of objet's d'art is not what I want to have in my hold if people starting shooting at us."

"I can arrange a private line of credit off my own back if money is a problem."


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"Oh no...I didn't mean..."

Tess rolls her eyes good naturedly, smiling...

"I didn't mean no risk. Nothing worthwhile ever came from no risk. The return thing...it was kind of a stab at a joke. They, uh, don't teach comedy in the Scouts though. Guess I should stick to my day job."

"Anyway, if you need money, I'll kick in what I can."


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"If you think we can at least break even, I'd say let's do it. I've faced worse odds. And what the hell am I going to do with all that money anyway. I'd just blow it on drinks and games."

Voidrunner's Codex

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