HM's Skull & Shackles AP


While traveling to and from the pantry to get supplies, Reiko notices Nightstorm watching her. She approaches him.

"It is absurd that you seek to fight," Reiko replies. "Though perhaps sparring for sport could be a reasonable way to pass the time and I wonder if we might earn some money doing this. These idiots would kill for some good entertainment and I know that we could provide some."

Smiling and shrugging his shoulders, Nightstorm whispers, " Absurd, necessary to improve our skills and keep our edge, same difference. " Leaning back just a little, he continues, " If we can train and make money, why then my good fortune is but increased. We will just have to find who is best to broach the subject with. "

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OOC: Swabbing the deck wouldn't fall under seamanship? Regardless day: diilligently work. Night action attempt to befriend fellow priestess. So either
+6 or +11 to roll.


Thy wounds are healed!
After talking to Nightstorm, Reiko heads back to the kitchen with the supplies she was sent for. Fishguts is on his feet this time and stirring a big kettle.

When Reiko enters the chicken on his shoulder ruffles it's feathers at her and Fishgut takes a swig of the rum bottle in his other hand. "Puts it all on the table and gets to chopping. Needs to have this batch ready by supper."


He takes another swig and starts to hum to himself as he stirs.

As Reiko chops a thin, green skin female half-orc comes into the kitchen a huge axe in hand.

"Hey Fishguts! I nicked my axe do you still have the whetstone you... Oh sorry. You must be one of the new sailors. Are you a sailor? You don't look like any sailor I've seen."

"Dat's me mate. Cut-Throat." Fishgut says swaying a bit. "What are you yelling on about?"

"If she's your mate then I'm a miss-colored gnome. Oh MATE, the new cook's mate. What's her name?"

Fishguts looks a bit confused by the question. "Why?"

"Well if you chop her up and put her in a stew like your last mate," she says with a wink to Reiko. "Then we need to know what to call it."

"I'm Cut-Throat Grok," the half-orc says by way of introduction. "The quartermaster."

[sblock=Job]Cooking - Since Fishguts is drunk you need to make a check to help with the days meals. Need a DC 10 Profession(cook) or Intelligence check.[/sblock]


  • Fishguts.jpg
    39.9 KB · Views: 85
  • Cut-Throat.jpg
    37.4 KB · Views: 84

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
[sblock=OOC] Mr. Plugg will go to each of you and ask you if you can cook. Please RP your responds and roll any of the following checks if you want the job...

Bluff - to lie that your an excellent cook
Intimidate - to get the job regardless
Diplomacy - to talk yourself into getting the job although you don't know the slightest thing about cooking

In addition a DC 0 Sense Motive tells you that he disparately wants some quiaflid to fill the job, but will take what he can get.

Mowgli you may try and talk to one of the four NPC's if you wish. Two humans (one male, one female) a female halfling, and a male gnome.[/sblock]

[sblock=OOC]Sorry, HM - late to the party . . .[/sblock]

Kolto leans down - but not too close - to the halfling and speaks quietly. "I'm Kolto. You get press ganged as well, or are you here by choice?"

[sblock=OOC]I'm open to playing this out, or to skipping to the juicy parts. In essence, Kolto's just trying to make an acquaintance - maybe a friend - on the boat. If there's time, he'll mention his dislike of being forced to do the bidding of others, bemoan the loss of his beloved blade, and generally indulge in the griping that is common to "common laborers."

For the first day, he'll attempt to influence the Halfling along with his line work: Diplomacy (1d20=17), Profession (Sailor) (1d20+4=22), Constitution (1d20=12)

I kind of want to wait and see the results of his day rolls before I decide how he'll spend his time in the evening.[/sblock]
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First Post
Kalir doesn't like hard work. In fact he has spent most of his short life trying to avoid it. So the prospects of having to swab the decks does not please him. Fortunately he has his magic. Kalir spends the day industrially pretending to mop and scrub, while his magic does the actual cleaning.

Whenever he thinks he can get away with it, Kalir chats with Sandara. She has already show some kindness to him, so he tries to build on it and form a friendship.

Despite the help of his magic Kalir is feeling tired at the end of his shift, so he spends the early part of the evening simply sitting and listening to Tara. Once she is finished he will tell an exaggerated tail of the empire of Ghol-Gan and the treasures that are laying around the Shackles just waiting for enterprising treasure hunters.
[sblock=OOC]1. Repeatedly cast Prestidigitation. Do I still have to make a CON check, or do I need something else to handle the continual concentration.

2 - Day Task: Trying to Influence Sandara. I assume this is a Diplomacy check (+3) +1 Archaeologist’s Luck bonus.

3. - Evening Task: Entertain Perform (untrained) (+3) +1 Archaeologist’s Luck bonus[/sblock]
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As Reiko chops a thin, green skin female half-orc comes into the kitchen a huge axe in hand.

"Hey Fishguts! I nicked my axe do you still have the whetstone you... Oh sorry. You must be one of the new sailors. Are you a sailor? You don't look like any sailor I've seen."

"Dat's me mate. Cut-Throat." Fishgut says swaying a bit. "What are you yelling on about?"

"If she's your mate then I'm a miss-colored gnome. Oh MATE, the new cook's mate. What's her name?"

Fishguts looks a bit confused by the question. "Why?"

"Well if you chop her up and put her in a stew like your last mate," she says with a wink to Reiko. "Then we need to know what to call it."

"I'm Cut-Throat Grok," the half-orc says by way of introduction. "The quartermaster."

[sblock=Job]Cooking - Since Fishguts is drunk you need to make a check to help with the days meals. Need a DC 10 Profession(cook) or Intelligence check.[/sblock]

"Ah, the quartermaster," Reiko replies. "I must admit that I wouldn't have expected one of your... lineage... to be entrusted with such an important role. But I suppose these pirates must make do with whomever survives the rigors of a seaborne life."

"I am Reiko, often known, in certain ports of call, as the White Lotus."

"I'll have you know that no one - least of all this drunken lout - is chopping me up and putting me in a stew."

OOC: Since Reiko isn't trained in Profession - Cook, I'll roll an Int check (+4 for "Working Dilligently").


First Post
Tara keeps her rising temper to herself for the moment. This wasn't what she'd intended, or imagined, but it was what happened and she'd make it work. One way or another. During the day she works, but she pays attention too...she watches the crew as best she can, trying to associate some names with some faces. Trying to figure out which were potentially more sympathetic than the others; which might...with cultivation...make allies.

That night her arms were stiff and her back sore, and she wanted nothing more than to sleep...but she made a point instead of giving a bit of an impromptu show. Her voice was untrained, but quite pleasant to listen to...and while the melancholy air she sang while standing at the prow would not have won her high marks in an inn against professionals, it was not an embarrassment for a sailor on a ship of cutthroats and ruffians.
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Once he is done with the day's work, Lightning will relax and start to take stock of his fellow voluntolds, making sure to compliment the new cook's mate in particular on her efforts to make the food edible under less than ideal circumstances. He'll spend the evening engaging in, or at least watching, the activities of his fellow conscripts.


Having finished his conversation with the Tian woman, Nightstom realizes that he never asked her name. No matter. He returns to his work cleaning the ship.

That night, Nightstorm looks for what sort of games these pirates play when they are off duty. Hopefully he can ascertain who runs things around here, as gambling always goes hand in hand with fighting. In time, the night will be his for exploring the ship, but Nightstorm figures that for the first few nights it would perhaps be wiser not to press his luck.


Jaakali was no stranger to scrubbing the deck, he didn't like it but he had done his fair share. This was now an unfair share. Still he set to work and scrubbed with seeming dedication. He started near the stern castle and scrubbed. Though at times it looked like he took a little too long to get new water.

OOC: Day action: scrub and sneak. Trying to get a peek where he can and get the lay out etc.

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