D&D 5E (IC) Fitz's Folly


Chrysagon hadn't move yet, still standing in front of the Commander desk.

"I haven't finished!" he said, interrupting everyone.
You are not facing your regular trooper here, Commander. I am the Eternal Order and a servant of your Judge in the afterlife!
I vowed to protect those entrusted to my care and I will honor this promise. Now, we are maybe allies here and I'm ready to help you but I'll never let you dispose of their lives!

I conjure you to revise your orders and let my friends decide by themselves which path they want to follow."

He is not menacing or threatening anyone but he will not bend.
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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Miss Imogen stands to the back. When she had entered, she had stood erect, clicked her heels in respect, with a confident military air, in deference to his rank. It is not even clear Breakbone has noticed her, though it was she who had asked for him by name. His general orders are clearly off-putting the others, and she is letting this play itself out.

In her hand are the letters she had been asked to deliver to him by the half-orc woman. They are wrapped in an oilcloth to protect them from the elements and misadventure, and she trusts they are still dry. She does not niterrupt this stand off, but does wait to deliver the letters when she can.

Despite the heat, there seems to be a chill in the air.


Harb simply stands to wait, putting a hand out to halt Qwasha. He merely suggested an alternative, not an offer of sacrificing their guide for Breakbone's amusement.


Dusty Dragon
Rodrigo brushed Perne's hand off. "Do not claim friendship if you cannot obey the laws of hospitality, captain." he answered coldly.

Seeing that Chrysagon was standing firm, Rodrigo pressed the case.

"We were sent to this peninsula to solve the Death Curse. Sent by the order of the Gauntlet, the Lord's Alliance, the Harpers, and others. As part of our investigation, we agreed to assist Ser Alister Bol and see if we could find the fate of Camp Resolute and Perne. What shall be reporting to Ser Alister? Or your superiors in the order?

We are no man's slaves. We took no oath to serve you, no coin nor food. We owe you nothing. You *may* be able to convince us to help you. But if you seek to force us, your manpower problems *may* become worse, not better".
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The Camp's second-in-command, the Dwarf Ord Firebeard's cheeks went as red as his namesake, he spat, "Speak t'the Commander like that, will ye? Ye coom inta oor camp an'throw threats and insults, ye high-an'-mighty..."

He began to call for guards, but Commander Breakbone held up a hand and sighed, saying "I was not aware that you were free agents and not loyal hands of the Gauntlet. Let us start anew: My need is great; The mission is urgent. If you are sellswords, I can pay you five hundred gold for a good map. In fact, to assure you that you are wrong about my callous regard for life, I will add ten gold for each person who returns from the mission alive. This goes for yourselves as well as my scouts and cartographer. My offer to feed you still stands. You may discuss the details with Captain Perne and scoutmaster Rygor and let them know what you decide. If you choose to leave, so be it. Now, I need to get back to work."

Captain Firebeard mumbled under his breath "Fookin' adventurers need ta be treated laik kings wit' a 'by yuir leave, M'Laird, and a 'if'n it please ye'."


Dusty Dragon
Rodrigo bowed slightly.

"Thank you commander, I appreciate this. I am hopeful that we can come to an agreement. Captain Perne, lead on if you please. "

He looked sideways at the dwarf, but decided to let the comments pass.


Perne led them from the command tent to the mess tent where a half-orc was roasting long strips of meat from a vast animal carcass. He lay each strip on an iron grate over a fire built between two piles of stones. It smelled delicious.

"At least we have a good cook." said Perne as she breathed a sigh of relief after the tension in the command tent. "Allow me to introduce you to Scoutmaster Wulf Rygor."

The half-elf who had left the command tent before the Sticks had entered put down his food and stood, bowing. "Well met, my friends. I look forward to getting to know you on our expedition to Mbala."

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