• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Hitting the high seas

I'll have mine up before friday.
Did you want us to email you a character sheet. I don't really have a computer, but I could send you all of my basic stats (skills, feats, ability scores, etc.)

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As long as you and I can iron out the few things with my character i should have the background posted by the end of today or early tomarrow.


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I think I can write out a shorter version of my character's background tomorrow night. It should at least cover what he's done to have stories told about him, but it's far from the completed product I envision. I can probably throw together a quick character sheet too (I had one done already, but lost it).


Sounds like you guys are willing to play. So here is what we will do. Pretty much the only other time I can assure I can look at backgrounds & character sheets before we play is Thursday night after work. For everyone that has their background up and their character sheet to me, I will review. Hopefully there won't need to be any changes, because I won't be able to review them Friday. For Friday night, everyone that has a final, approved PC we will kick off the adventure. Everyone else is welcome to show up and work on your character while we play if you want.

Does that work for everyone?


Oh, be sure to break out your level-by-level advancement. If everyone doesn't come up with good story backgrounds, we will be starting at 4th level. That way, everyone has the opportunity to get to story level before taking exp penalties for displeasing the Lady.


First Post
Character sent via email. Could be some mistakes, I'm running on fairly little sleep (about to go sleep for a beautiful few hours and make up for that), but it should get the idea across.


Aside from deciding on a final feat, Macbeth is ready to go for tomorrow night. I know Kultar has a PC in, but I haven't seen a background yet. Hopefully by tonight?


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BardStephenFox said:
Aside from deciding on a final feat, Macbeth is ready to go for tomorrow night. I know Kultar has a PC in, but I haven't seen a background yet. Hopefully by tonight?
Does that mean Loa's Grace is a useable feat? If that hasn't been decided (or if it's not useable) I actually need 2. I'll figure those out sometime tonight, hopefully.


First Post
Got my background in but not my Charcater sheet. I'll have to do that and send it tomarrow morning OR, bring it in if thats ok. thanks

Voidrunner's Codex

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