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D&D 5E [IC] Creamsteak's Princes of Elemental Evil

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Tolan turns back to regard his colleagues for a moment, then faces the rider again and shrugs.

"We are not adverse to more bloodshed, but not necessarily from you. There are those who wished to test their strength against ours, and as you said, their weakness cost them dearly. We still have unfinished business, but no quarrel with you that we know of."

Dent relaxed his inner vision and sauntered over to stand with Tolan, adjacent to him if there was room. If not, off to the side but close at hand. He caught Carradoc's eye, then Thaliss's, quirked an eyebrow, and shrugged minutely in the direction of the man and the crocodile, trying to communicate that he (Dent) was on alert against threat but that he sensed nothing stridently amiss.

The knight left his longsword out, but kept the tip neutrally pointed down. His shield he kept in front of him. It seemed all sides were intent on parlay, and Dent was practical; if Tolan or someone else could talk their way out of fiasco and bloodshed, so much the better.


"I am a Knight of the Dark Tide. If you do not seek blood, you can follow me into the temple. I will show you to the prophet. You can parlay and come to an agreement of your liking. Does this appeal to you?"

"If you do not seek to fight, and you do not wish to speak to the Greater Temple, then leave this place. You will not be pursued. Not today. The prophet has sent me only to survey the outcome of this battle. You are a tide that has swallowed this shore. A test of strength. And those who kept this keep were proven to be weak."


Tolan inclines his head to the Knight of the Dark Tide and then returns to his companions, gathering them close.

"We have been offered free passage out of the keep. I believe there is much more going on here than we originally believed. At this point, we are in danger of losing our way. I dislike leaving a threat, or potential threat, at our backs, but I believe more important tasks await us at the Spire and the Monastery. Shall we return to our quest?"

Steve Gorak

Thelepathically, Thaliss adds This prophet knows we are here, and has been following our every move. We do not have the element of surprise, as we did with Grimjaw. I question why this dark tide knight destroyed our boats, if he does indeed offer us safe passage out of this keep. In any case, His master and him don't seem to have a quarrel with us, and for the moment, I don't believe we have any with them. We dispatched Grimjaw, as he had a bounty on our guild brothers and sisters, but I agree with Tolan: our main task is to find the missing caravan, so the Temple is our ultimate destination, with perhaps a visit to the shallow graves first, and then then a visit to the spire to offer them proper thanks for attacking us.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"We do know where there are two small boats," says Carradoc to himself quietly, not fully sure whether Thaliss and the others can hear him.

EDIT: cf. post 404.

Dent heard Carradoc say something under his breath, and looked up at his compatriot. In his short time traveling with the half-elf, Carradoc had proven unusually observant. Dent wondered for the umpteenth time what Carradoc's story was; his curiousity was hard to pick, but once ignited it burned on a long slow fuse. Dent made a point to corner the half-elf and question him. But that could wait. For now, the knight grunted his acquiescence to Tolan's suggested trajectory. He rumbled, "Aye, we should go. The sooner the better. There's an ill feel to this place." The knight eyed the man and the enormous crocodile, and thought better of his words. "No offense."


Forged Fury

First Post
"Let's get out of here," Damien said grudgingly. He could only guess at the secrets and mysteries the Keep still held. Not to mention whoever was left alive inside that would likely be holding a grudge against them and possibly be coming after them.

"I'm still thinking the Spire," the warlock mused out loud once out of earshot of the knight. "I know the last report we had of a sighting of the Mirabar caravan indicts the Stone Monastery, but think about the rest of the clues we have. We found bodies of the delegation further west than the Monastery, meaning at least some of them must have traveled further."

The warlock paused to look around to see if anyone was following. "On top of that, who attacked us when we actually found the site where the caravan was attacked? It seems too coincidental."

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