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D&D 5E (IC) Fitz's Folly

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Miss Imogen is surprised when she hears the Nameless's voice. On the surface, his speech had been hoarse whispers, as if communicating with others had caused him physical pain. Here, in his element (she surmises), his voice is clear, and he projects from the diaphragm, as she had been instructed to do in elocution.

She stands behind him, bow in hand. She furrows her brow.

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"Who?" said one of the voices, and two rough-looking men stepped forward to confront Nameless, crossbows levelled at him.

The second man turned to the first and said, "He means Nahurali, man. The number four! Sanuya is gonna want to see these guys right away."

"Right. You take 'em then. If you're wrong, it's on you."

The men lowered their crossbows and one let the group pass while the other turned to lead them further along the dark tunnel.

OOC: You can have a surprise round, if you want to attack them, or you can just follow the man and leave the other behind.


Dusty Dragon
Rodrigo suppressed a smile at the Nameless's one bold claim. He had been considering a similar story, but "Harb" had beaten him to the punch - and delivered it quite convincingly too, judging by the thugs' reaction.

He stepped forward, hand on the hilt of his sword but in a casual, "keep it from banging on things" way (infuriatingly, it had). His left hand, hidden by his cape, held the main-gauche at the ready. He didn't know how his companions would react, but he was willing to play along... either way he was ready.


"Thank you, my Lord, for saving those lives. Their time has not yet come. But I fear that this period of grace will not last." , thought Chrysagon.
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Dellrak had paused before continuing with the others, as he steps up to the thug that was to stay and keep watch he brings his new axe around in an horizontal executioner's swing. "Ro'do dar drak!"

OOC: Attack: [roll0]
versatile: [roll1]
Sorry in advance


Dusty Dragon
Rodrigo, who was in the rear, thought "oh well!" and stepped and turn to the left, sending his cape flying and momentarily obscuring him. He dropped the coin as he drew his sword and kept circling - as Dellrak struck the man to one side, Rodrigo brought his sword in a moulinet over his head and brought the blade crashing down on the back of the thug's head

attack vs guard in the rear: 1D20+5 = [9]+5 = 14

(OOC: not 100% sure if that hits or not but let's assume it does and roll for damage)

With an angry dwarf to one side, a light suddenly in front of him and an experience fencer almost to his rear, the thug was having a very bad day

Damage to guard in the rear after moulinet cut: 1D8+5 = [3]+5 = 8

After the rapier hit the man's skull instead of the neck, Rodrigo instinctively fell into guard, his sword arm extended, blade pointing at the foe, main gauche at the ready, in case the man still had fight in him.
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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
From where she stands, Miss Imogen fires an arrow into one of the crossbow wielders, targeting the centre of his forehead.

to hit: [roll0], damage = [roll1] piercing (sharpshooter).


Dellrack & Rodgrigo

Last in line, and spotting his opportunity, Dellrack turns on the ruffian who remained behind, suddenly bringing out his axe and swinging it at the man. The ruffian was surprised, but perhaps not as surprised as Dellrack could hope, and he rolled with the blow, bringing his crossbow up in line with the dwarf's face.

Then he was struck from the side by Rodrigo, a solid blow which rattled the man's senses and caused the quarrel to pop harmlessly out of the crossbow's groove. In frustration, he threw down his crossbow, shook his head to clear it, and yelled to his companion, "You see? They did not know the password! This is on you!"

He drew his sword and put his back to the wall, but it was clear he was having trouble clearing his head.

GM: Gone: (PCs) Dellrack & Rodrigo; (BGs) Ruffian1 (Surprised)
Damage Taken: (PCs) None; (BGs) Ruffian1 4 & 8


Miss Imogen & Chrysagon

Miss Imogen swung her bow into hand in a fluid motion and carefully aimed an arrow at the leading man. She saw the surprise and fear in his eyes as she released it, and she wasn't sure, but she felt she may have hesitated, because the arrow struck the wall as the man dove to the side. Perhaps it was the influence of the Kelemvorite in front of her. He appeared to be holding back, and perhaps his influence was rubbing off.

Chrysagon loosed the head of his flail, but he stood calmly surveying the scene.

GM: Gone: (PCs) Imogen, Chrysagon (Ready); (BGs) Ruffian2 (Surprised)
Damage Taken: None

I'd give you all a map, but it's really a boring winding tunnel.

Voidrunner's Codex

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