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(humor) What if you crossed Star Wars with FOTR? Also, a comparison - FOTR and SOS


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This is humor, folks.
Flame George Lucas (or Terry Brooks, below) and the Moderators will torch this thread!

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What if we had a Star Wars / FOTR crossover?

Hmmm ...

Perhaps Sting and Glamdring weren't elven swords at all, but instead were lightsabers.
Perhaps Elrond was a Jedi Master, and Galadriel a Jedi Mistress.
Perhaps Gwindor was really a shuttlecraft.
Perhaps the elves, dwarves, men, and orcs of Middle Earth all really do mingle in cantinas.
Perhaps the Haradrim are really Sandpeople.
Perhaps Grima Wormtongue is a Jawa disguised as a human.
And perhaps Shelob is related to Jabba the Hut.

Perhaps Sauron is the Emperor, and Saruman Darth Vadar (his voice was good enough.)

But now ... really ... if you actually crossed the Star Wars universe with FOTR, what WOULD you get?
Would you get the above?
Would you get something else?

Where would C-3PO and Artoo Detoo go in the Middle Earth scene?
What about Obi-Wan?
Senator Amidala?
Luke and Leia?
Han Solo (I suppose Aragorn could be Han Solo ...) ?

Just curious.

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How do the characters in the film version of FOTR compare with the characters of The Sword of Shannara, by Terry Brooks?

Did Shea have the kind of courage and spunk that Frodo had? (or vice versa)
Was Hendel the dwarf as clever, noble, and capable as Gimli? (or vice versa)
How did Dayel measure up to Legolas? (or vice versa)

Was Allanon as capable, bright and farseeing as Gandalf? (or vice versa)
Was Balinor as true and noble as Aragorn? (or vice versa)

Shea took on and destroyed the Warlock Lord.
Could Shea have taken the One Ring to Mount Doom? Would he have shown mercy to Gollum?
Could Frodo have taken on the Warlock Lord, and handled the Sword of Shannara?

What would Frodo and Gandalf have done in the place of Shea and Allanon?
What would Shea and Allanon have done in the place of Frodo and Gandalf?
How would the others have handled the alternate situation?

Since Shannara is a favorite topic of mine, it's food for thought.

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OK, I'll have a go, at least for Shannara.

To start with, Hendel was a more rounded character than Gimli. His use wasn't limited to fighting -- he was also a tracker and a resourceful adventurer.

Durin/Dayel, I think, were as brave and determined as Legolas, but not as good in a fight. Resourceful, but I can't quite see either of them scoring 41 hits in a single battle, or taking out a Nazgul's steed at night.

Balinor is rather like Boromir, I think. Unstoppable in a fight, but more than that. A leader, a strategist, a compassionate and popular ruler. What Boromir would have become if he hadn't been corrupted by the Ring. What Faramir was, but more of a fighter. Not on a level with Aragorn, though.

Gandalf and Allanon are more difficult to compare. Both are more than human. Allanon is at the same time both more hands-on and more manipulative. One-on-one, Gandalf would win a fight, probably, but that's not the issue here. Gandalf is more open with his companions, which makes him seem more vulnerable. Allanon's closeness makes him appear unassailable.

Shea and Frodo are very much the same. Shea is younger, but more thoughtful at his age than Frodo was. On the other hand, Frodo as a Ringbearer probably wouldn't need the Sword to pierce the illusion of the Warlock Lord. I'm not sure that either could have succeeded in the other's situation: Shea's tribulations were of a more physical nature than Frodo's, and I don't think he could have stood the mental pressure of the Ring and Sauron's will. He would have made the right choices, the same as Frodo, but I don't think he would have been strong enough to see them through.


First Post
Thanks for the reply, Nissien.
Perhaps we can have a Shannara discussion, at least.

I have some comments to make, in response to your comments:

Nissien posted:

To start with, Hendel was a more rounded character than Gimli. His use wasn't limited to fighting -- he was also a tracker and a resourceful adventurer.

Edena's comment:

I agree.
Also, in my opinion, Hendel was wiser than Gimli, and more mature.
Of course, Hendel was terrified of caves and caverns, while Gimli considered them home. A very sharp contrast.
Hendel was elven in his love of forests and the natural world.

Nissien posted:

Durin/Dayel, I think, were as brave and determined as Legolas, but not as good in a fight.
Resourceful, but I can't quite see either of them scoring 41 hits in a single battle, or taking out a Nazgul's steed at night.

Edena's comment:

I think Dayel was very untried - he had never seen a battle before, which makes him what most would call a green recruit.
I do think Dayel was very brave, like Legolas, but Legolas had the upper hand on him in wisdom, maturity, and experience.

To a far lesser extent, this applies to Durin as well.

Nissien posted:

Balinor is rather like Boromir, I think. Unstoppable in a fight, but more than that. A leader, a strategist, a compassionate and popular ruler. What Boromir would have become if he hadn't been corrupted by the Ring. What Faramir was, but more of a fighter. Not on a level with Aragorn, though.

Edena's comment:

I think you are dead on. Totally right.

Nissien posted:

Gandalf and Allanon are more difficult to compare. Both are more than human. Allanon is at the same time both more hands-on and more manipulative. One-on-one, Gandalf would win a fight, probably, but that's not the issue here. Gandalf is more open with his companions, which makes him seem more vulnerable. Allanon's closeness makes him appear unassailable.

Edena's comment:

I admit, that comparing Gandalf to Allanon is comparing apples and oranges, for one is human, and the other is a Maia.
Gandalf was more friendly than Allanon, by far.
I would not say, however, that either of them were more competent in handling problems - they were very different in how they handled problems.
I would give equal odds between Allanon and Gandalf in a fight - one's innate stature and power versus the other's learned magic.

Nissien posted:

Shea and Frodo are very much the same. Shea is younger, but more thoughtful at his age than Frodo was. On the other hand, Frodo as a Ringbearer probably wouldn't need the Sword to pierce the illusion of the Warlock Lord. I'm not sure that either could have succeeded in the other's situation: Shea's tribulations were of a more physical nature than Frodo's, and I don't think he could have stood the mental pressure of the Ring and Sauron's will. He would have made the right choices, the same as Frodo, but I don't think he would have been strong enough to see them through.

Edena's comment:

I agree that the two are similar in personality, at least as both were portrayed at the start - the two had different personalities at the respective ends of their stories.
I think Shea could have withstood the corrupting effect of the Ring - although whether he could have thrown it into the Fire is a good question. After all, he survived the Sword of Shannara and faced down the Warlord Lord himself, killing him.
However, I will give to Frodo full credit also - he was very strong, and he could have withstood the Sword of Shannara, and also could have faced down the Warlock Lord.

If anyone in the Sword of Shannara would have fallen prey to the One Ring, it would have been Menion Leah.
He wouldn't have lasted very long before it took him, either - unless he used his friendship with Shea as a brace against the Ring's effects.

Dayel was no match for the One Ring.

Durin and Balinor could have fought it's corruption far longer, and Allanon could have protected himself from it (but he could ... not ... have put it on and used it without being destroyed.)

I think Allanon would have insisted on going into Mordor with Frodo (or Shea.)
I think Menion Leah also would have insisted on going (sparking another catastrophic fight between Allanon and Menion.)
I do not think Flick or Menion could have survived the conditions in Mordor, but Shea could have - his drive and strength were sufficient.

Of course, one burst of Allanon's Druid Fire in Mordor, and that would be that - Sauron would spot them, and when Allanon threw back the Nazgul and orcs with Druid Fire, Sauron would come himself. Finis.

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