Hunter: the Vigil - I Left My Soul in San Francisco - OOC [Restart]


Well, it's been another long while since I responded to any of the prelude threads. I think it's time to conclude that I just don't have the time to give this game enough attention. It's a shame, because there were definitely some interesting moments. I think the game definitely had potential. Maybe I'll come back to this someday.

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Sorry, man. I was enjoying it, but I totally hear you that it's hard to scrape time up sometimes.

With the benefit of hindsight, I'm starting to think prologues and preludes are hard to pull off in PBP...which seems counterintuitive. Maybe it would work better going in a kind of 'in media res' type deal, where we start the story together and in the thick of things...and through flashbacks explore the prologues. I'm not sure...


Understandable, but very sorry to hear so. Was really enjoying this and Luke was a fun character.

Would be up for picking it up again when you have more time, Insight. Thanks for the game for now!

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