D&D 5E (IC) Fitz's Folly


"I say gag them and we move on," the dwarf votes. "Nay like we could trust what they may say. But if questioning them ye want, I say let the female do it."

OOC: I say stash them and move on
if we get lost/stuck we can then come
back and question them

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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Miss Imogen comes into the room, bending at the knees to pick up her two missed arrows. One's been damaged, but she doesn't like to leave a mess.

"Apart from the password they were seeking, I cannot imagine they have anything of use to tell us." She says. "If we're sparing them, tie them up and do so. If sparing them was a mistake, then kill them now."

She sounds cold, but it's not a bluff. She is aware that if the prisoner is conscious, that her words may provoke a reaction.


Kicking at the dirt Dellrak puts the axe away, and picks up one of the crossbows. "I'll take this then."

He fixes the case of quarrels to his hip, and turns to Miss Imogen. "I'll have extra shafts fer' you me'lady, should ye be need'n them."

OOC: Plus one crossbow, ?? quarrels
and 2gp


The Nameless picks up the swords, assuming nobody protests and stashes them in his backpack. Then turns and begins to creep down the passageway again as before.

Squirrels are evil!

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
He fixes the case of quarrels to his hip, and turns to Miss Imogen. "I'll have extra shafts fer' you me'lady, should ye be need'n them."

Miss Imogen raises an eyebrow archly. She contemplates a riposte with a more forceful double entendre, but does not wish to encourage him. "Boys," she says smiling and shaking her head, and moves on.


Dusty Dragon
Rodrigo pursed his lips. Of course they couldn't leave prisoners behind AND weapons, what was he thinking? He still had a lot to learn it seemed...

He wordlessly picked up the last crossbow and followed the group.

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