I would buy a Spelljammer:SOTSM hardback

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Sniper o' the Shrouds
Hey JPL. I'm going to challenge you for the title of biggest fan of Spelljammer. Having said that, the SotSM campaign system isn't going to work for me. There's no epic here, just a lot of grit.

The setting is just a touch silly, and not in the Giant Space Hamster way. Instead, it's so dark, it's almost a parody of itself. The races are shallow. They are defined by what makes them bad and unlikeable rather than what makes them good.

Again, just let me know how to put together ships, how long they'll last out in the deeps of space before the air goes bad, and the effects of spelljamming on the spellcaster and the effects of the spellcaster on the helm. Give me a bonus and some movement between spheres or however they're going to differentiate planetary systems.

Now, the original question was whether people would buy a FRCS type book. I answered that question. Keep the book as light as the Player's Handbook on campaign setting, and I'll be happy.

JPL said:

If you don't like it, fine. If you really want to see some rules for moving between systems, fine.

I am guessing, however, that calling Andy's work "silly" is unlikely to spur him into writing those rules for you.

And as far as "shallow" races go...I think there are some interesting twists on the usual fantasy races, especially the dwarves. I think that there is a limit to how much "depth" can be conveyed in just a few pages.

It doesn't read all that dark to me, either --- maybe along the lines of "Star Wars." Great evil can give rise to great heroism.

When a professional gets on a board like this and says, "I'm gonna make some free stuff for you --- what would you like?", I think he should be treated with respect.



Well, different strokes for different folks, I guess.

I'm still not sure if your conclusion regarding the "shallow" races are warranted, given the brevity of the article. And which races are defined in terms of being "bad and unlikeable"? Elves, certainly...but making dwarves the underdogs, fighting guerilla style instead of from their underground strongholds, is a new idea...and I like it. Usually, dwarves are in such a position of power that I feel sorry for the pathetic goblins.

Half-orcs are closer to being "good guys" than usual, and are defined as much by their humor as their anger...they also get a new twist as the product of breeding programs, which makes them, I think, more interesting than the typical "my mom was raped by an orc." Gnomes have had a rough time, what with the destruction of their planet, but they survived.

As far as "epic" goes...to me, this idea that the orcs and mind flayers defeated the dwarves completely, and then the illithids betrayed the orcs, is the stuff of epic. The thought that the once-pure elves exiled their "evil" bretheren, then became decadent and corrupt themselves, and now face the drow once more, is the stuff of epic. The fact that a handful of heroes could turn the tide is the stuff of epic.

So considering the page count...I think this setting is far from shallow or silly or self-parodying.

But I don't mean to pick a fight if you simply prefered the original setting --- the best game is always the one you played in junior high, y'know?


First Post

The actual building of a spelljamming vessel is probably beyond the ability of the Craft rules to handle, and frankly, it wasn't a topic that I thought most people would be interested in reading about. (After all, what self-respecting swashbuckling captain builds his own ship rather than just stealing...uh...capturing someone else's?)

I don't know why I didn't put prices in for the ships. The DMG provides some guidance with its listings for normal ships--until something better comes along, I'd start there and tweak as needed.

As the rules explain, an active helm regenerates the ship's air supply. There are guidelines for how long a ship with an inactive helm keeps breathable air, as well.

I don't know what other "rules" for helm use you want--it seems to me that all you need to play is there in Chapter Two: Space and Spelljamming. If I've missed something significant, let me know by sending email to spidermoon@andycollins.net and I'll see about rectifying that on my website.

Thanks again, everybody!

While I think what the updated version of SJ looks interesting, I wish it hadn't left some of the old out. I liked the Giff and the Neogi. I will just have to include them in my worlds. :)

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