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Hunted: Enemies of the Empire


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Trangle (Male Ithorian Jedi); HP 30/30 (12)

A small wave of relief washes over Trangle as Nyub offers his help.

Once done he appears more confident and says

"Thank you Nyub. I am ready."

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OOC: Sorry about that, everyone. I guess I was waiting for someone to say "We're ready!" and then I forgot about it because the thread hadn't been updated in a while. I monitor my games by email subscription.

Having made your plans for embarking into the city, you step out of the Crossbow and into the docking bay. Meridian City is a hotbed of shipping and business. Numerous freighters have parked here and are in various stages of loading and unloading. Nary an idle soul is to be found. Most loaders are human, although the occasional wookie can be seen and numerous droids, mostly of the 5th degree variety, aid in the process.

After securing the ship, Bata guides you out of the docks and into the city proper. The Emporium of Business is where Mithos works. He has agreed to meet us during a lull in the day's activity. Around mid-afternoon, most of the economists there take a meal break and we will be able to meet in relative privacy.

Meridian City is a very urban area. As you journey to the Emporium of Business, you are accosted by numerous street vendors peddling their wares, mostly electronic devices and holo-vids designed to help you idle away spare time. There are also a number of well-established businesses that operate out of the gigantic blue spires that peak from the city's center. Your trek takes several hours, Bata advising against hover taxi transportation in favor of less-travelled walkways so as to avoid arousing suspicion. However, you finally arrive at the Emporium of Business, and not a moment too soon, for a number of Emporium workers are departing for their midday break.


First Post
When we are a few blocks away, Nyub suggests a plan. "I think I'll drop back a bit, and blend in with the crowd. When we get there I'll find a spot to keep an eye on you and also see if anyone else is paying attention to the meeting. Once you've made contact and moving to the next meeting, I'll follow behind a ways to make sure you're not followed. Sound like a plan?"

If there are no objections, Nyub will drop back 30 meters or so and use his stealth ability to blend in with the crowd and look as inconspicuous as possible. When we get to the Emporium, he'll find a corner or a wall he can lean against and look for any signs of trouble for the meeting, again using stealth to be inconspicuous himself. He'll use his comm unit if he needs to alert one of team to possible trouble.


[sblock=FreeXenon]You feel nothing about meeting with Mithos. You do not detect the presence of any other force users.[/sblock]

[sblock=Einan]A few folks give your group a queer eye, as the cloaked mass of aliens looks a bit out of place. None of them seem to give you much interest, until you arrive at the Emporium however. Once there, while most people are clearly leaving for meal break, one individual seems to be keeping a close eye on things. A cloaked and shrouded figure across the walkway seems to be watching who enters and leaves very carefully.[/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post
Mithos looks at the group of persons that have right now, entered the Emporium. They were cloaked but that was not enough to pass unnoticed among the big mass of humans. The bith approaches the group, his brilliant black eyes shiver in anxiousness.
"Greetings and well met friends, my name is Mithos Fuldin" he pronounced his name with the common arrogance of the noble class "I assume you are the group I've been waiting? If that is so, please tell me your names, I am at disadvantage." he ask with a smile in his rounded face

Voidrunner's Codex

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