[Hobo's All Rogue Game] A Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy, Part I


Amaline takes a step outside the door. "If we are going to make a run for it, this is it," she says as she scans the area.

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Deuce Traveler

Feo stares at Ines in surprise, but then catches up to the others. Seeing the open field he says, "I'll take the lead." Feo's decision is both practical and selfish. He runs forward for the woods, bow drawn and looking for signs of danger.


Once A Fool
Roderick calls out to Lano, "Dolan, perhaps your...er, not-brother...should grab the catatonic lady and bring her with us."


"Also, I believe you will find Stephano is capable with a blade," (Amaline) says. "Just saying," she adds, blinking.

"Thanks. Uh ... how ...

Anyway, best to flee now, I agree"
Stephano says. He holds his crossbow at the ready as he follows.


Lano frowns at Roderick's suggestion that they carry Ines along with them.

"I think she'll just slow us down, especially if we're making a run for it. Unless you want the girl for a hostage. Even so, I don't think it would be worth it. Brick!" he calls. "Time to go."

Lano turns his attention to Feo watching to see if the man encounters any resistance in his flight towards the tree-line. When Stephano sets out Lano is right behind.

Lano's Sheet


Thy wounds are healed!
"Umm... ok. I'm coming." The big says bringing up the rear.

Once outside he frowns and gets that "thinking hard" expression on his face. Then he smiles once more a large grin from ear to ear appearing in the frowns place.

"Dis is like when we hunted rabbit, isn't it Dolan. 'member you would scare them to where I was waiting."


Lano nods, rather distracted by all the rushing about and doesn't pay much attention to Brick's comment. He answers anyway.

"Yes, exactly like that."

As the words sink in Lano frowns and glances back at his brother muttering, "Show of force in the front, driving us to the open field... Archers?"

He frowns and steps out to scan the treeline for evidence of archers or an ambush then to either side of the inn looking for armed men or a different, perhaps unexpected, escape path.

"They expect us to zig, maybe we should zag..."

Lano's Sheet

Sorry, folks. Weekends are frequently not good for me getting online. Too much stuff going on. I wish it was all fun and parties, but such is rarely the case.

Your gambit seems to have paid off for the time being. You don't see any sign of anyone waiting for you on this side of the inn at all. Inés remains on the floor where you left her, but in the evening light, you make a discreet exit for the fields behind the inn.

The vegetation is untamed and scrubby here; fairly tall reeds and weeds can reach to your head or higher, but they are only patchy--otherwise, the field is sadly more open and exposed than you'd probably wish. Anyone looking your direction from the village would almost certainly spot you. But for the time being, it appears that no one has done so.

The distance you must run across this open field to reach the cover of the woods is about 200 yards. The sun is setting behind the forest, which offers you some concealment, however--anyone trying to see you from the village will have to be looking directly into the setting sun. Of course, that also gives you a penalty to see anything that might be waiting for you in the trees as well.


Lano moves along the back of the inn to the corner where he peeks around looking for the expected armed men. If he sees no one he will study the next building over to see if there is a way to it without being seen. What he really wants is answers and he doesn't think he'll get them by running across a field that he suspects is a trap.

"We need answers and we're not going to get them running across an empty field to the dubious protection of a treeline we can barely see. We should head into town and see if we can find Vraz. He knew something was going down. If nothing else we can find a spot to hide and stow away on the Mirabel's Fanny; it's making the run to Porto Liure tomorrow."

Lano's Sheet


"We don't know how many of the villagers are in on this," says Amaline. "If we stay in the village, we could be facing thirty instead of three in short order. And in terrain we don't know as well as they do." The young woman looks like she is about ready to dart, whether anyone else is with her or not.

Split the Hoard

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