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D&D 5E (IC) Fitz's Folly


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Myrral moves away from the melee, going behind Dellrack using that burst of speed everyone noticed last time. He meows something and the burst of shockingly green light bursts between the giants.

The hunters move in unison, knocking, drawing, sighting and releasing at essentially the same time at the same target. The double thud of the arrows marks their success.

Triumphant growls accompany their hits.

Move: Tabaxi speed: move to U13
Action: cast Faerie fire on two giants (cast on the point where their spaces touch so not to affect allies
Roll Reflex save DC 13 or be "fired up" concentration duration (1 minute)

Attacking non-prone giant; damage; potential advantage: 1D20+5 = [16]+5 = 21
1D6+3 = [4]+3 = 7
1D20 = [15] = 15
1D20+5 = [17]+5 = 22
1D6+3 = [5]+3 = 8
1D20 = [16] = 16
- two clear hits even without advantage, total 15 damage to Woodrot 1

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Dusty Dragon
Rodrigo saw his opening - he wasn't going to waste this opportunity. Darting left and right, he stabbed repeatedly at the creature. If he could kill it before it got up...

Action Surge:
2 attacks with advantage on prone monster, first 2 rolls is attack 1, last 2 rolls attack 2: 1D20+6 = [8]+6 = 14
1D20+6 = [13]+6 = 19
1D20+6 = [5]+6 = 11
1D20+6 = [17]+6 = 23

(OOC: pretty sure that is 2 hits)
2 attacks on prone undead plant monster: 1D8+6 = [1]+6 = 7
1D8+6 = [6]+6 = 12

Rodrigo Di Castalone, Human Fighter (battlemaster, criminal(spy)), level 4
HP: 36/36, Hit dice: 4/4
AC: 18
Passive Perception 14
Rapier: +6 to hit, 1d8+6 dmg
Main Gauche (if used main-handed and not to parry) +6 to hit, 1d4+4 or +6 dmg
Crossbow: +6 to hit, 1d8+4 dmg, range 80/320
Darts: +6 to hit, 1d4+4 dmg, range 20/60
Saves: Str: +3, Dex: +4, Con: +4, Int: +1, Wis: +2, Cha: 0
Superiority dice: 3/4, Action surge: used, Second wind: free
Maneuvres: Riposte, Parry, Trip (DC 14)
Potions of healing remaining: 2


Wet Jungle
Round 3

Dellrak and Kasqa rushed up to the approaching rotting jungle giant, moving around the pool of water, to be on either side of the creature. Dellrak’s greataxe slashed at the monstrosity, but it was quicker than the dwarf expected, and the axe bit only air.

Kasqa used the distraction provided by Dellrak to stab at the monster with his spear.

OOC: Protection from Evil: Attacks by the undead have disadvantage against Dellrak. (99r)

OOC: 30 points of goodberries available.

OOC: Death Curse: You now must spend Hit Dice to regain HP in a Long Rest (as well as a Short one) and you only regain 1 HD at the end of a Long Rest. Additionally, Short Rests take 2 Hours. Everything else about resting follows the usual book-rules.

Kasqa: 11/17
Move: AA15
Action: Attack WoodRot
Spear pack tactics: 2D20.HIGH(1)+4 = [13, 11]+4 = 17
1D8+2 = [8]+2 = 10

Move: To AA12
Free Object Interaction:
Action: Attack WoodRot
Greataxe, Planar Warrior: 1D20+6 = [2]+6 = 8
1D12+1D8+4 = [5]+[2]+4 = 11

Bonus Action: Planar Warrior
Reaction: Opportunity Attack
Concentration: Protection from Evil

Dellrak Character Sheet
Initiative: +1
Perception: +4
Speed: 25
AC: 15
HP: 34/40 HD: 4/4d10+2

Bolts: 18
Bolts used: 1
Arrows: 19
Arrows used:

Detect Portal (1/R): Within 1 mile
Planar Warrior: As a bonus action, choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The next time you hit that creature on this turn with a weapon attack, all damage dealt by the attack becomes force damage, and the creature takes an extra 1d8 force damage from the attack. When you reach 11th level in this class, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
Primeval Awareness (action and spell slot): For one minute per level of spell slot, detect within 1 mile (6 in favored terrain) aberrations, celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. This feature doesn’t reveal the creatures’ location or number.

1) 3/3 Protection from Evil/Good (Horizon Walker), Jump, Goodberry, Longstrider

Rodrigo Di Castalone - male human fighter
Miss Imogen - female samurai, party member, Zhentarim
Chrysagon - male aasimar paladin, Order of the Gauntlet, Kelemvor
Harb - male human monk
Myrral - Tabaxi bard?
Qawasha (NPC) - Chultan druid
Kupalue (Weed, NPC) - vegepygmy
Hu’plo (NPC) Chultan
Kasqa (NPC) - Chultan warrior


I just realized tgat Hup'lo isn't a dual weilder. He uses a longspear. So he'd stay back at his 10' reach and stab.

Longspear(Pack Tactics): 2d20k1+3 19 1d10+1 5

Hup'lo stoid just behind Chrysagon, spear in hand and using the paladins as a distraction, thrust the blade into the creatures flank.


Harb continued his assault hoping to quickly reduce the number of enemies they had to face. His quarterstaff, in particular, struck a powerful blow, the sound of cracking bone could ve heard throughout the clearing.

Quarterstaff, 2 Unarmed: 3#1d20+5 24 11 17 1d8+3 11 2#1d4+3 4 7 Not a crit, but close enough max damage ftw.


Dusty Dragon
Qawasha stepped forward to get closer to the front line (but not too close, he didn't want to get hit by that strange flies attack), and unleashed further magic.

He picked the monster that looked the most damaged while remaining the easiest to hit (ie not one with cover bonuses)

qawasha produce flame attack: 1D20+4 = [9]+4 = 13

dmg for maybe hit by qawasha via produce flame: 1D8 = [6] = 6

AC: 11 (16 With Barkskin), Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5)
Speed 30 ft.
STR 10 (+0) DEX 12 (+1) CON 13 (+1) INT 12 (+1) WIS 15 (+2) CHA 11 (+0)
Skills Medicine +4, Nature +3, Perception +4 (passive 14), Survival +4

Magic: DC 12, to hit +4.
4/4, 2/3
Cantrips: druidcraft, produce flame, shillelagh
Spells: Level 1 entangle, longstrider, speak with animals, thunderwave, Level 2: animal messenger, barkskin

Attack: +2 to hit (staff), 1d6/1d8 dmg. Shillelagh: +4 to hit, 1d8+2 dmg

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Miss Imogen fires another arrow at the same large lumbering figure, but the arrow lands in a nearby tree instead.
Weed stays hidden in her skirts.

OOC: HP=31(+5thp)
Bow: (sharpshooter) 1d20+2=7 vs. Woodrot 3. Miss -- Hello, "MISS" Imogen.



Sticks vs Woodrots

Myrall slid down the tree and rushed toward his friends. Turning, he caused some sort of green energy to appear on the fallen undead swamp creature which revealed its structurally weak areas. The effect seemed to infect the other nearest of the creatures for a moment, but then it was gone. Still, Grrol and Braapp sent arrows into it. Chrysagon swung his flail and it struck the same creature with a solid thump while Hup'lo stayed behind the paladin, thrusting his long spear over Chrysagon's shoulder into the rotting wooden skeleton covered with muck. A swarm of black flies flew out of the creature's gaping maw, like the other one had done, and they bit at Chrysagon and Hup'lo. Qawasha made his hand light up in magical flame and he flung it at the creature, but the creature's dampness and the driving rain seemed to cause the fire to have little effect as it burst into smaller flames that were quickly extinguished.

Rodrigo danced in and jammed his blade into the second, fallen, and now-glowing creature as it stood, and it slashed at the swordsman with fiendish-looking thorn-like claws - but Rodrigo was quick, and he danced aside, parrying and ready to strike again.

Dellrak and Kasqa moved around the large puddle to join Harb in a flank on the third swamp creature. While the dwarf distracted it from one side, the nameless man and the chultan warrior struck it from the other with staff, foot, and spear. Still it remained standing, and when Imogen's arrow and Weed's stones sailed past, it lunged at Harb with claws while he blocked with his staff. His flying monkey, Ukee, shrieked as she flew toward her master, terrified for him.

Myrall moved to (U13) & cast faerie fire effecting WoodRot2
stayed) & did 7 (bow) damage to WoodRot1
stayed & did 8 (bow) damage to WoodRot1
stayed & did 7 & 12 (sword) damage to WoodRot2
moved to (Z12) & missed WoodRot3
moved to (Z15) & did 10 (spear) damage to WoodRot3
stayed at (V7) & did 5 (spear) damage to WoodRot1
moved to (AA15) & did 11 (staff) & 7 (foot) damage to WoodRot3
moved to (T11) & missed WoodRot1
stayed & missed WoodRot3
stayed & did 6 (flail) & 6 (smite) damage to WoodRot1
dashed (flying) to (AB20)
WoodRot1 moved to (xx) & did 12 (flies) damage to Chrys & Hup'lo
(dc12 Dex Save for half damage) (necrotic, so Chrysagon resists)
WoodRot2 stood up & missed (claws) Rodrigo
stayed & missed (claws) Harb
Last edited:


GM: Encounter: The Sticks vs Woodrot Giants the Wet Jungle of Chult

(BGs) WoodRot1 (X6); WoodRot2 (Z8); WoodRot3 (AA13);
(PCs) Chrysagon (W7); Dellrak (Z12); Imogen (J10); Harb (AA15); Myrral (U13); Rodrigo (Y10);
(NPCs) Braapp (Q6); Grrol (O5); Hup'Lo (V7); Kasqa (Z15); Qawasha (T11); Weed (K9); Ukee (AB20)
(General Features) Visibility: "Heavy Rain" (Light Obscurement); Terrain: Brown "Mud" (Normal); Green "Jungle" (Difficult); Grey "Water" (Swim or Fly over); Brown 'squares' "Rotting Jungle"
Name * AC * HP * Hit Dice * PasPrc * Spells * (Notes)
Chrysagon AC18* HP 30(33?)/36 HD 3/4 PP10* SS 2/3 CD 1/1 LoH 20/20 (Res Nec&Rad)
Dellrak AC15 HP 34/40 HD 4/4 PP14* SS 2/3 (Res Psn) (Protection From Evil)
Harb AC15 HP 21/27 HD 3/4 PP14 KI 4/4
Imogen AC16 HP 31/31 THP 5/5 HD 4/4 PP12 SS 2/2 FS 2/3
Myrral (Dew) AC14 HP 26/26 HD 3/4 PP14* SS 4/4 3/3 Ins 3/3
Rodrigo AC18* HP 36/36 HD 4/4 PP14 SD 4/4
Braapp (Climbing Vine) AC14 HP 33/33 HD 6/6 PP13*
Grrol (Rockmoss) AC14 HP 33/33 HD 6/6 PP13*
Hup'Lo AC12 HP 16/16 HD 2/3 PP12*
Kasqa AC13 HP 11/17 HD 3/3 PP11
Qawasha AC11(16) HP 27/27 HD 5/5 PP14 SS 3/4 3/3
Kupalue (Weed) AC13 HP 9/9 HD 2/2 PP12*
Ukee AC12 HP 3/3 HD 1/1 PP13
Name * Damage Taken * (Notes)
34; WoodRot2 15 (FFire); WoodRot3 62;
End Round Three; Begin Round Four


Wet Jungle
Round 4

Dellrak growled. He swung his greataxe again at the giant pile of rotting vegetation, but he slipped on some mud, sending his swing wide.

Kasqa had more luck, using the distraction caused by the flailing dwarf to jab his spear into the monster once more.

OOC: Protection from Evil: Attacks by the undead have disadvantage against Dellrak. (98r)

OOC: 30 points of goodberries available.

OOC: Death Curse: You now must spend Hit Dice to regain HP in a Long Rest (as well as a Short one) and you only regain 1 HD at the end of a Long Rest. Additionally, Short Rests take 2 Hours. Everything else about resting follows the usual book-rules.

Kasqa: 11/17
Action: Attack WoodRot 3
Spear pack tactics: 2D20.HIGH(1)+4 = [14, 6]+4 = 18
1D8+2 = [8]+2 = 10

Free Object Interaction:
Action: Attack WoodRot 3
Greataxe, Planar Warrior: 1D20+6 = [1]+6 = 7
1D12+1D8+4 = [10]+[4]+4 = 18

Bonus Action: Planar Warrior
Reaction: Opportunity Attack
Concentration: Protection from Evil

Dellrak Character Sheet
Initiative: +1
Perception: +4
Speed: 25
AC: 15
HP: 34/40 HD: 4/4d10+2

Bolts: 18
Bolts used: 1
Arrows: 19
Arrows used:

Detect Portal (1/R): Within 1 mile
Planar Warrior: As a bonus action, choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The next time you hit that creature on this turn with a weapon attack, all damage dealt by the attack becomes force damage, and the creature takes an extra 1d8 force damage from the attack. When you reach 11th level in this class, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
Primeval Awareness (action and spell slot): For one minute per level of spell slot, detect within 1 mile (6 in favored terrain) aberrations, celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. This feature doesn’t reveal the creatures’ location or number.

1) 3/3 Protection from Evil/Good (Horizon Walker), Jump, Goodberry, Longstrider

Rodrigo Di Castalone - male human fighter
Miss Imogen - female samurai, party member, Zhentarim
Chrysagon - male aasimar paladin, Order of the Gauntlet, Kelemvor
Harb - male human monk
Myrral - Tabaxi bard?
Qawasha (NPC) - Chultan druid
Kupalue (Weed, NPC) - vegepygmy
Hu’plo (NPC) Chultan
Kasqa (NPC) - Chultan warrior

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