I must confess


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Lately, I've been away on the weekends to stay with some friends of mine. Sadly i must confess I've committed...*gasp* a sin! When over there, they have City of Heroes / City of Villains mmorpg. Many many maaaaany of you have heard my rant on how much i have a distaste for those style games. But i've gave those particular two or one..how every you wanna see it a try....and liked it.

Mostly though, I'm loving how many thousands of style of character looks you can make on it!. its like playing with really high tech geek dolls *giggles* Seriously, anyone who hasn't heard of those games look em up, they are fairly neat peoples, and thats alot coming from me.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not about to buy the games, pay the (I think its 15 bucks a month for subscription service) and vanish, but still...nifty games.

and now I said my peace and went to the RPG confessional.

*bows and exits*

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I heard of those games and all the other MMORPGs.

Massive Multi-player Online Role Playing Games for those who don't know that acronym.

All the MMOs seem fun, but they consume far too much time.
I'll stick with games that I can get in, play for X amount of time, and then get back out of the game.

But to each his own.

Adept Mortisha

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Zeren said:
*walks in zombie-like...*






*limps off...*

My point.

And Kallikrates is exactly right too.

And so is Imreis.

In fact, this thread is entirely correct. MMORPGs are fun... but steal your life.


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Not any more than any other game. You just have to log out.Period. They don't control your mind.You just have to be strong enough to set the gane down just like any other game and go do what you need to, be it eat, bathe or go to work. and everything will be there when you get back.


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Like I said, I have not time for MMORPGs.

I stick with C&C!

I just love the entire franchise up to a point during the past few years.


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my most favorite part of the whole dang thing was playing with the character creator. designing the character was the best part of the thing. game play was good but .... im no hack and slash person. But getting to toy with down to mundane details like "If i put a metal pauldron over his shoulder, what color should the metal reflect?" or maybe "If i put this outfit on, what over laying design should it have? granted you cant change eye color from the face set, but you can tool with slidders to adjust your head size. you can be as tall as 8'4" (male) and 8ft(females all the way to 4'4" (male) and 4'4 (female) ....then you get to sliders again to pick just how skinny,fat, hip size, waist size..leg length...yadayada....you get the point :) but that was the best part!


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WoW is clearly superior.

10 races!

Who cares if they are all the same height...or size...and have the same outfits.

You get like 5 faces and 7 hair-doos. That's all you need.





WoW is nice, though I believe the X packs killed it for me, I have four 70th level characters, been through every instance. Personally I liked it better with a 60 max and the old instances. Since I have stopped playing, I am in search for another game that is just as entertaining, City of H&V was not to bad. Though not the same as WoW. I am hoping the new Starcraft 2 coming out will be very good.

One day I hope they make a MMORPG for D&D, different expansions for different realms and rules, that sort of thing.

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