[IC] M&M 2nd: Gotham Squires

Walking Dad

First Post
The man besides the desk and hits a hidden button. "Please wait a moment."

Shortly after, the doors of the express elevator open up and out steps a raven haired woman with glasses in a business suit and some unusual strong armored and armed security personal with with mirrored faceplates.

"You cause a bit too much attention. Please follow me."

OOC: I assume you all step into the elevator.

After a short trip you finally arrive in the office of Black Mask himself.

"So, what do you want to offer me?" he asks.


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Octavia takes a look around the inner sanctum or whatever the Black Mask calls his office (or orifice :p). No particularly caring about the decor, she returns her attention back to the man in charge, replying, "Truth, nothing from thyself interests us. However thou art of interest to SHADOW and that is why we palaver. Thy pitiful life be in peril from a god's minions no less. And though the words pain me, we shalt by thy paladins and protectors."

She actually has a look of scorn as she spits out the word 'paladin', clearly not pleased about the concept of having to stoop to referring to herself as such a self-righteous vigilante.

"Thou might as well, serve up the ale or wine, we are here to wait in ambush for your uninvited guest to arrive."

[sblock=Mini Stats]Init: +20 Def: +10 (0 ff) Tough: +8 (5 Impervious)
Fort: +5 Ref: +14 Will: +13
Attack: Ring: +12 Chain: +14
Health: Picture of excellent feminine sexuality
Diplomacy: +11; Escape Artist: +18;
Notice: +17; Sense Motive: +17 Stealth: +16; [/sblock]___________________________________________

Fallen Angel


First Post

"You heard what happened to Penguin, yeah?" he says, doing his best to disguise his voice. "And he's been Gotham bad guy royalty for, like, ever. These SHADOW folks is bad news. You need all the help you can get."

Walking Dad

First Post
At Octavia's question he points to a small table with some seats in the corner of the room.
"The Penguin just got cocky. And what do you want for your 'protection'? Or do you just want to do this because you are so nice people?"


Octavia frowns at the question, By the Dark one's shriveled manhood, we doth sound like self-righteous knights. Aloud she replies, "Thou has a point. Our concern has nothing to do with thy welfare, though. Nor did we mourn the fat foul's death any more than we would mourn thine. Thou are, as they say, 'bait'. Should thou choose to repay us afterward, I am sure the negotiations could prove fruitful."

[sblock=Mini Stats]Init: +20 Def: +10 (0 ff) Tough: +8 (5 Impervious)
Fort: +5 Ref: +14 Will: +13
Attack: Ring: +12 Chain: +14
Health: Picture of excellent feminine sexuality
Diplomacy: +11; Escape Artist: +18;
Notice: +17; Sense Motive: +17 Stealth: +16; [/sblock]___________________________________________

Fallen Angel

Walking Dad

First Post
"If there is an attack my men cannot handle and you three will save me, there will be surely a reward... maybe even a place in my organization.

You speak like Maxy Zeus, BTW."


First Post

Brick snickers a bit under his helmet at the comments regarding Octavia's speech pattern. "Yeah, she's not from 'round here. But that's why she's good, why we're all good. No one knows what we got, right? Surprise and all."

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