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Hoard of the Dragon Queen - Prologue

Brother Dave

First Post
Rolen is curious about this boy Renestrae is looking for and the promise that she apparently made to him, but it seems like asking would be too personal, which makes him uncomfortable, so he just nods with a puzzled look on his face.

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Jimmy Disco T

First Post
"Tim... oh, Wirt's kid?, yeah, he's around here somewhere..." says the disinterested bartender.

Renestrae hears an excited voice behind her. "Miss, you're back! Did you find the guh-nolls?" asks Timi, as he hobbles over to you.


"Hi Tim! How's the leg healing?" she says as she musses the boy's hair. "Remember I told you I'd bring you something?" Renestrae opens her hand and lets the gnoll's tooth fall to the end of the leather cord she's managed to attach it to. "Yes, we found the gnolls. And they won't be scaring you anymore. Take this, and it'll show everyone you're not scared anymore."


Erevan cautiously approaches Tim and kneels so he can see him straight on. 'You did good, Tim Wyrt. I know it's not always easy to do the right thing for the right reason but, because of what you told my friend over there, we we able to find Liric and that might have saved his life. You keep doing the right thing.'
Then Erevan will hand him a gold crown, 'while we were helping Liric, we found some coins. This is one of them and, as far as I'm concerned, you've earned it.'
Turning to Rolen, 'There is definitely something afoot and I intend to try and find out what. I'll go with you Rolen.'

Brother Dave

First Post
Noting the boy's limp and the comments concerning his leg, Rolen kneels down in front of the boy next to Erevan. "Um...Thank you, Erevan. You as well, Renestrae. It...I...it will be good to have friends with me." He blushes and looks away, embarrassed.

After a moment, he gathers himself and turns to face Tim. "So...you are the famous Tim Wyrt? My name is Rolen. Um..Galanodel. That means 'Moonwhisper' in Elvish. I am...it...It is an honor to meet you." He points to the boy's leg. "Um...your leg...how...does it hurt much? Do you mind if I examine it? I am a healer - well, really I'm more of a scholar...I study dragons...but my Goddess, Sehanine Moonbow...sometimes She grants me that power...to help others...." He trails off, then looks him in the eyes. "I'm...I'm sorry, I'm not very good with people. Scrolls and books are much easier. But I may be able to help with the pain in your leg. May I?"

If Tim allows Rolen to examine his leg and it looks like a spell will help, Rolen will lay his hands on the wound and cast Cure Wounds on Tim (1d8+3=6)
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Jimmy Disco T

First Post
"Wow, thanks miss... and mister" he says gratefully, slipping the tooth necklace over his head and pocketing the coin.

"Nice to meet you Rolen Um Galandonel" he says as the elven scholar kneels in front of him. Magic flows from his hands into the injured leg, and a few of the bar patrons turn around and raise their eyebrows, perhaps not used to seeing such displays of magic in this tiny village. Timi screws up his face and closes his eyes...

"Hey... it don't hurt no more. Thanks!"
He throws his stick aside and jumps up and down enthusiastically. "Pa! Pa! This nice elf mended my leg!"

A thin and gaunt looking man walks slowly over. "Hmph. Wonderful. And how much do we now owe you?" he says angrily to Rolen. "You should have said no, boy! We've got no coin for this!"

Brother Dave

First Post
Rolen recoils backwards, shocked by the man's anger. "I..I...I'm sorry. Of course I...I should have asked the boy's parents first. M..m...my apologies." He struggles to find the right words. "The b..boy was very b..brave, and p..performed a s..service to his community by reporting the presence of the gnolls." This last he inferred from the things Erevan and Renestrae had said, and he glances to them for confirmation before turning his unsteady gaze back to the man. "I merely asked my Goddess to bless him with Her healing touch. It s..seemed the l..least I c..co...could...."

Rolen stops in frustration at his inability to articulate his thoughts. Just being around this many people, all staring at him, has his mind in a jumble. He would like nothing better than to run from it all and find a quiet place to meditate. Not for the first time, and probably not the last, he wishes he could be transported back to his quiet cell in the hermitage and the calming presence of his books. Knowing that is not an option, he struggles to maintain his composure, seeking inner peace in the teachings of his Goddess.

Finally finding some measure of peace, he straightens and takes a deep breath. "I...I do not know what Gods or Goddesses you revere in this village, a..and I h..have n..no wish to cause offense. Sehanine Moonbow is an Elven Goddess, of course, so it is not likely that you worship Her here...not that there is anything wrong with your own faiths...it's just not..." Realizing he's babbling, he takes a breath and forces himself to stop. "But...but if you feel the need to render some payment, then this is what I would ask of you. On the n..next f..full moon, when She is highest in the night sky, look up into Her face and honor Her with your thanks. And the next time you encounter someone in n..n..need, remember this and give them w..what aid you can."

Unable to handle being around this many people any longer, Rolen turns abruptly and walks quickly towards the woods at the edge of the village, seeking a few moments of solitude.


Robert Weaving

Hearing Tim's father's angry words, he walks up to the small group and says : "Your child has been quite helpful regarding our group's excursion in the woods. We will consider it sufficient payment for easing your boy's suffering."

The last few words were followed with a stern look.

Jimmy Disco T

First Post
Timi's father glares back at Robert. "Well... that's very kind of you." he says gruffly, with the tiniest sliver of gratitude in his voice, "Glad the boy's been of some help. Come on now, Timi."

The rest of the evening passes without incident. You settle down to a good night's sleep in some reasonably comfortable rooms. Rolen and Erevan's night is disturbed only by the strange, vivid dreams that have haunted them both of late... flames, acid rain, choking black fumes, and lightning storms.

Mirtul 4, DR 1373, Morning

The next morning, after breakfast, you all find yourself crammed into the back of a cart laden with sacks of turnips and other root vegetables, being driven by two loud and talkative gnomes in the direction of Greenest. The weather is good, the road well maintained and free of bumps and potholes, and the sky is clear. If it weren't for the constant arguing of the two gnomes driving the cart it might even be a pleasant ride.

Mirtul 4, DR 1373, MIdday

Around midday you stop for lunch - James and Jenna, your gnomish companions, soon have a small fire going and a pot of vegetable stew on the boil (mostly turnips).

"No rabbit? Partridge? Not even badger?"
moans James as he pokes at the simmering vegetables with a ladle. Jenna simply rolls her eyes.

[OOC: Once everyone has leveled up I'll start Chapter 1 in a new thread. So far I think Rolen and Miri have leveled up (not sure if Miri has rolled her 2nd level hit dice?). We can carry on with some roleplay in this thread to keep the momentum going until everyone's ready for chapter 1.]


Renestrae stifles a giggle at the gnome couple's banter. "I'm sure one of us has some hunting skills, if it's meat that you want. I'll lend my bow."

OOC: I haven't even attempted to level Renestrae yet. Lots of stuff going on this past week (not the least of which is the latest WoW expansion dropping. They should put a warning label on that game!) so it kinda got back-burner'd. I'll try to get it done soon though. Thanks for being patient with me.

Voidrunner's Codex

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