Hunter: the Vigil - I Left My Soul in San Francisco - Renata Hodges - Prelude [Restart]


OOC: Have Renata make a DEX + Athletics roll to get onto the bumper before the van drives off. You only need 1 success.

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Renata latches onto the back of the van and holds on for dear life. The van drives erratically though the San Francisco streets. It comes to a stop somewhere north of Golden Gate Park. The van parks next to an old warehouse.

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I'm stupid...I'm so stupid...why am I so stupid?

This went through Renata's head many, many times during the harrowing ride through San Francisco. It was a hilly town, a traffic-laden town. The ride was not smooth, and it was not unwitnessed. It was a miracle, a sheer miracle that the police didn't intercept them. Of course, that would have been great for the girl in the van...but pretty bad for Renata, who did not want this to get back to her dad.

And now she was in WAY over her head, and she knew it, and it was really bad...but there was still a chance to make it right.

She'd stayed away from the side of the van his mirror might have spotted her clinging to. He might not know she was here. He hadn't pulled a gun in the parking lot...Renata figured he probably didn't have one. Which meant all she had to do was get him out of the way, get the keys, steal the van, and drive on out of here. Once clear she could stop, let the girl go, get her back home and let her deal with the police as she saw fit. She'd even leave the van with her so she'd have evidence.

One guy, and he didn't seem like he was on whatever the other guys were. Or...wasn't...he wasn't like them. That was all. Renata figured if she hit him, he'd feel it. Him, she could fight.

So when the van stopped, she dropped off the back and moved around to the side opposite the driver's side, standing where the wheel would hide her feet from someone looking underneath from his end.

She'd wait for him to open the doors, get in behind him, and get the jump on him. Hopefully before anyone lurking around here noticed anything amiss and came running over.


The driver's side door opens and Renata sees the driver get out. Now that she has a better look at him, Renata sees a man in his mid-20s, with long, blond hair, a skinny frame, with multiple tattoos. The driver walks around to the other side of the vehicle and goes to open the cargo side door. It is fairly obvious that the driver has not seen Renata.


Renata sneaks up on the van driver. As the guy turns his head in response to Renata's steps, she clocks the guy across the jaw. The van driver drops to the ground. He is down, but not out.

Renata hears the sounds of someone or something getting out of the side door (this is on the other side of the van, so she can't see what it is). The thing grunts and moans.


First Post
Renata freezes for a moment, fighting back a sudden spike of panic. Had there been someone else in there with him? Damnit! She should have checked! She couldn't make mistakes like that!

And what was WRONG with him?!

She'd managed to power through all this weird crap by stoking her anger high enough so far, but she felt it leaking in now. It was too much. Crazy bath-salt psychos kidnapping girls and biting them and...

This wasn't normal. Normal was bleak and awful enough. Guys who didn't care about anything but the next conquest, treating girls like pieces of meat. Small packs of predatory muggers trawling parking lots to take the next unlucky sod's wallet and sell their credit cards to hackers. And that was just university crime...Renata had some idea that she wasn't ready for prime-time, to venture into the city streets beyond.

Was this normal out there?

Alright. Deal with this, get herself and the girl out, then she could obsess over how awful it was all she wanted.

Very carefully, she edged up to the driver's side door and peeked through the window across to the other side, hoping to get a glimpse of whatever was making that noise.

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