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IC [DW] From the Outside


Khirynnax is typically silent as he moves to aid Hawthorne with the knight though his wild eyes lock with the knight's golden eyes. He places a hand upon the stinking carcass of the horse disrupting a cloud of flies. "Shame that such a regal beast had to go in such a manner." He says nothing further and waits for Trickle to give him a hand before exerting himself.

Trickle is a little slower to lend his aid and is clearly put off by the rotting beast and swarming insects. "Oh, now, this is a mess isn't it? It's a wonder you're still alive at all. Anything broken under there, you think? Don't worry. Our lady Hawthorne here..." Trickle abruptly stops speaking and bursts into a fit of hacking and coughing. When the coughing stops he spits and wipes his lips. "Demned things near flew down my throat." His mouth is firmly closed when he moves over to help Khirynnax shift the carcass.

[sblock=Khirynnax & Trickle][sblock=Trickle][section]
Human Thief (level 1; 0 xp)
Shifty Eyes, Cropped Hair, Fancy Clothes, Lithe Body

STR 9 DEX 16 (+2) CON 12 INT 15 (+1) WIS 13 (+1) CHA 8 (-1)
Max. hp: 18 Current hp: 18

Alignment: Neutral: Avoid detection or infiltrate a location.

Gear: (Load 6/9) – Base Dmg: d8
Dagger (hand, 1 wt.) and Short sword (close, 1 wt.)
Ragged bow (near, 2 wt.) and bundle of arrows (3 ammo, 1 wt.)
Adventuring gear (1 wt.)
Bloodweed poison (touch, 3 uses): target deals -1d4 damage ongoing until cured

[sblock=Thief Moves]Human: When you spout lore or discern realities about criminal activities take +1

Trap Expert: When you spend a moment to survey a dangerous area, roll+Dex (2d6+2)
10+: hold 3
7-9: hold 1
Spend hold as you walk through area to ask questions:
  • Is there a trap here and if so, what activates it?
  • What does the trap do when activated?
  • What else is hidden here?
Tricks of the Trade: When you pick locks or disable traps, roll+Dex
10+: you do it, no problem
7-9: you do it, but GM offers two options between suspicion, danger, or cost.

Backstab: When you attack a surprised or defenseless enemy with a melee weapon, you can choose to roll your damage or roll+Dex
10+: choose two
7-9: choose one
  • You don’t get into melee with them
  • You deal your damage +1d6
  • You create an advantage, +1 forward to you or an ally acting on it
  • Reduce their armor by 1 until they repair it
Flexible Morals: When someone tries to detect your alignment you can tell them any alignment you like

Poisoner: Bloodweed (touch) is no longer dangerous for you to use. When you have time to gather materials and a safe place to brew you can make three uses of Bloodweed for free.
[/sblock][sblock=Bonds and Backgrounds]
I stole something from Needles.
Slice has my back when something goes wrong.
*** knows incriminating details about me.

After a year and a day of service the Witching Troll will teach Trickle the secret of Witch's Tears.

In the course of his work Trickle came across a poisoner’s tome (no longer in his possession) that described a potent poison called Witch’s Tears. The poisoner learned the formula for the poison (frustratingly not written down in the book) from a powerful unseelie sorcerer, a troll…
Khirynnax Skinchanger, AKA Khir
Elven Druid (level 1; 0 xp)
Wild Eyes, Messy Hair, Practical Leathers

STR 15 (+1) DEX 12 CON 13 (+1) INT 9 WIS 16 (+2) CHA 8 (-1)
Max. hp: 19 Current hp: 19

Alignment: Neutral: Eliminate an unnatural menace.

Gear: (Load 3/7) – Base Dmg: d6
Token of the Mire: the Copper Coil, age-blackened armband in shape of snake
Hide armor (1 armor, 1 wt.)
Staff (close, two-handed, 1 wt.)
Poultices and herbs (2 uses, 1 wt.)

[sblock=Druid Moves]
Elf: In addition to any other attunements, the Great Forest is always considered your land.

Born of the Soil: Attuned to the Stinking Mire—when shapeshifting you may take the shape of any animal who might live in your land. Your tell (a crown of ivy) remains no matter what shape you take.

By Nature Sustained: You don’t need to eat or drink. If a move tells you to mark off a ration just ignore it.

Spirit Tongue: The grunts, barks, chirps, and calls of the creatures of the wild are as language to you. You can understand any animal native to your land or akin to one whose essence you have studied.

Shapeshifter: When you call upon the spirits to change your shape, roll+WIS.
10+ hold 3
7-9 hold 2
On a miss hold 1 in addition to whatever the GM says.
You may take on the physical form of any species whose essence you have studied or who lives in your land: you and your possessions meld into a perfect copy of the species’ form. You have any innate abilities and weaknesses of the form: claws, wings, gills, breathing water instead of air. You still use your normal stats but some moves may be harder to trigger. The GM will also tell you one or more moves associated with your new form. Spend 1 hold to make that move. Once you are out of hold you return to your natural form. At any time, you may spend all your hold and revert to your natural form.

Studied Essence: When you spend time in contemplation of an animal spirit, you may add its species to those you can assume using shapeshifting.
[sblock=Bonds and Background]
*** smells more like prey than a hunter.
The spirits spoke to me of a great danger that follows Slice.
I have showed Needles a secret rite of the land.
*** has tasted my blood and I theirs. We are bound by it.

After a year and a day of service the Witching Troll will reveal a secret of the fae's primordial essence.

Khirynnax was an outsider, too fey for the humans, too unseelie for the elves. He didn’t care because he sensed a deeper essence, pure and powerful, that he needed to understand. When a halfling told him there was one who could put him on the path that might lead to his understanding Khirynnax didn’t hesitate. He made his way to the Witching Troll and readily accepted the bargain of service that the troll required as payment.

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First Post
"My legs may be broken," he responds to Hawthorne's question. The knight clamps a hand in the soil and gives an affirmative nod to the others. With a roar he and Hawthorne drag his body out from beneath the carcass when Trickle and Khirynnax lift it. The old man is whole and - remarkably - uninjured. He may sport hidden bruises and there is the faded line of a claw mark on the scales of his armor, but no crushed limbs, no blood.

He tries to stand but cringes as the feeling returns painfully to his lower extremities and decides instead to sit a while.

"You've my gratitude. Hawthorne," he looks from one to the other as he names them, as if to confirm he has the right of it, "Khirynnax, Trickle. I might have languished here a while without you." He raises his head to the sky and outstretches his arms. "Thank you, my Blessed Lady." He seems more genuine in his gratitude toward her. He reaches for his chest but when he doesn't find what he was looking for he returns his searching gaze earthward. Struggling to his feet he stumbles toward a glint of metal in the grass: It's a fat silver medallion with the same cup as his shield, chain broken. He brings the medallion to his lips before tucking it away beneath his armor through the opening at his armpit.

"I am Tristan Le Pennec." He finishes his introduction with a nod of his head. But Tristan busies himself immediately, making his way to his horse's side.

Tristan tugs at the saddle, stained through with rot, and grimaces when it collapses partially into the horse. "This was a fine saddle," he grumbles to himself.

"What are you doing in these woods? In your travels have you encountered the low spirit haunting this place?" He turns his head to make brief eye contact as he asks. "It is a menace to the people of this region. You are lucky to have avoided it if you've been here long." He finds nothing worth salvaging with the horse and moves to collect up his shield and sword. "I'd vouchsafe your continued safe travel as recompense for your kindness, but my hunt cannot abate."

[sblock=Tristan Le Pennec][section]
Tristan Le Pennec
Human Paladin
Looks Glowing Eyes, Helmeted, Worn Holy Symbol, Bulky Body
Alignment Lawful: Deny mercy to a criminal or unbeliever

Maximum Health 25 Current Health 25 Armor 3 Base Damage 1d10
STR 16 (+2) CON 15 (+1) DEX 8 (-1) INT 12 (+0) WIS 13 (+1) CHA 9 (+0)

Gear (Load 6/28)
Long Sword (close, +1 damage, 1 weight)
Shield (+1 armor, 1 weight)
Scale Armor (+2 armor, 3 weight)
Medallion of Our Virgin Mother the Lady of Tranquility (0 weight)
Adventuring Gear (1 weight)​

[sblock=Paladin Moves]Human When you pray for guidance, even for a moment, and ask, “What here is evil?” the GM will tell you, honestly.

Lay on Hands When you touch someone, skin to skin, and pray for their well-being, roll+CHA. On a 10+ you heal 1d8 damage or remove one disease. On a 7–9, they are healed, but the damage or disease is transferred to you.

Armored You ignore the clumsy tag on armor you wear.

I am the Law When you give an NPC an order based on your divine authority, roll+Cha. On a 7+, they choose one: Do what you say; Back away cautiously, then flee, or; Attack you. On a 10+, you also take +1 forward against them. On a miss, they do as they please and you take -1 forward against them.[/sblock][sblock=Quest and Bonds]Quest
Tristan's quest is to slay the monster, a great blight on the land.
His boons are
Invulnerability to bite damage, and
A freedom from hunger, thirst, and sleep.[/sblock]
Last edited:


Trickle looks askance at the knight and his lips curl up in a strange, secretive smile. "It's a pleasure, Tristan Le Pennec. And we're headed to the village not far from here. At least, I don't think it is far." He shrugs as if the distance to the village is of little matter to him. Or else he's the carefree, traveling sort and his destination is of less import than the journey. "We've not had any run-ins with any low haunts or the like. There's some pretty grim things out there, I'm sure, but none we've seen. In fact, you're the grimmest thing we've run across out here and just maybe the strangest."

Trickle looks thoughtfully at Tristan and rubs his chin. He's got a few days growth of whiskers and his calloused fingers make audible scritching sounds as he runs them over the growth. "That beastie you're after is probably long gone and truth be told you could probably use a bit of time to scrape the rust off your blade before you set out on your hunt again. And, hey, you could vouchsafe us to your heart's content. But I'm not one to be telling another man what he ought to do." He smiles and carries a look of pure innocence across his face.

Khirynnax sighs and shoots Trickle an exasperated look. "We've seen nothing worth hunting except a large and particularly aggressive wolf. Good luck with your hunt."

[sblock=Khirynnax & Trickle][sblock=Trickle][section]
Human Thief (level 1; 0 xp)
Shifty Eyes, Cropped Hair, Fancy Clothes, Lithe Body

STR 9 DEX 16 (+2) CON 12 INT 15 (+1) WIS 13 (+1) CHA 8 (-1)
Max. hp: 18 Current hp: 18

Alignment: Neutral: Avoid detection or infiltrate a location.

Gear: (Load 6/9) – Base Dmg: d8
Dagger (hand, 1 wt.) and Short sword (close, 1 wt.)
Ragged bow (near, 2 wt.) and bundle of arrows (3 ammo, 1 wt.)
Adventuring gear (1 wt.)
Bloodweed poison (touch, 3 uses): target deals -1d4 damage ongoing until cured

[sblock=Thief Moves]Human: When you spout lore or discern realities about criminal activities take +1

Trap Expert: When you spend a moment to survey a dangerous area, roll+Dex (2d6+2)
10+: hold 3
7-9: hold 1
Spend hold as you walk through area to ask questions:
  • Is there a trap here and if so, what activates it?
  • What does the trap do when activated?
  • What else is hidden here?
Tricks of the Trade: When you pick locks or disable traps, roll+Dex
10+: you do it, no problem
7-9: you do it, but GM offers two options between suspicion, danger, or cost.

Backstab: When you attack a surprised or defenseless enemy with a melee weapon, you can choose to roll your damage or roll+Dex
10+: choose two
7-9: choose one
  • You don’t get into melee with them
  • You deal your damage +1d6
  • You create an advantage, +1 forward to you or an ally acting on it
  • Reduce their armor by 1 until they repair it
Flexible Morals: When someone tries to detect your alignment you can tell them any alignment you like

Poisoner: Bloodweed (touch) is no longer dangerous for you to use. When you have time to gather materials and a safe place to brew you can make three uses of Bloodweed for free.
[/sblock][sblock=Bonds and Backgrounds]
I stole something from Needles.
Slice has my back when something goes wrong.
*** knows incriminating details about me.

After a year and a day of service the Witching Troll will teach Trickle the secret of Witch's Tears.

In the course of his work Trickle came across a poisoner’s tome (no longer in his possession) that described a potent poison called Witch’s Tears. The poisoner learned the formula for the poison (frustratingly not written down in the book) from a powerful unseelie sorcerer, a troll…
Khirynnax Skinchanger, AKA Khir
Elven Druid (level 1; 0 xp)
Wild Eyes, Messy Hair, Practical Leathers

STR 15 (+1) DEX 12 CON 13 (+1) INT 9 WIS 16 (+2) CHA 8 (-1)
Max. hp: 19 Current hp: 19

Alignment: Neutral: Eliminate an unnatural menace.

Gear: (Load 3/7) – Base Dmg: d6
Token of the Mire: the Copper Coil, age-blackened armband in shape of snake
Hide armor (1 armor, 1 wt.)
Staff (close, two-handed, 1 wt.)
Poultices and herbs (2 uses, 1 wt.)

[sblock=Druid Moves]
Elf: In addition to any other attunements, the Great Forest is always considered your land.

Born of the Soil: Attuned to the Stinking Mire—when shapeshifting you may take the shape of any animal who might live in your land. Your tell (a crown of ivy) remains no matter what shape you take.

By Nature Sustained: You don’t need to eat or drink. If a move tells you to mark off a ration just ignore it.

Spirit Tongue: The grunts, barks, chirps, and calls of the creatures of the wild are as language to you. You can understand any animal native to your land or akin to one whose essence you have studied.

Shapeshifter: When you call upon the spirits to change your shape, roll+WIS.
10+ hold 3
7-9 hold 2
On a miss hold 1 in addition to whatever the GM says.
You may take on the physical form of any species whose essence you have studied or who lives in your land: you and your possessions meld into a perfect copy of the species’ form. You have any innate abilities and weaknesses of the form: claws, wings, gills, breathing water instead of air. You still use your normal stats but some moves may be harder to trigger. The GM will also tell you one or more moves associated with your new form. Spend 1 hold to make that move. Once you are out of hold you return to your natural form. At any time, you may spend all your hold and revert to your natural form.

Studied Essence: When you spend time in contemplation of an animal spirit, you may add its species to those you can assume using shapeshifting.
[sblock=Bonds and Background]
*** smells more like prey than a hunter.
The spirits spoke to me of a great danger that follows Slice.
I have showed Needles a secret rite of the land.
*** has tasted my blood and I theirs. We are bound by it.

After a year and a day of service the Witching Troll will reveal a secret of the fae's primordial essence.

Khirynnax was an outsider, too fey for the humans, too unseelie for the elves. He didn’t care because he sensed a deeper essence, pure and powerful, that he needed to understand. When a halfling told him there was one who could put him on the path that might lead to his understanding Khirynnax didn’t hesitate. He made his way to the Witching Troll and readily accepted the bargain of service that the troll required as payment.


First Post
Tristan's whiskers twitch at the gibes but his expression remains cool. When his sword is mentioned his gaze dances along its tarnished blade and the old knight is silent for several moments. Khirynnax's talk of the beast attracts a glance, eyes narrowed. "An overlarge wolf, you say?" He considers his weapon again. "Resupply might be in order - it's doubtful the folk at the village have need for a store but there's like to be a blade among them to be requisitioned." He tucks his sword through his belt rather than foul the inside of his scabbard and gathers in a sack what few belongings are left to him.

It seems he's invited himself along.

[sblock=Tristan Le Pennec][section]
Tristan Le Pennec
Human Paladin
Looks Glowing Eyes, Helmeted, Worn Holy Symbol, Bulky Body
Alignment Lawful: Deny mercy to a criminal or unbeliever

Maximum Health 25 Current Health 25 Armor 3 Base Damage 1d10
STR 16 (+2) CON 15 (+1) DEX 8 (-1) INT 12 (+0) WIS 13 (+1) CHA 9 (+0)

Gear (Load 6/28)
Long Sword (close, +1 damage, 1 weight)
Shield (+1 armor, 1 weight)
Scale Armor (+2 armor, 3 weight)
Medallion of Our Virgin Mother the Lady of Tranquility (0 weight)
Adventuring Gear (1 weight)​

[sblock=Paladin Moves]Human When you pray for guidance, even for a moment, and ask, “What here is evil?” the GM will tell you, honestly.

Lay on Hands When you touch someone, skin to skin, and pray for their well-being, roll+CHA. On a 10+ you heal 1d8 damage or remove one disease. On a 7–9, they are healed, but the damage or disease is transferred to you.

Armored You ignore the clumsy tag on armor you wear.

I am the Law When you give an NPC an order based on your divine authority, roll+Cha. On a 7+, they choose one: Do what you say; Back away cautiously, then flee, or; Attack you. On a 10+, you also take +1 forward against them. On a miss, they do as they please and you take -1 forward against them.[/sblock][sblock=Quest and Bonds]Quest
Tristan's quest is to slay the monster, a great blight on the land.
His boons are
Invulnerability to bite damage, and
A freedom from hunger, thirst, and sleep.[/sblock]

Isida Kep'Tukari

Hawthorn, Priestess of Ushane

"Well indeed, and well met, Tristan," Hawthorne says with a bit of a bow. She looks sideways at her companions when the knight readies himself as if to go along with them, and mentally shrugs. If Tristan objects to their bargain with the Witching Troll, and she wasn't necessarily going to tell him about that, being as it was exactly none of his business, he would likely take himself off elsewhere before long. Servants of the gods often found themselves in strange places for strange reasons. "I'm so sorry about your horse; he must have been a fine beast."


First Post
"It died well." Tristan doesn't seem concerned about the animal, though it may be he made his peace with its passing in the time he spent beneath its corpse. "A good death's the most we can hope for." He doesn't hint as much, but he considers that an especial truth for himself.

"But thank you," he adds as an afterthought. "It was a fine animal, yes."

[sblock=Tristan Le Pennec][section]
Tristan Le Pennec
Human Paladin
Looks Glowing Eyes, Helmeted, Worn Holy Symbol, Bulky Body
Alignment Lawful: Deny mercy to a criminal or unbeliever

Maximum Health 25 Current Health 25 Armor 3 Base Damage 1d10
STR 16 (+2) CON 15 (+1) DEX 8 (-1) INT 12 (+0) WIS 13 (+1) CHA 9 (+0)

Gear (Load 6/28)
Long Sword (close, +1 damage, 1 weight)
Shield (+1 armor, 1 weight)
Scale Armor (+2 armor, 3 weight)
Medallion of Our Virgin Mother the Lady of Tranquility (0 weight)
Adventuring Gear (1 weight)​

[sblock=Paladin Moves]Human When you pray for guidance, even for a moment, and ask, “What here is evil?” the GM will tell you, honestly.

Lay on Hands When you touch someone, skin to skin, and pray for their well-being, roll+CHA. On a 10+ you heal 1d8 damage or remove one disease. On a 7–9, they are healed, but the damage or disease is transferred to you.

Armored You ignore the clumsy tag on armor you wear.

I am the Law When you give an NPC an order based on your divine authority, roll+Cha. On a 7+, they choose one: Do what you say; Back away cautiously, then flee, or; Attack you. On a 10+, you also take +1 forward against them. On a miss, they do as they please and you take -1 forward against them.[/sblock][sblock=Quest and Bonds]Quest
Tristan's quest is to slay the monster, a great blight on the land.
His boons are
Invulnerability to bite damage, and
A freedom from hunger, thirst, and sleep.[/sblock]


Day Four, early afternoon, at the edge of the forest

True to his word, the stream takes you to the edge of the forest as the sun falls from its peak, and the shadows begin to to lengthen.

About half a mile south from where you stand at the edge of the forest lies the first of a number of outlying farms. About three miles further lies a village. To the east of the village (to the left from your point of view) there is a small keep atop a hill. To the east of where you stand, the ground becomes more hilly. Smoke rises from somewhere in among the hills about 5 miles away.

It all seems peaceful enough.


First Post
"Perfect," growls Tristan when he spies the keep, "there is a local lord. An introduction is in order." Introducing oneself to a lord before interacting with that lord's people is the natural thing for Tristan, but even more, he hopes the master of the keep might resupply him with a proper weapon at least. Especially given Tristan's current quest.

[sblock=Tristan Le Pennec][section]
Tristan Le Pennec
Human Paladin
Looks Glowing Eyes, Helmeted, Worn Holy Symbol, Bulky Body
Alignment Lawful: Deny mercy to a criminal or unbeliever

Maximum Health 25 Current Health 25 Armor 3 Base Damage 1d10
STR 16 (+2) CON 15 (+1) DEX 8 (-1) INT 12 (+0) WIS 13 (+1) CHA 9 (+0)

Gear (Load 6/28)
Long Sword (close, +1 damage, 1 weight)
Shield (+1 armor, 1 weight)
Scale Armor (+2 armor, 3 weight)
Medallion of Our Virgin Mother the Lady of Tranquility (0 weight)
Adventuring Gear (1 weight)​

[sblock=Paladin Moves]Human When you pray for guidance, even for a moment, and ask, “What here is evil?” the GM will tell you, honestly.

Lay on Hands When you touch someone, skin to skin, and pray for their well-being, roll+CHA. On a 10+ you heal 1d8 damage or remove one disease. On a 7–9, they are healed, but the damage or disease is transferred to you.

Armored You ignore the clumsy tag on armor you wear.

I am the Law When you give an NPC an order based on your divine authority, roll+Cha. On a 7+, they choose one: Do what you say; Back away cautiously, then flee, or; Attack you. On a 10+, you also take +1 forward against them. On a miss, they do as they please and you take -1 forward against them.[/sblock][sblock=Quest and Bonds]Quest
Tristan's quest is to slay the monster, a great blight on the land.
His boons are
Invulnerability to bite damage, and
A freedom from hunger, thirst, and sleep.[/sblock]


Trickle gazes down towards the farms. "Ah, what a lovely little pastoral tableau. If I had any skill in painting I would take a moment or two and set this down on canvas. Presuming I had one. See! Look over there. The stretching shadows like the fingers of something dark and sinister coming out of the forest, reaching for the innocents of the village. Almost enough to unnerve a fellow." He takes a moment to scratch at his belly and looks sidelong at Tristan. "A bit of gossip and a bite or two if they have it to spare would be just the thing to find out what's really going on around here."

Khirynnax stands on the alert and looks out over scene. Of course the knight would want to go to the keep and of course Trickle would want to head to the village. "Courtesies of court might delay us overlong. What do you think, Hawthorne?"

[sblock=Khirynnax & Trickle][sblock=Trickle][section]
Human Thief (level 1; 0 xp)
Shifty Eyes, Cropped Hair, Fancy Clothes, Lithe Body

STR 9 DEX 16 (+2) CON 12 INT 15 (+1) WIS 13 (+1) CHA 8 (-1)
Max. hp: 18 Current hp: 18

Alignment: Neutral: Avoid detection or infiltrate a location.

Gear: (Load 6/9) – Base Dmg: d8
Dagger (hand, 1 wt.) and Short sword (close, 1 wt.)
Ragged bow (near, 2 wt.) and bundle of arrows (3 ammo, 1 wt.)
Adventuring gear (1 wt.)
Bloodweed poison (touch, 3 uses): target deals -1d4 damage ongoing until cured

[sblock=Thief Moves]Human: When you spout lore or discern realities about criminal activities take +1

Trap Expert: When you spend a moment to survey a dangerous area, roll+Dex (2d6+2)
10+: hold 3
7-9: hold 1
Spend hold as you walk through area to ask questions:
  • Is there a trap here and if so, what activates it?
  • What does the trap do when activated?
  • What else is hidden here?
Tricks of the Trade: When you pick locks or disable traps, roll+Dex
10+: you do it, no problem
7-9: you do it, but GM offers two options between suspicion, danger, or cost.

Backstab: When you attack a surprised or defenseless enemy with a melee weapon, you can choose to roll your damage or roll+Dex
10+: choose two
7-9: choose one
  • You don’t get into melee with them
  • You deal your damage +1d6
  • You create an advantage, +1 forward to you or an ally acting on it
  • Reduce their armor by 1 until they repair it
Flexible Morals: When someone tries to detect your alignment you can tell them any alignment you like

Poisoner: Bloodweed (touch) is no longer dangerous for you to use. When you have time to gather materials and a safe place to brew you can make three uses of Bloodweed for free.
[/sblock][sblock=Bonds and Backgrounds]
I stole something from Needles.
Slice has my back when something goes wrong.
*** knows incriminating details about me.

After a year and a day of service the Witching Troll will teach Trickle the secret of Witch's Tears.

In the course of his work Trickle came across a poisoner’s tome (no longer in his possession) that described a potent poison called Witch’s Tears. The poisoner learned the formula for the poison (frustratingly not written down in the book) from a powerful unseelie sorcerer, a troll…
Khirynnax Skinchanger, AKA Khir
Elven Druid (level 1; 0 xp)
Wild Eyes, Messy Hair, Practical Leathers

STR 15 (+1) DEX 12 CON 13 (+1) INT 9 WIS 16 (+2) CHA 8 (-1)
Max. hp: 19 Current hp: 19

Alignment: Neutral: Eliminate an unnatural menace.

Gear: (Load 3/7) – Base Dmg: d6
Token of the Mire: the Copper Coil, age-blackened armband in shape of snake
Hide armor (1 armor, 1 wt.)
Staff (close, two-handed, 1 wt.)
Poultices and herbs (2 uses, 1 wt.)

[sblock=Druid Moves]
Elf: In addition to any other attunements, the Great Forest is always considered your land.

Born of the Soil: Attuned to the Stinking Mire—when shapeshifting you may take the shape of any animal who might live in your land. Your tell (a crown of ivy) remains no matter what shape you take.

By Nature Sustained: You don’t need to eat or drink. If a move tells you to mark off a ration just ignore it.

Spirit Tongue: The grunts, barks, chirps, and calls of the creatures of the wild are as language to you. You can understand any animal native to your land or akin to one whose essence you have studied.

Shapeshifter: When you call upon the spirits to change your shape, roll+WIS.
10+ hold 3
7-9 hold 2
On a miss hold 1 in addition to whatever the GM says.
You may take on the physical form of any species whose essence you have studied or who lives in your land: you and your possessions meld into a perfect copy of the species’ form. You have any innate abilities and weaknesses of the form: claws, wings, gills, breathing water instead of air. You still use your normal stats but some moves may be harder to trigger. The GM will also tell you one or more moves associated with your new form. Spend 1 hold to make that move. Once you are out of hold you return to your natural form. At any time, you may spend all your hold and revert to your natural form.

Studied Essence: When you spend time in contemplation of an animal spirit, you may add its species to those you can assume using shapeshifting.
[sblock=Bonds and Background]
*** smells more like prey than a hunter.
The spirits spoke to me of a great danger that follows Slice.
I have showed Needles a secret rite of the land.
*** has tasted my blood and I theirs. We are bound by it.

After a year and a day of service the Witching Troll will reveal a secret of the fae's primordial essence.

Khirynnax was an outsider, too fey for the humans, too unseelie for the elves. He didn’t care because he sensed a deeper essence, pure and powerful, that he needed to understand. When a halfling told him there was one who could put him on the path that might lead to his understanding Khirynnax didn’t hesitate. He made his way to the Witching Troll and readily accepted the bargain of service that the troll required as payment.


Day Four - Mid Afternoon, in front of the Keep

Tristan sets off on a determined march towards the Keep. Once across the open ground he arrives at the first of the outlying farms. From there a track leads him through the farms towards the small town and the keep. The farms are on the small side, but seem well generally tended and kept, as do the farm houses and buildings. Overall the impression is one of moderate prosperity and general peacefulness, despite the towns somewhat remote location.

Tristan's passing does not go unnoticed. Those in the fields and around the farm houses watch him pass with a wary caution not unfamiliar to the knight. Those near the path however, do acknowledge his passing with a greeting and a polite nod. Generally the fields are quite quiet, with the exception of one down to the west, in which about a dozen or so people are hard at work do some sort of farmer stuff.

Eventually Tristan comes clanking to a stop in front of the keep. Atop a small hill, it is a reasonably stout structure, although designed more for protection against bandits and raiding parties than armies. Twelve foot high crenelated stone walls surround the structure. The main gate is made of stout timber reinforced with iron studs. A shallow overgrown ditch runs around the walls interrupted only, as far as Tristan can see, by an earth rampart in leading the to gates, which stand open.

At the gates Tristan is met by a short man wrapped up in a warm woollen clothes despite the relatively mild weather. His feet are bare, and hairy. He gives the wild man in filthy rusting armour in front of him a good inspection.

"Good Afternoon Sir Knight," he says eventually. "I am Tillian, the Steward here. Can I help you?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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