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D&D 5E (IC) Fitz's Folly


OOC: No,the scroll-case had a scrying mark that you disabled (you're right that it's still possible for her to scry you, but it's not as easy or clear) and the scrolls themselves are sending scrolls, which allow for a quick two-way communication. The only thing she did to them was to put a hidden clause that makes it so that she 'overhears' even if you use the scrolls to contact someone else. This can be removed (with one check because they're all the same), that hasn't been made yet - but it has an anti-tamper rune, that might hurt someone doing it, if they make a mistake while trying to remove it. You can safely leave it until you want to use it, and choose to fix it depending on if you want her to hear or not, or you can remove the clause from any number of the three ahead of time).

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South-Western Aldani Basin

The Sticks and their allies worked their way back to their canoes by a circuitous route. They found them where they had left them two days earlier, and they paddled their way westward across the swampland. Miss Imogen dropped a paddle, and despite her protests, it was discovered that her hands were covered in blisters. This was not a result of paddling - she was sensitive to an airborne fungus that started out too small to be seen, but was soon found growing on nearly any damp surface. Kasqa did double-duty paddling Imogen's canoe while Chrysagon inspected everyone regularly for infection. Miss Imogen's hands were bound in bandages with a salve that Weed and Qawasha provided.

Two days later, they hid the canoes on what Qawasha assured them was the Basin's western end. Harb and Myrall scouted and watched from a concealed spot while a large, carnivorous beast with an oversized head and teeth stomped past them, swishing its enormous tail through the underbrush. Ukee was a godsend to Harb, flying overhead and spotting things that he couldn't see, he was safe to regularly stay hidden in thick foliage.

Myrall, however, ranged through the trees, hiding in the canopy overhead. This habit was practised by the other Tabaxi, to a lesser extent. Usually, it was safe enough, and very useful to have a scout other than the flying monkey that could see further over the jungle. However, on the day after they had stashed the canoes, Myrall was jumping from one tree to another and he failed to notice the second tree's unstable trunk far below. His very slight weight caused the tree to topple over, and he fell thirty feet through underbrush (most of which broke his fall). Myrall was not seriously injured, but still, he was sore on one side, and the pain lingered in an unnatural way.

That evening at camp, the group was forced to acknowledge that everyone was taking longer than they were used to in recovering from injuries. Chrysagon and Harb were not fully recovered from the incident with the giant ape, and Hup'lo was feeling old and worn.

The Death Curse was getting worse.

OOC: I'm not finished. I'll continue this soon. However:

Death Curse: You now must spend Hit Dice to regain HP in a Long Rest (as well as a Short one) and you only regain 1 HD at the end of a Long Rest. Additionally, Short Rests take 2 Hours. Everything else about resting follows the usual book-rules.

(Athletics) 2, 8, 9, 10, 15, 17, 22
(Medicine) 17
(Perception) 6, 8, 8, 12, 17, 20
(Stealth) 23, 24, 24, 27
(Survival) 8, 11, 11, 13, 15, 16, 16, 19


It had been raining hard for most of the day when the group found themselves in a low-lying area of jungle that had flooded. Myrall and Groll climbed trees to the south and north, respectively, to look for a way around the floodwaters, while Harb sent Ukee flying over the pool to see how far it was across. As the main group waited for the scouting to be done before moving on, the jungle suddenly began to move behind them. Three large skeletal-looking creatures made of rotting vegetation lumbered into view. They smelled terribly, and their hollow eyes appeared to be a nest for ugly fat black flies.

GM: Encounter: The Sticks vs Woodrot Giants in the Wet Jungle of South-West Chult

(BGs) WoodRot1 (Z4); WoodRot2 (AE6); WoodRot3 (AC13)
(PCs) Chrysagon (T8); Dellrak (Q12); Imogen (P10); Harb (W20); Myrral (AA18); Rodrigo (U10)
(NPCs) Braapp (M8); Grrol (O5); Hup'Lo (M12); Kasqa (N13); Qawasha (Q9); Weed (R4); Ukee (F20)
(General Features)
Visibility: Fair "Heavy Rain" (Light Obscurement);
Terrain: Brown "Mud" (Normal); Green "Jungle" (Difficult); Blue "Water" (Swim or Fly over)
Name * AC * HP * Hit Dice * PasPrc * Spells * (Notes)
Chrysagon AC18* HP 36/36 HD 3/4 PP10* SS 3/3 CD 1/1 LoH 20/20 (Res Nec&Rad)
Dellrak AC15 HP 40/40 HD 4/4 PP14* SS 3/3 (Res Poison)
Harb AC15 HP 27/27 HD 3/4 PP14 KI 4/4
Imogen AC16 HP 31/31 THP 0/5 HD 4/4 PP12 SS 2/2 FS 3/3
Myrral (Dew) AC14 HP 26/26 HD 3/4 PP14* SS 4/4 3/3 Ins 3/3
Rodrigo AC18* HP 36/36 HD 4/4 PP14 SD 4/4
Braapp (Climbing Vine) AC14 HP 33/33 HD 6/6 PP13*
Grrol (Rockmoss) AC14 HP 33/33 HD 6/6 PP13*
Hup'Lo AC12 HP 16/16 HD 2/3 PP12*
Kasqa AC13 HP 17/17 HD 3/3 PP11
Qawasha AC11(16) HP 27/27 HD 5/5 PP14 SS 4/4 3/3
Kupalue (Weed) AC13 HP 9/9 HD 2/2 PP12*
Ukee AC12 HP 3/3 HD 1/1 PP13
Name * Damage Taken * (Notes)
0; WoodRot2 0; WoodRot3 0;
Begin Round One
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"More undead!?"
He looks over the brutes.
"Hey, rot brain, why don't you go bury yourself in advance?!" He calls out to the closest giant his words laced with magic after which he growls at the hunters and both of them reach for their bows.

Religion check: 1D20+1 = [8]+1 = 9 (undead?)
Action: Vicious Mockery
Psychic damage: 1D4 = [4] = 4
and will save DC 13 or disadvantage on the next attack

The hunters
Attack the same giant, 2x short bow: +5 / 1d6+3 piercing
Shortbow attack vs Z4; damage: 1D20+5 = [14]+5 = 19
1D6+3 = [4]+3 = 7
1D20+5 = [3]+5 = 8
1D6+3 = [2]+3 = 5
HIT for 7 and a miss (unless somehow AC 8)
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Dusty Dragon
Qawasha was feeling a bit despondent. He was beginning to suspect that he had gotten his bearings wrong, and the Death Curse becoming more potent was weighting down on him.

And now this?!?

"I will slow down the one in the back!" he shouted.

Action: Cast Entangle on woodrot at position AE6. Strength save DC 12 or be retrained. 20 by 20 area around the giant becomes difficult terrain (he will try to place it so that the giant is at the edge, not the centre of the zone, ie has more of entangle area to cross to reach the party)

AC: 11 (16 With Barkskin), Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5)
Speed 30 ft.
STR 10 (+0) DEX 12 (+1) CON 13 (+1) INT 12 (+1) WIS 15 (+2) CHA 11 (+0)
Skills Medicine +4, Nature +3, Perception +4 (passive 14), Survival +4

Magic: DC 12, to hit +4.
4/4, 2/3
Cantrips: druidcraft, produce flame, shillelagh
Spells: Level 1 entangle, longstrider, speak with animals, thunderwave, Level 2: animal messenger, barkskin

Attack: +2 to hit (staff), 1d6/1d8 dmg. Shillelagh: +4 to hit, 1d8+2 dmg

OOC: I don't know if it's my monitor or if I'm color bind, but I don't see blue on that map, the bottom left of it is a dirty grayish green to me. not blue. Not a criticism, just peculiar).
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OOC: You're right, it's not very blue, it's more grey, and it has green blobs, which I guess are floating plant-matter. It's not very blue in the world of the game, either, being floodwater over jungle. It does look blue-er on my mapmaker, but I think I was just trying to not over-complicate the descriptions. I assume no-one is having too much trouble telling what's water and what's not. I hope.


Harb turns at the tabaxi's utterance, barely understanding what was said. But he has no difficulty understanding the brutish undead creature a short distance from him. Not sure gow to fight such a beast, he dashes in, and strikes at it's leg, following up with a pair of kicks for good measure.

Move: 20'(even at half-rate he should reach melee.)

Using flurry, 3/4 Ki available
Quarterstaff, 2 Unarmed: 3#1d20+5 14 16 9 1d8+3 5 2#1d4+3 7 6


Wet Jungle
Round 1

“More bluidy undead,” Dellrak murmured, drawing his greataxe. He strode forward and drew out his spell focus, as well, casting a spell to protect him from undead.

Kasqa rushed forward, readying his spear, and drew up alongside Dellrak to fight with the dwarven ranger.

OOC: Kasqa will move (probably double move) to stand next to Dellrak. If he does have his action left, he will ready it and attack the first thing in melee range.

OOC: Protection from Evil: Attacks by the undead have disadvantage against Dellrak. (100r)

OOC: 30 points of goodberries available.

OOC: Death Curse: You now must spend Hit Dice to regain HP in a Long Rest (as well as a Short one) and you only regain 1 HD at the end of a Long Rest. Additionally, Short Rests take 2 Hours. Everything else about resting follows the usual book-rules.

((Remember Kasqa))

Move: To V12
Free Object Interaction: Draw greataxe
Action: Cast Protection from Evil
Bonus Action: Planar Warrior
Reaction: Opportunity Attack
Concentration: Protection from Evil

Dellrak Character Sheet
Initiative: +1
Perception: +4
Speed: 25
AC: 15
HP: 40/40 HD: 4/4d10+2

Bolts: 18
Bolts used: 1
Arrows: 19
Arrows used:

Detect Portal (1/R): Within 1 mile
Planar Warrior: As a bonus action, choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The next time you hit that creature on this turn with a weapon attack, all damage dealt by the attack becomes force damage, and the creature takes an extra 1d8 force damage from the attack. When you reach 11th level in this class, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
Primeval Awareness (action and spell slot): For one minute per level of spell slot, detect within 1 mile (6 in favored terrain) aberrations, celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. This feature doesn’t reveal the creatures’ location or number.

1) 3/3 Protection from Evil/Good (Horizon Walker), Jump, Goodberry, Longstrider

Rodrigo Di Castalone - male human fighter
Miss Imogen - female samurai, party member, Zhentarim
Chrysagon - male aasimar paladin, Order of the Gauntlet, Kelemvor
Harb - male human monk
Myrral - Tabaxi bard?
Qawasha (NPC) - Chultan druid
Kupalue (Weed, NPC) - vegepygmy
Hu’plo (NPC) Chultan
Kasqa (NPC) - Chultan warrior


Myrall saw the creature for what it was: some sort of undead spirit that animated swamp matter into a giant-like form. He mocked it, but it did not seem to understand or did not care. His scouts fired their bows, and Brapp managed to strike one into the mass of rotting vegetation. Grrol was perched in a tree, and the branch bounced as he fired, throwing off his aim.

The jungle around the creatures wilted, as if they had an aura of rot. Still, Qawasha caused the jungle to writhe and entangle the creature that was furthest away, and it became stuck, if only for a moment, as the writhing vines too began to rot away.

Dellrak and Kasqa rushed forward to form a line of defence, stopping at the edge of a very large puddle. Harb was past them in a flash, and he kicked at the creature's leg. It bent low and opened its mouth unnaturally wide; a swarm of black flies exited the maw, bursting forth and biting in a terrible flurry at Harb, Dellrak, and Kasqa.

Myrall stayed & failed to mock WoodRot3
moved to (Q6) & did 7 (bow) damage to WR3
stayed & missed WR3
stayed & cast Entangle L1
Harb moved to (Z15) & did 7 (kick) damage to WR3
moved to (V13) & cast Protection from Evil L1
Kasqa dashed to (V14)
WoodRot3 moved to (AA13) & did 13 (flies) necrotic to Dellrak, Harb & Kasqa[/b]
(dc12 Dex Save to make that 6 damage instead)
WR3 vs Myrral's mockery
dc13 Wis Save: 1D20+1 = [20]+1 = 21
WR2 vs Qawasha's Entangle
dc12 Str Save: 1D20+3 = [6]+3 = 9
WR3 vs Dellrak, Harb, Kasqa with a 30-foot cone of black flies (dc12 Dex save for half)
Damage: 3D6 = [5, 2, 6] = 13

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