• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

IC - Mad King's Monkey


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Bayar had maintained a sullen silence all day. He was still brooding over last night, convinced there was a missing piece of the puzzle. It doesn't make any sense. Why would Korvic sell Henri's potions? For profit, surely. But why would Henri go to Korvic rather than sell direct? And why would Korvic not care to find out the whole story? His DAUGHTER went with a friend? I wouldn't send my girl, if I had one out here... The whole thing makes no sense...

Looking up abruptly, he realised the others had stopped. "What're we stopped for? Isn't it just up 'n' over the hill? You all afraid of getting your feet wet? Hmmph!" Bayar stalked on ahead into the lead, crossing the stream and following the track further up the hill. Bloody women. Always a problem where they're involved. Nelle wasn't even worth the knife fight, the ungrateful bitch...

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Electric Wizard

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Sukri unlaced his boots and cooled his feet in the water for a moment. He slung his boots around his neck and trudged uphill barefoot until he caught up to Bayar.

"We are no longer in the village," Sukri said in a low voice, "so I will tell you what I think. Henri is kidnapped. Someone who scares the villagers took him. This is why Kovic says 'I know nothing'. We must be more careful."

Surki slipped his boots back on and grinned, resting his thumb on his belt dagger.

"I will see what's ahead."


First Post
As the party walks down the road, Libros takes the opportunity to have a quite word with Sukri "I have been thinking about that symbol you showed me. I don't know what it is but I think I have seen something like it in a book. For some reason, I find it very disturbing. Next time I am in the library, I try and find where I saw it."

When the party stops at the ford, Libros voices his theory as to what happened to Henri "My theory is that Henri was attacked when he was out hunting components. An animal perhaps or maybe a roving band of humanoids that the villagers don't know about."

Fangor the Fierce

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Eban had taken the time that night to inspect his newfound item. The thing reminded him of something that he heard about. A Wayfinder, if he was correct. From what he remembered, it was a compass of sorts, that had a little more ability to do something else, which he can't rightly remember. Perhaps one of the others might know more about it, but he resists the urge to ask them for now.

When morning comes, he offers a brief prayer to Torag, calming his mind and clearing it of the prior days' events. When finished, he stands, prepares his gear, and meets the others for their journey today. Turning to Sukri, he says, "If the itching comes back, let me know."

He then takes the rear position as they walk, taking the time to inspect his wayfinder as it points out their direction with a needle. Somehow, it retains its position, alerting Eban that it will help them should they become lost.

When the ford appears, Bayer is the ever boastful one that throws caution to the wind. "There is already one missing person form this place. Don't make it too easy to make it two..."

As if sensing something in the air, the wind picks up around Eban, causing his coat to flap in the wind. Looking to the others, Eban knows that this is the type of mishap that usually surrounds him. It had been a good day yesterday, not having too many notable occurrences. Hopefully, nothing more drastic would present itself. He has no explanation that he can offer the others, so he trudges on, looking to the horizon for answers...

With only his dagger and spell component pouch to protect him, he hopes the others can take care of themselves, should the need arise.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
The flask is put in Jan's pack, with no extra bulk added to it. He rejoins the party and they travel to Henri's place, the bartender's refusal to send his daughter haunting the back of his mind. When they get to the ruined tower, he asks the nagging question.
"Why didn't he want his daughter to go with us?"

If they stop for a breather at the tower, he pokes around to see what he might find compared to what he may know.


Day Two

Sukri moves over the rise. Down a gentle slope on the other side the trail breaks into a clearing. It is about 100 yards across, and close enough to circular as makes no difference. Roughly in the centre of the clearing is a two storey wooden house surrounded by a rickety wooden fence. The purpose of the fence is unclear. There are too many large gaps in it to keep out small animals, and it is looks too insubstantial to stop larger animals. Enclosed within the fence is what appears to be a simple garden. Across the far right side of the clearing there is a small stream, more than likely the same one you crossed just recently.

The clearing is quiet. There is no one around except for the five of you converging upon the house. The house appears unoccupied. There is no smoke coming from the chimney. No greeting or challenge issues from within. The front door, however, is open.

[sblock=OOC]Scott, I will get back to you on the guard house and tower when I get a bit more time.[/sblock]


First Post
"Why would anyone leave a door open when they go out?" Libros says, thinking allowed. "Because they don't intend to be long. Which means that whatever happened to him, happened near the house. That's assuming he is not still here of course." Libros is just about to hail the house when it occurs to him that someone, or something, may have moved in that isn't friendly. "Guys. Do you think something other than Henri is in there." he says.

Electric Wizard

First Post
Sukri, with his lopsided grin, bobs his head at Libros assessment and pokes around the clearing, looking for any remaining signs of struggle, before peering into the open door.
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
For this, silence is golden , thinks Jan to himself. He exorcises this by moving as stealthily as possible.

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Eban too moves off towards the gardens. He waves his hand as he takes stock of what the garden holds, wondering if any of it would be worth taking or a trap in itself. (Casting Detect Poison on the garden)

As he looks about, the absence of sound is calming, for he has become used to this life of his. Yet, his other senses seem to be honing themselves to make up for his lack of hearing, as he attempts to peer into the nearby edge of trees or bushes, looking for anyone or anything that would be taking note of their arrival.

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