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How Would You Defend A Mountain Fortress? (Volume II)


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Well...the attack has begun!:) Should we talk about it here, in this thread, for those who are interested, or should I begin a separate thread for that discussion? What do you think?:)

Semper Fidelis!


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IMHO we could discuss it here. So we could see the proposals made before.

What could Intel tell us about their plans?

And what kind of plan will the Mallenarians want to use now against them? Have you already decided?


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Laird Ruari Von Christensen, Captain Vallorean Legions, Decorated Hero of Vallorea

I, Laird Ruari Von Christensen, Captain of the Vallorean Legions, Decorated Hero of Vallorea, Blessed and Holy Palladin of Ulrich(30th lvl), and one of the slayers of the Great Black Wyrm do hereby offer greetings and sulutations to all Lords and Ladies of En World! I have been reading this thread with great interest and decided to offer my update as the assault has begun!!
My troops consisted of 147 1st lvl infantry equipped with masterwork chainmail, large shields, and bastard swords; 11 2nd lvl rangers with mty. comp. longbows and +1 arrows; 12 3rd lvl barbarians with greataxes and hvy. picks; and my staff consisting of 5-20th lvl rangers, fighters, and paladins equipped with much less mundane items. The Empire has launched a surprise assault with myself and my forces included against the Citadel as a disorienting move against our enemy. While Mallaran pours his troops to the defense of his citadel the bulk of our legions are making for the cities (the real prize).
We executed the assault utilizing our glorious Vallorean flying warships to overcome any wards against teleportation into the Citadel. In a swift manuever we caught our enemy off-balance, but since we could only initially transport half a legion we were quickly outnumbered and taking heavy casualties. The remaining legion and a half were to be teleported to the ships and the dropped over the LZ. Things were going OK in spite of our losses until Mallaran unleashed a surprise of his own! I was busy charging down Fire Giants when several of our warships vaporized to grey ash midair. It was a Great Black Wyrm from another plane unleashed upon my comrades and I in all of its foul wickedness!! Ulrich help us it was consuming everything in sight!! I called upon Ulrich for His mighty blessing and spun my steed for a run at this abomination of evil lest it consume all that I hold dear! I was peppered with Meteor swarms and showered with vile arrows from enemy wizards and archers. I was within Ulrich's glory(death) several times(lost 3 fate points) before I even reached the vile Wyrm and plunged my sword into its gizzard with a holy and righteous smite. The beast roared in all its fury seeking to turn me and my steed to ash, but Ulrich had granted me favor so my reflexes were swift to avoid his putrid emanations from his nostrils. Then the Lady Rhiannon vexed the beast with some of her powerful magiks, and I readied another strike for the glory of Ulrich and Vallorea. It was a mighty struggle, but with but a few breaths of sweet life in my lungs victory was granted and the heroes of Vallorea had slain one of Mallaran's mightiest weapons. Re-inforcements are now able to safely arrive, we have secured a major LZ in the Citadel including a tower that housed a regiment of Mallaran's Knights. My forces are cut by 40%, I lost some brave men, but we are now moving for a clash with the Beastmen forces guarding the Crystal Pyramid.
I am certain that Shark will give you a further update as the battle unfolds. Shark and I have been friends since 1989. Baron Ruari Von Christensen was created around 1994 when Shark finally talked me into playing Rollmaster with him. It was alot of tedious work that I still hate, but his imagination and storymaking abilities coupled with his amusing characterizations held my interest and made playing a D20 game fun in spite of the tedious work involved. Shark's world has always been historically correct, detailed, multi-faceted, and VERY LETHAL!! Don't expect your Clerics to have access to resurrection spells in Shark's world as he takes maniacal glee in "rule-zeroing" that spell as well as a host of other's he hates. We as players had to threaten mutiny to un-rule-zero restoration spells and only at a high GP/XP cost!! Ruari has been subjected to Drow torture and breeding farms, vampires, masochistic prison guards, nymphomaniacal Chaos priestessess, etc. Evil in Shark's world is to the core, and good such as Ruari would make Billy Graham proud. Each are crusaders for thier own cause with a fervor.
Thank you for listening and I apologize if I strayed a bit off-track. I posted this because Shark has been after me to comment as one of his regular players, so all of you Lords and Ladies could get another perspective than his. The battle for the Citadel is an intense one and a bit of a learning experience for me. Ruari was near 20th lvl when Shark switched to playing 3rd edition D&D, and he was do to marry his elven maid he had been betrothed to. While waiting on Epic rules to come out Ruari enjoyed a long honeymoon with his bride before being called back to the legions. That was 1997, so I am re-aquainting myself with him. For one Ruari had no Paladin spells that I recall in Rollmaster and now he has all to lvl 4, and Epic abilities/feats to learn. Anyway, I will try to visit now and then if you want me to post more. Thanks again for listening and I highly recommend everyone to purchase Shark's upcoming modules as they are published. I guaranty that you will find much enjoyment and adventure within!!

Laird Ruari


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Laird Ruari Welcome to ENworld!!!

From our viewpoint its a shame your assault went this easy:)
I hope you will post more so we can follow your adventures in SHARK world. Reading your mail, your troop sound s a bit underpowered. Is SHARK giving us the full recruiting ( trumped up ) version of the legions? Have fun, and keep us posted.

We have to torture some of our spies as we were never told about the "glorious" AIRBOATS!!! Now we had a shortage of AAA.


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I salute you Maldur! I also assure you that if our inquisitors find any of your spies they will wish for torture from your forces!!

Concerning my forces, They were part of the contingent of "fresh" conscripts and recruits, I have sent a request to command for my old seargent "Garthog" a half-Ogre fighter from the old days of "Rollmaster" to whip them into shape, but I have not recieved any word as of yet. The remaining 60% were given a +2 moral bonus to attack after witnessing the destruction of the Great Wyrm and field promotions, so the 100 or so of the 147 for example fought well enough to be given 3rd lvl rank.



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Well, the armies have attacked!:)

Rhiannon reminded me of the fleet of flying ships that the Vallorean Empire has, and rolled a high enough Diplomacy check to persuade the High Command to release the fleet for use in the offensive. The Valloreans then sent a blocking force to the south, where they have proceeded to build roads, bridges, and fortifications. Some 4 Legions are involved. In the center, driving towards the mountain passes and the Citadel, are 8 Legions, which deployed an elaborate deception operations for two weeks, before making decisive attacks. There are large siege trains with this force as well.

The largest legion force, an army of 20 Legions, marched far to the north-east, and turned south, to launch operations by a coup-de-main against the two northern cities.

Furthermore, the Guardians of Empire used Rhiannon's father's enchanted island to fly over the citadel. Remaining hidden within the clouds and out of missile range, the island hosted the fleet of flying ships as teleportation circles were set up en masse to teleport two legions from the forward base-camp to the island, from where they boarded the flying ships to make the daring air assault at dawn.

With the arrival of dawn, the Guardians of Empire launched a ferocious assault, choosing to attack the upper tier of the citadel, rather than the lower two levels. The Guardians of Empire landed, and Rhiannon opened up with a intensified Call Lightning spell, while elite Legionnaires dropped from the flying ships by Feather Fall.

The defenders were not idle, though. The defending forces reaped an awful harvest of legionnaires as they floated down through the air, and landed hither and anon. The upper courtyard was slick with Vallorean blood! The citadel walls were manned by ranks and ranks of deadly archers--thousands of them, as they sent clouds of deadly arrows into the legionnaires landing in the courtyards below.

Meanwhile, the assault force of Fire Giants launched barrages of flaming steel balls at the flying ships, shredding them with searing hot steel, and sending several of them, loaded with legionnaires, plunging to their deaths. The platoon of Cloud Giants began firing their own powerful bows at the Guardians of Empire, and legionnaires that were struggling to take a tower by assault. Meanwhile, ranks of Beastmen and human warriors filled the courtyards at different points, isolating the legionnaires. Evil wizards proceeded to pepper the courtyard with Meteor Swarms, barrages of Lightning Bolts, and Cones of Cold, slaughtering ranks and ranks of Legionnaires under the deluge.

Then, a Pyroclastic Dragon, swept into the courtyard, and slaughtered 1800 Legionnaires almost immediately. A blast of its furnace-like breath brought two flying ships to the ground in flaming hulks, the trapped legionaires screaming as they melted under the blast. The single dragon proceeded to breath and bite the party of some fifty characters almost to death. Fully half the party were on the brink of death, with nearly everyone losing two or three Fate Points in fighting the dragon, and other forces in the courtyard.

Finally, under a furious assault by the party, the dragon was killed under a barrage of Cones of Cold, and flashing blades! It was getting very desperate--I thought the party might actually be defeated right here, and the jig would be up! With the defeat of the dragon, the Vallorean assault forces managed to capture two of the fortress towers, and several outbuildings and sections of wall as more and more Vallorean legionnaires continued to land, in wave after wave, even as many of them continued to be slaughtered!

Later in the first night, the Heavt Assault squads of the army--composed of some 500 Cloud Giants--made an air assault at night which reinforced the besieged Legionnaires. Despite these powerful reinforcements, the Vallorean position remains desperate and tenuous, as more and more evil minions are locking them down, and maintaining horrendous pressure against them. The Valorean assault force may indeed be swept from the fortress!

Semper Fidelis,



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Awesome, simply awesome.

Keep it coming. It looks like some of the suggestions here might have caught them a little off guard.

I know we (The Bad Guys) are most likely going to lose in the end, but it's great seeing the results of all of the posters efforts in action.

Voidrunner's Codex

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