D&D 5E [IC] Creamsteak's Storm King's Thunder: Waterdeep


When she arrived at the 'jam session' she did what any self-respecting bard would do...she took out her pipes and joined in!

Perform for the bards: 1d20+7 20

The performers and students all take notice, your aptitude is clear. The current discussion seems to take a pause as the four noted performers each attempt to either play back to you or with you depending.

The blond noble applauds a bit, getting a few cheers form the crowd as things settle in.

"I'm afraid you're more than my equal, though I'm not a full fellow. You don't appear to be a novice, perhaps a graduate? Or one who comes to us from far off lands?"

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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"Mr Swampwallallow..." says Bellalalinda, not taking her hand back from his grip and ignoring the gnome for the moment. "Really nice to meet you," she says, smiling. "Do you offer lessons yourself?" she asks. "Private lessons?"


In Another Part of The City ...

Koldan frowned a bit at Splinter's information. While Harshnag certainly did sound impressive, it was disheartening to know that a group as illustrious as Force Grey was brought low by betrayal. It was just another point in favor of working alone, and yet, the Ranger knew he would have been killed at Triboar were it not for his new-found companions.

And this Kraken Society ... that sounded ominous. Koldan had not heard of their name before, but to know that they, too, were gathering Giant artifacts, much like Duke Zalto? Perhaps they were in competition with one another. Perhaps they were working together. That deserved some checking into.

For his troubles, Splinter received another golden coin from Koldan. The old man was the type others normally avoided, and it was precisely what made Splinter such a valuable asset: many hunters used the downtrodden, the poor, the shriveled as spies and informants, in no small part due to their amazing power to be invisible in plain sight.

" Thanks for the tips," the Ranger said with gratitude, " Keep your ears open if you can; I've a feeling things are about to get very complicated in The North."

With that, he disappeared back into the crowds of Waterdeep, wondering what would be best next.

This Kraken Society ... that worried him. The idea that others were out there digging up Vonindods or whatever else might be buried beneath unsuspecting villages ... If Splinter had heard of them and knew what they were up to, surely others did. There were several other watering holes in Waterdeep, some contacts by the Docks, and other sources of information: a hunter just needed to know where to look.

With that in mind, Koldan set out to overhear and discuss this new organization, and what role they had to play in all of this.

OOC: Rolling Investigation to search out info on The Kraken Society: members, locations, goals, events, anything - [roll0]

[sblock=Koldan's Stats]Character Sheet
Revised Ranger Deep Stalker 6

HP: 52/52
Condition: Normal
Initiative: +4 (Advantage)
Perception: +6 (Passive: 16)
Darkvision: 90 feet
In Hand: Nothing

[sblock=Defenses]AC: 16
[sblock=Offenses]Heavy Crossbow: +8, 1d10+3P (Sharpshooter: +3, 1d10+13 P)
Scimitar: +6, 1d6+3 S (Offhand: +6, 1d6 S)
+4 Damage to All Humanoids & Giants[/sblock]
[sblock=Proficient Skills]Acrobatics: +6
Insight: +6
Investigation: +3
Perception: +6
Stealth: +6
Survival: +6[/sblock]
[sblock=Spells]Spell Save DC: 14 Spell Attack: +6
Level 1: 4/Long Rest
Disguise Self
Ensnaring Strike
Hail of Thorns
Hunter's Mark

Level 2: 2/Long Rest
Rope Trick

[sblock=Adventure Notes]
[sblock=Transactions]Total Coin: 48 GP
Starting Coin: 40 GP
+10 GP - Sold Giant's Tooth to Dorkath The Orkath
-1 GP - Tipped Dorkath
-1 GP - Tipped Splinter[/sblock]
Game Info:
Fire Giants attacked Triboar looking for a "Vonindod", which they called a weapon that was in many parts. Fire Giant Duke Zalto of Ironslag wants this to "win".

Darathra was a Harper: she gave me a Platinum Badge of Triboar to present to Dorkath The Orkath to let him know of the attack.

There is a Kobold in the area of Yartar named "Lightwalker", a craftsman with 'some incredible weapons'.

There is a 5,000 GP Bounty on "The Weevil", a Dwarven Brigand last seen at Xantharl's Keep as a stable cleaner. The reward is for delivering him alive to authorities in Mirabar.

Ghelryn Foehammer has given us a letter of recommendation to King Morinn and Queen Tithmel of Citadel Fellbar. Ghelryn will also give us a 10% discount on customized weapons and armor in Triboar.

Harshnag is a Frost Giant of FORCE GREY should be told about the Giants. Apparently his company was 'mostly murdered' after an encounter with a Dragon and a Traitor.

The Kraken Society is a criminal organization that worships 'some tentacled horror of the deep', and was been gathering artifacts related to the Ancient Giant Civilization that was destroyed in a war with Dragons.[/sblock][/sblock]


First Post
The performers and students all take notice, your aptitude is clear. The current discussion seems to take a pause as the four noted performers each attempt to either play back to you or with you depending.

The blond noble applauds a bit, getting a few cheers form the crowd as things settle in.

"I'm afraid you're more than my equal, though I'm not a full fellow. You don't appear to be a novice, perhaps a graduate? Or one who comes to us from far off lands?"

Ilshana makes a little bow with a flourish, and bounces back up to stand. "This is my first time to Waterdeep!" she declares proudly. "In truth, I set out this way intending to visit, hoping for adventures and tales along the way...and I was NOT disappointed! For I...and my companions in my travels...have stumbled over a story worthy of legend, I think. In fact, I was hoping that the learned talecrafters and historians of this very school might help us put the pieces together."

She lifts an eyebrow enigmatically and makes a cage of her fingers, as if hiding something precious within them.

"There is a mystery at the heart of this, you see. The giants are on the move. They rampage across the countryside seeking an ancient weapon...a thing of magic! My friends and I put an end to one of their raiding parties, and learned some of their plans."

Then Ilshana waits for a dramatic pause, and adds, "Is there anyone here who might take interest in such a thing? A historian, or expert in the lore of giantkind? Or just someone who wants in on the ground floor of a tale that will shape the next generation?"


"Mr Swampwallallow..." says Bellalalinda, not taking her hand back from his grip and ignoring the gnome for the moment. "Really nice to meet you," she says, smiling. "Do you offer lessons yourself?" she asks. "Private lessons?"

The gnome scoffs and mutters "Hedge-born churl." She goes to start playing the harp as if to willfully ignore someone in a conversation.

The half-orc bows and says, "My schedule is thick with obligations, but I am sure I could fit you in for at least an informal practice lesson."

Xingrum Swampwallow.png

Ilshana makes a little bow with a flourish, and bounces back up to stand. "This is my first time to Waterdeep!" she declares proudly. "In truth, I set out this way intending to visit, hoping for adventures and tales along the way...and I was NOT disappointed! For I...and my companions in my travels...have stumbled over a story worthy of legend, I think. In fact, I was hoping that the learned talecrafters and historians of this very school might help us put the pieces together."

She lifts an eyebrow enigmatically and makes a cage of her fingers, as if hiding something precious within them.

"There is a mystery at the heart of this, you see. The giants are on the move. They rampage across the countryside seeking an ancient weapon...a thing of magic! My friends and I put an end to one of their raiding parties, and learned some of their plans."

Then Ilshana waits for a dramatic pause, and adds, "Is there anyone here who might take interest in such a thing? A historian, or expert in the lore of giantkind? Or just someone who wants in on the ground floor of a tale that will shape the next generation?"

The rune-tattooed noble that had not spoken yet seems to perk up. He is dressed in only pale gray with red and bushy eyebrows. "I am intrigued. After the closing of the old bard colleges I am afraid I had to take it upon myself to seek out private tutors and self-teaching. I have picked up an esoteric collection of interesting things from far and wide, present and past. I, of course, enrolled here to earn the traditional title of Magnus Alumnae. My research does, in fact, focus on ancient cultures and languages such as the giants of yore."

Boondor Evenmist.png


" Thanks for the tips," the Ranger said with gratitude, " Keep your ears open if you can; I've a feeling things are about to get very complicated in The North."

With that, he disappeared back into the crowds of Waterdeep, wondering what would be best next.

This Kraken Society ... that worried him. The idea that others were out there digging up Vonindods or whatever else might be buried beneath unsuspecting villages ... If Splinter had heard of them and knew what they were up to, surely others did. There were several other watering holes in Waterdeep, some contacts by the Docks, and other sources of information: a hunter just needed to know where to look.

With that in mind, Koldan set out to overhear and discuss this new organization, and what role they had to play in all of this.

The old rat is thankful for the coin. "Perhaps I'll buy a slice" he rasps.

Koldan finds little of information scouting the docks, only a number of people discussing quite loudly about their favorites in the hippogriff water polo leagues. This seems to be a hot topic of debate of late.
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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"Excellent!" says the gnome, ignoring the other woman beside her. "What instruments do you teach?" She smiles broadly, as the huge gorilla, Whistler, stalks up behind her, picking her up and putting her on his shoulders, so that she can look at Swampwallow eye-to-eye.



Gul clapped in appreciation of Ilshana's masterful performance. When he overhead the Iluskan noble speak, he moved towards him and smiled. "Greetings! I am Gul, and my companion is called Ilshana. Pray tell, have you ever heard of a thing called the Vonindod?"

He looked over towards Ilshana, reading the expression on her face, and then gestured forward with his hand, "Sorry, rather than overwhelming the Magnus, why don't you tell the story; I'm sure it will be far more entertaining that way!"

Trying not to step on Shayuri's toes here, just wanted to be clear that Gul went with Ilshana and this chap has caught his attention:)

[sblock=status]Gul hp 30/30 Temp.hp 5
Str +0 Dex +2, Con +1, Int +3, Wis +0(+3 Saves), Cha +2(+5 Saves)
Arcana +6, Religion +6, Investigation +6, Stealth +5 (disadvantage), Survival +3, Concentration +1
AC 18
Inspiration no

Spells/day: 4/4 2/2
Pact Magic(1st): 2/2
HD: 3d6+2d8/3d6+2d8


"Excellent!" says the gnome, ignoring the other woman beside her. "What instruments do you teach?" She smiles broadly, as the huge gorilla, Whistler, stalks up behind her, picking her up and putting her on his shoulders, so that she can look at Swampwallow eye-to-eye.

He pauses for a second, either confused by the gorilla or that you don't know who he is, "Oh... singing of course. Most of the stringed instruments as well. And swimming. A well rounded student is one with many skills."

Gul clapped in appreciation of Ilshana's masterful performance. When he overhead the Iluskan noble speak, he moved towards him and smiled. "Greetings! I am Gul, and my companion is called Ilshana. Pray tell, have you ever heard of a thing called the Vonindod?"

He looked over towards Ilshana, reading the expression on her face, and then gestured forward with his hand, "Sorry, rather than overwhelming the Magnus, why don't you tell the story; I'm sure it will be far more entertaining that way!"

OOC: Dude you quoted and dude who just started talking to Ilshana are different.

"I do not believe that I have."

"Possibly. Can you tell me the context for this name?"


Koldan finds little of information scouting the docks, only a number of people discussing quite loudly about their favorites in the hippogriff water polo leagues. This seems to be a hot topic of debate of late.

The idea of some type of underwater gangsters helping giants was quickly forgotten as Koldan partook in the discussion in a lively beergarden tucked inside Mount Melody Walk. Talk of Krakens was set aside for how the star striker for the Cormyr Cavaliers was injured in a recent, vigorous match against the Luskan Buccaneers in what many called a rather bad bit of sportsmanship. For the Ranger's part, while he had no love for Luskans, he was quite happy to note that this gave the Ten Town Icewind Gales the upper hand in the upcoming match against Cormyr.

While the bards-in-training were more focused on the players themselves, Koldan kept trying to interject that the animals were just as important: everyone knew that the winning goal of the Year of The Mages In Amber Championship Match was scored by Qala'Renseas, the hippogriff mascot for Neverwinter's StarCloaks, in a stunning display of animal aquatic agility that set a precedent for scoring to this very day. The only reason this mattered was that Koldan had it on good authority that his own mentor, Toross, had trained the hippogriff of the Gales's winger, and said Half-Elf had been riding a series of clutch successes in their past three games. Quite literally.

Frankly, though, Koldan was not quite an ecstatic follower of the venerable HWPL: his late wife had been much more a fan, often using minor magics to make sure she got the results of each match even while working at the Temple.

He wasn't sure how he felt about that memory.

So, he ordered another drink, and tolerated a Gnome trying to inform him that the game would be improved if they actually let the hippogriffs fly.

What a loon.

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