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D&D 5E How To Run A Pie Eating Contest


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My players will be in the town of Silverymoon for the Midsummer and Shieldmeet holidays this year, and I wanted to do something different, so I will be running a sort of Fair/Carnival/Tournament extravaganza kind of thing.

I have a bunch of ideas and the game mechanics for just about everything I need, except one: how would you run a pie eating contest?!?

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Mechanically, I'd say make it more about how much pie they can shovel down at a fast pace than an actual race. Basically, repeated opposed Constitution contests, lowest roll is eliminated each round - maybe give them the sickened condition afterwards until they've digested pie. Last one standing is pie-eating champion!

(If as the DM you're running all the NPCs, you may wish to generate a list of their rolls ahead of time via something like random.org rather than holding up the action with a zillion rolls each round.)

You could also give out specific modifiers based on pre-contest prep (not eating breakfast or lunch that day, vomiting before the competition begins, etc.). I'm debating whether halflings would have disadvantage on a pie contest, given their small size, or advantage, given, you know, halfling.


I ran a drinking contest borrowing the rules from here. Just substitute pie for beer, and maybe say each round lasts a few minutes:

Drinking Contest:
No puking!
First person to finish all 10 beers wins. If no one finishes 10 beers, then the person who drank the most before puking wins.

1 Beer/round Con DC 10, +2 every subsequent round
2 Beers/Round Con DC 12, +3 Every Subsequent round
3 Beers/Round Con DC 15, +4 Every Subsequent Round

If you switch # of beers you drink each round, keep the modifiers stacking, but add on from the base DC, Example Below.

If you drink 3 beers the first round, then 1 the next, you'll make a DC of 14 (+4 from your previous round, then 10 from the base difficulty). Then the third round will be DC of 16, because of the +2 from drinking one beer/round. Then you drink 2 beers for the 4th round, making a DC of 20 (12 for the base, 4th round so +4 (1st Round), +2 (2nd Rd), +2 (3rd RD)).


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Tournaments, Fairs, & Taverns. The 3.x contest structures work perfectly in 5E. I've used them repeatedly.


It can only be lots of Con checks maybe provide them with some form of liquid they can use once to boost their con check by +2 or something. Could even give their mouths Acs and have them roll attacks to try and cram pie in(have the ac be 10+1 for every 2-3 pies in there)

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