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D&D 5E Homebrewing a race: Gnomeferatu


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So, bit of a backstory behind this; I stumbled across the "Heroes of Hearthstone" tie-in for World of Warcraft fairly recently, and in particular I stumbled across the Warlock minion card "Gnomeferatu" - a vampire gnome. Now, I know that this is supposed to be a "goofier" card, but still, the race idea actually has some interesting potential to it. Gnomish Vampires, creepy little zuggers with permanent rictus grins and cursed to perpetual silence, were a thing in Ravenloft, which was also home to gnomes who had a taste for macabre humor and "gothic" trappings. Then there's the riffing on the old cliche (based on the AD&D rules) that all gnomes everywhere are illusionists; what, then, happened to gnomes who tried dabbling in necromancy?

But... I'm not sure what traits to give such a race. So, I came here in hopes that maybe I might find folks willing to talk it out and help me come to some kind of decision.

The card, for folks who want to know what set me off on this kick: https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Gnomeferatu

Kneejerk Thoughts:
The biggest problem I'm having is that gnomes have nothing really inherent to their core race; they're Small and they have Advantage on Mental saves vs. magic. That's it. So, I'm going to need to make this up from scratch, I feel.

To start with, I envision a "Gnomeferatu" race as basically a gnomish equivalent to 4e's vryloka, or the vampires of Ixalan and Zendikar from Plane Shift: they're not "true" vampires in the D&D sense, so they're much more balanced. Ideally, I want to go for the Svirfneblin route; a good, strongly thematic "base race" that isn't overpowered, but with racial feats that build on its flavor and give it stronger abilities. For example, the Ixalan Vampire has an awesome feat that lets them fly 1/encounter, so I'd definitely like an equivalent feat for Gnomeferatu. Or another example, a Spider Climb ability would be great, whether inherent or feat-locked.

Ability score wise... I don't know if +2 Int (homaging the gnome core race) or +2 Cha (representing a vampire's tendency towards more innate magic) is better, but I definitely see them as +1 Strength. After all, what's the good of having some of that vampiric muscle if the stats don't represent it?

Gnomes already get Darkvision 60, so maybe bumping it up to 120 feet is fair?

The Sunlight Sensitivity weakness is a perfect fit. Maybe with an addendum that you take Disadvantage on Exhaustion checks made whils exposed to sunlight?

Blood Drain can be taken from the Ixalan Vampire, so that's an easy fit.

Beyond that... well, I'm really hoping to debate that with you good folks. Spell-like abilities? Necrotic Resistance? More esoteric abilities? I really want to talk about this with someone...

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First Post
So, just for example, this was my first draft at a racial writeup; I actually showed this on /tg/, and to my surprise I was told that it was really weak (with a concession that maybe, just maybe, Blood Drain might be a touch too strong). It's a big reason why I want to talk about this if I can get anyone interested in speaking.

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Cha, +1 Str
Size: Small
Speed: 30 feet
Vision: Darkvision 120 feet
Sunlight Allergen: You suffer Disadvantage on Attack Rolls and on Perception checks based on sight if you, or the subject of your attack/scrutiny, is in direct sunlight. Additionally, if forced to make an Exhaustion check whilst your skin is exposed to sunlight, you have Disadvantage on the check.
Gnomeferatu Resilience: You have Resistance to Necrotic damage.
Blood Thirst: You can drain blood and life energy from a willing creature, or one that is grappled by you, incapacitated, or restrained. Make a melee attack against the target. If you hit, you deal 1 piercing damage and 1d6 necrotic damage. The target’s hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and you regain hit points equal to that amount. The reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0. If you kill a humanoid in this way, you can remove 1 level of Fatigue (if you have any).
Gnomeferatu Grace: You have Proficiency in Athletics.

Racial feats to add more "vampire" flavor:

Racial Feat: Wallcreeper
Prerequisite: Gnomeferatu race
Effect: You gain a Climb speed of 30 feet. You can move on ceilings as if it were a vertical wall.

Racial Feat: Gnomeferatu Magic
Prerequisite: Gnomeferatu race
Effect: You can cast the Toll The Dead cantrip. At 3rd level, you can cast Cause Fear as a 1st level spell once per long rest. At 5th level, you can cast Gaseous Form on yourself only once per long rest. Spells cast through this trait use Charisma as their spellcasting ability score.

Tame the Children of the Night
Prerequisite: Gnomeferatu race, Proficiency in Animal Handling.
Effect: You can communicate simple ideas with Small or smaller beasts, and gain Advantage on Animal Handling checks. Gnomeferatu tend to prefer "dark" beasts such as bats, rats, centipedes and spiders.

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
I'd give them wallcreeper as part of the subrace, I think it fits the ''dark prankster'' theme perfectly. In exchange I would touch the darksvision and remove Grace.

The M'hael

First Post
Gnefarious Gnomish Gnecromancers

Maybe have the Feat options be worked into subraces? I like the theme but haven't done a balance analysis.

Also, there was a surfarcher spreadsheet that had a make a race by points algorithm in it. I'm not sure where you can find it, but it could be helpful.


First Post
I'd give them wallcreeper as part of the subrace, I think it fits the ''dark prankster'' theme perfectly. In exchange I would touch the darksvision and remove Grace.

Gnefarious Gnomish Gnecromancers

Maybe have the Feat options be worked into subraces? I like the theme but haven't done a balance analysis.

Also, there was a surfarcher spreadsheet that had a make a race by points algorithm in it. I'm not sure where you can find it, but it could be helpful.
I appreciate the feedback. Personally, though, I'd prefer to avoid the subraces (I have a human-based Dhampir race that'll be using subraces). Plus, feats seem like a better way to emphasize the themes of the race.

I'm just... kind of stuck. When I think Gnomeferatu, my first thoughts are that they're small, they really don't like the sun, they drink blood (because what's a vampiric race without some form of that ability?), they are deceptively strong for their size, and they are highly mobile. I really like the idea of this small, gray-skinned, fiery-eyed gnome scuttling across a ceiling like an oversized spider or being able to throw a man through a closed door.

Refining them beyond that...? Not sure. I really like the Vampiric Exultation (fly by turning your lower half into mist) feat from Plane Shift: Ixalan. Some kind of innate spellcasting seems fitting, but I'm just not sure what spells beyond that. Maybe a feat to unlock something equivalent to the "Create Null" racial trait of Zendikaran Vampires, where you can turn a humanoid you kill with Blood Drain into a zombie minion for 24 hours? ...I'm sorry, this is my thread and I should be more helpful, but I'm just drawing a huge blank in terms of ideas.


Reminds me of this little gem:



First Post
Yeah, that was one of the things that gave me the courage to try this, Iry.

So, I have no useful comments here, but I want to thank the forumites who've spoken up for not mocking the idea too badly. I do get that it's a bit of a silly concept, but then, D&D has had races like the Kubbits (18" tall dinosaur hunting amazons), the Phanatons (raccoon/monkey hybrids with patagia) and the Pterrans (wingless, non-evil pterafolk), so it's not like D&D can't take a race being a bit on the goofy side.


First Post
So, just for example, this was my first draft at a racial writeup; I actually showed this on /tg/, and to my surprise I was told that it was really weak (with a concession that maybe, just maybe, Blood Drain might be a touch too strong). It's a big reason why I want to talk about this if I can get anyone interested in speaking.

I totally agree with /tg/

The number of times my table has faced necrotic damage is hovering around 0. I would much rather have the dwarf and stout halfling's poison resistance (and I do! ) because it seems to come up nearly every session. Of course, this varies by table.

Sunlight Allergen is simply a giant weakness. But if you're dungeon crawling mostly, it won't even come up, so I don't like it as balancing factor for the near-endless healing they can get from Blood Thirst.

Although that healing might prove to be rather weak, too, once 5th level hits and cantrip damage is boosted or extra attack comes online (and fireball, etc). Blood Thirst might just wind up as a neat flavorful fine feature, but it's the sort of thing that only playtesting will discover. So give it a go, I say.

The extra skill prof maybe makes it almost okay as a choice.

I agree with vincegetorix that wallcreeper ought to just be a part of the race. And I think there's room for it to just be tacked on.

I also think there's room to simply add in Tame the Children of Night feature, but make it just like the forest gnome's speak with beast feature but for what you described as "dark beasts." It'll be a nice boost of flavour.

Maybe at that point, drop the Athletics prof if you think it's straying into too strong.


First Post
I totally agree with /tg/

The number of times my table has faced necrotic damage is hovering around 0. I would much rather have the dwarf and stout halfling's poison resistance (and I do! ) because it seems to come up nearly every session. Of course, this varies by table.

Sunlight Allergen is simply a giant weakness. But if you're dungeon crawling mostly, it won't even come up, so I don't like it as balancing factor for the near-endless healing they can get from Blood Thirst.

Although that healing might prove to be rather weak, too, once 5th level hits and cantrip damage is boosted or extra attack comes online (and fireball, etc). Blood Thirst might just wind up as a neat flavorful fine feature, but it's the sort of thing that only playtesting will discover. So give it a go, I say.

The extra skill prof maybe makes it almost okay as a choice.

I agree with vincegetorix that wallcreeper ought to just be a part of the race. And I think there's room for it to just be tacked on.

I also think there's room to simply add in Tame the Children of Night feature, but make it just like the forest gnome's speak with beast feature but for what you described as "dark beasts." It'll be a nice boost of flavour.

Maybe at that point, drop the Athletics prof if you think it's straying into too strong.

Thank you so much for the critique!

Hmm... what if they were Resistant to Necrotic & Poison Damage, and had Advantage on saves vs. Poison, Disease and Maximum HP drain?

Is Sunlight Allergen really that big a deal? It's basically Sunlight Sensitivity with an added trait that you can get fatigued more easily IF you're in the sun without adequate protection - a simple hooded robe and face-mask will keep it off.

I'm not a huge fan of the Athletics proficiency, it was basically supposed to indicate that gnomeferatu are extra adept at climbing & leaping because, y'know, vampires are mobile. Maybe replace that entirely with Wallcreeper (spider climb)?

Speaking to rats, bats, and other creepy crawlies would be a nice flavor ribbon.

Alright, when I have access to a comp again, I'll give reworking this a shot. Any suggestion for racial feats? Spell-like abilities or boosted racial traits (Create Null and Vampiric Exultation, for example) are options I really want to explore.


First Post
Thank you so much for the critique!

Hmm... what if they were Resistant to Necrotic & Poison Damage, and had Advantage on saves vs. Poison, Disease and Maximum HP drain.
I don't actually think you should change it from what you had originally. My point wasn't to say it needed improving, but that it wasn't such a strong feature that you should let it "crowd out" something extra like the climb speed.

But now that you mention it, you should totally add advantage on saves to avoid disease and Max HP drain. That's awesome. (Leave out the poison stuff, keep that for the dwarves)

Similarly, I wasn't saying the Sunlight Allergen was such a big thing. I was really just pointing out that it's a feature that doesn't strengthen the race, and along with the necrotic resistance and Athletics prof, the only source of "strength" the race really gets is Blood Thirst. And all of that was to bolster /tg/'s opinion that your race was indeed weak.

And yeah, since you don't really like that Athletics prof, the climb speed is definitely the way to go.

Making it spiderclimb might be pushing it (I really don't know offhand what the difference is between climb speed and spiderclimb, though), but I'd totally add that in and if it is pushing the boundaries then I'd tack on a once/rest limit on Blood Thirst.

Of course, putting a once/rest limit on Blood Thirst probably opens up making it scale like a cantrip.

So, I think my suggestions add up to

Necrotic resistance, advantage on save vs Disease and Max HP drain.
Climb speed (with spiderclimb)
Sunlight Allergen
Blood Thirst (1d8 + Str damage, heal a like amount, scales like a cantrip, 1/short rest )
Speak with creepy crawlies.
Darkvision 120'

And this looks really cool to me

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