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IC: [4CtF] The Chaos Wars


Thump thump. Thump thump.

Groggily, you all come about, awakened by the beat of your own heart. Your muscles ache as is from long disuse and fire seems to pump through your veins. You lie stretched out upon a cold table, your clothes torn and shredded in multiple places.

Getting up, you find yourself in unfamiliar surroundings. You stand within a large room, strangely made metal tables like the one you awoke on scattered about. Unfamiliar metallic instruments lie upon most of them, some seemingly benign, others promising a more sinister purpose.

And then, you notice IT at your feet. A bloody mess, the badly mangled remains of some creature, lies heaped upon the floor. What is was before you couldn't begin to guess; the remains have been so thoroughly destroyed as to erase any evidence of past race. Looking about the room again, you begin to notice bloodstains splattered about the room, on the walls, the floor, even the ceiling. And even on you. For the first time you notice your clothes are more than simply torn. They're soaked in blood, as are your hands.

Slowly, your eyes turn back to the thing on the floor. The thought rises unbidden in your mind. Were you the one who responsible for ... it? It’s hard to believe looking at it. After all, what could do something so ... horrible? And then ... the thing begins to speak.

The voice wheezes as the mass quivers, obviously in pain. Your whole body aches simply watching it speak and move, unsure how it still lives. "Y-y-you fools. You haven't stopped me. You haven't achieved anything!"
A fit of coughing consumes it for a moment, and blood begins to flow from it, pooling about underneath it.

"You'll never escape my Tower alive. NEVER!" The form begins to cough again, this time more violent than the last. A cough turns into a sudden gasp, and suddenly the figure halts its motion and collapses into itself. It begins to bubble, then smoke. The smoke intensifies and then suddenly the creature combusts, burning with a bright green flame. Before your eyes the creature burns away, no trace remaining aside from a circle of blackened floor where it had sat and the horrified looks on your companion’s faces.

Questions immediately begin to swarm through your mind, one coming after another. Where are you? How did you come to be here? Why do you feel so ... different? Who are these people you are with? And ... were you responsible for whatever just happened?

OOC: You stand within a very large room. Aside from your torn clothes you have no possessions with you. You are fairly covered in blood, with your hands in particular stained a rather gruesome shade of red. The room is filled with a variety of weird and strange metallic instruments as well as a number of tables, including the ones you were all laying on when you awoke. There are two obvious doors, one on the Western side of the room and one on the Northern. Upon awakening, your characters have gained their Powers, instinctively knowing how to use them.

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First Post
Pip Cleric 1/Hero 2

"Oh my Goddess..." Pip murmurs softly as he gazes about the room with wide green eyes. Pip is about a 3 foot tall halfling covered in bloody rags, with brown hair and an athletic build. As he rises shakily to his feet, the rags across his chest fall away to reveal an intricate and colorful tattoo of a peculiar looking horn with a variety of fruits and vegatables spilling out of it's flare. He brushes a bit of bloodstained hair out of his face and says in a high pitched and somewhat nervous tone, "Ummm...does anyone know what's going on here?"

Even as he askes that question, he begins diminishing, shrinking before everyone's eyes. He looks down in wonder at himself, then around the room as everything around him seems to get bigger. His tiny adam's apple bobs slightly as he looks back up. "Holy moley..." In just about 10 seconds, Pip has shrunk down to a mere 7 inches tall... but somehow, he seems even more solid... more there than before.


First Post
Kelm Yonson

"Sweet merciful Pelor," I mumble, rolling off the metal table. I cross the room to the blackened smudge where the creature ... died? ... dissolved? ... and stamp on the mark with my foot. 'That's what I think of you,' I growl to myself, 'and whatever your plans for me are!'

I turn and survey the others. Unconsciously, I stand taller, shoulders square, chest out, slight head shake, sharp stares at each of the others. It's the intimidating town watch pose, used to quell trouble before it begins. Then I see the children. No, that one's a halfling... whoa! he's shrinking! My mouth gaps open at the tiny one, "did you see that?!?" I ask no one in particular.


First Post
Roger sits up on his table, looks around and asks "OK now where the heck am I and what the heck am I doing here?

He gets off the table and starts looking at the body. He'll try a survival check to see if it's something he can recognize.



You look about what remains from the thing before but can find nothing to give you a clue to its nature.

OOC: You rolled a 13 + 5 = 18. Unfortunetly, theres little your wilderness training could have taught you that would help you in this situation.


First Post
Pip Cleric 1/Hero 2

"Ok... whatever's going on, I'm assuming we're all in it together." Pip peers over the edge of suddenly tall table he's standing upon, before looking back up to the group. "I'm Pip, an adventuring priest of Yondalla, the provider... course, I don't seem to have my holy symbol upon me at the moment. I suggest we take a moment to get our bearings, investigate our immediate surrounds, maybe find some clothes and equipment. If the icky pool of oozing malice was speaking anything close to the truth, we'll need to get out of here soon."

With that, Pip hops off the edge of the table and begins meandering about the room, looking for potentially useful items. Well, to him, it's meandering, to anyone else, he's zipping all over the place, his meager 7" frame moving with improbable celerity, given his small legs.
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First Post
Corinthi said:
"Ok... whatever's going on, I'm assuming we're all in it together." Pip peers over the edge of suddenly tall table he's standing upon, before looking back up to the group. "I'm Pip, an adventuring priest of Yondalla, the provider... course, I don't seem to have my holy symbol upon me at the moment. I suggest we take a moment to get our bearings, investigate our immediate surrounds, maybe find some clothes and equipment. If the icky pool of oozing malice was speaking anything close to the truth, we'll need to get out of here soon."

"Sure I can buy that. I still have no idea why I'd be here. I don't have any great save-the-world aspirations."

He then begins to look around the room as well.



First Post
Kelm Yonson

"I do not think your plans have anything to do with it." I point at the young girl on the table. "Do you think she sought out this doom? Rather, it is the plans of that ... thing ... that bind us. I am Kelm Yonson, and I will see you all free of this place."

With that, I look for a door, and if I find one, begin to force it open.



First Post
As Kelm starts forcing the door, Pip pipes up in his squeaky voice, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, there big guy! Not all of us want to try to traipse through a terrible, trap filled tower with only stained rags between us and those who'd stomp us like handsome, if overly fiesty bugs. Can you wait until we've searched this room for clues as to what's going on before you burst out?"
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Roger and Pip search thoroughly throughout the room but while there is plenty of interest, there is little of apparent use. Numerous vials and beakers filled with liquids of a wide range of color and viscosity litter the room, perched on top of, next to, and underneath many of the room's tables. Various pieces of pipes and tubing connect some of the vials together in complex looking arrangements, no doubt for some vile purpose. Littered among the alchemical equipment lies a number of metal instruments designed for unknowable purposes.

Carefully picking through the odd metallic instruments, Pip manages to find a twisted scrap of metal that bears a particularly sharp spike on the end, sized just about right for a Halfling's Shortspear.

Roger, on the other hand, stumbles upon a particularly cruel looking instrument. Almost perfectly balanced, one could almost believe to actually be intended for a weapon.

OOC: Pip rolled a Search check of 18 and managed to find a Small Shortspear. It is -2 to hit because that isn't its true purpose, though. Roger managed a Search check of 25 and found a Medium Long Sword which possesses enough of a balance to not have a to hit penalty. Kelm, there are two doors in the room, one on the Northern wall and one on the Western wall. Which are you going to?

Voidrunner's Codex

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