• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

IC - Mad King's Monkey


Day Two

The front door is barely hanging on by its hinges and the lock has been splintered. This is apparent to anyone inspecting the house from closer up. Light shines through the windows in the home and all is quiet.

Ebon detects no poisons in the garden. He does find a chicken coop. There are no chickens in it nor in the garden. But there are quite a lot of feathers on the ground.

Sukri spots something in the woods. Eban also sees something. No one else does.

[sblock=OOC Sukri and Eban]About 20 yards into the trees on the other side of the stream (diagonally opposite from where you entered the clearing) you see a humaniod figure retreating deeper into the forest. It is about the size of an adult male. You only get a couple of glimpses between the trees and undergrowth before it disappears. It is about 40 yards from Sukri, and about 50 from Eban.[/sblock]

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Electric Wizard

First Post
Sukri draws his dagger and tosses a pebble at Eban that bounces off his boot.

"Man in the woods," he mouths, pointing to where the figure vanished. "Tell others."

Sukri swallows as he sets off after his quarry, wishing he were dashing through a back alley or along a rooftop instead of hurtling through untamed forest.

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Eban quickly calls out to the others in a hushed whisper. "There is a person retreating into the woods. We must move swiftly if he want to catch up..."

Eban points into the direction of the figure he spotted. Thinking that there is more to this than meets the eye, Eban wonders if the figure intentionally wants the group to lay chase to him,is frightened of the group, or something else... (Sense Motive if possible)

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Jan looks to the others and wonders if he should stay at the house, but hidden. he slips inside as unseen as possible and finds a dark corner with his short bow at the ready for whoever walks in.


First Post
Libros follows the others has they head towards the figure. As he half expects an ambush, he goes cautiously carefully looking all round he he goes. However, as this is the first time he has been out of the city he can't really tell the woods for the trees.
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First Post

Bayar had stood at the crest of the approach hill, watching the others scurrying hither and tither. Such work was not really his style - he would far have preferred to march up the path and kick in the door. Still, it was being done, and not too inefficiently.

On hearing word of a humanoid in the woods, Bayar is surprised. He says nothing but unlimbers his shield from his back and begins to stride toward the house. I am too slow to give chase. Besides, if he doesn't want to get caught he won't be...just let them run around like children.

Standing on a small porch in front of the door, Bayar is struck by the violence of the entry. Not entirely what I was thinking...someone didn't like Henri much.

Reaching out a hand for the door, he calls "Hail the house. I am coming in."


Day Two

Taking a deep breath, Sukri sets off into the woods in the direction of the mystery figure. He covers the first 30 yards easily enough, but going is slower once he gets in among the trees and undergrowth. Still it is enough and about 20 yards into the forest Sukri catches a couple of glimpses of his target retreating deeper into.

[sblock=OOC]Assuming hurtling = run x3 for Sukri. This will take Sukri to 30 yards into the forest (60 yards*1/2). Technically you cannot Run through forest (hampered movement), but I will all it with a DEX check (DC10) or end up eating dirt. Which Sukri makes.[/sblock]

Unable to see anyone in the forest (except the rapidly disappearing Sukri) Eban is unable to make any meaning full assessment of the mystery figure's motive.

Jan, already at the fence, crosses the garden and slips through the front door and into a large open room that takes up most of the ground floor. To his left there are stairs going up. To his right there is a hearth and small oven. Inside all is still. The house, in as much of it as he can see, appears empty. But trashed.

Libros moves cautiously towards the edge of the forest. He is uncomfortably aware that after Sukri, he is the front line.

Bayar, reading his shield, strides down into the clearing and towards the house. He gets as far as the front fence.

With a snarl a hunched figure erupts from hiding and crashes into Sukri. For the River Rat the moment is a chaotic mix of fur, leather armour, a muzzle full of sharp teeth, a glint of steel, foul breath and the cold hard bite of an axe. Then pain.

[sblock=OOC]Sukri suffers 6 HP damage.
New round. Roll initiative.
1. Movement in Forests is at 1/2 normal rate. Characters can Runx3, but require a DC10 DEX check to remain on their feet.
2. Visibility is 50 yards max. To spot characters not hiding (ie running, fighting, dancing) DC10 @ 20 yards, DC15 @ 30 yards, DC25@ 40 yards.
3. Sukri is 20 yards into the woods. All those outside of the house see or hear enough to know what has happened to Sukri. Distance from the edge of the clearing:
a. Libros 0 yards. Can see Sukri
b. Eban 20 yards. Can see Sukri
c. Bayer 30 yards. Can see Sukri
d. Jan 40 yards. Inside house[/sblock]


First Post

A sudden blur of movement and a spurt of sound cause Bayar to whirl around, crouching on the balls of his feet. "You there, in the forest! Stand aside!" he bellows, beginning to trot towards the...thing...entangled with Sukri.

[sblock=Mini Stats]
AC: 20 (18 flat-footed, 12 touch)
HP: 12/12
CMB: +4 CMD: 15
Fort: +3 Reflex: +2 Will: +1
Perception: +1
Initiative: +4

Left Hand: Heavy wooden shield (+2AC)
Right Hand: Fist/Gauntlet Att: +4; Dam: 1d4 + 3 (non-lethal), Crit: 20/x2, Type:B
Current Conditions in Effect: none


Electric Wizard

First Post
Sukri gasps a curse as he staggers away. Painful jolts follow every breath. His abdomen is slick with blood. The brush hinders any retreat. Shaking, he faces his attacker and stands his ground.

"I'll gut you like a pig!" Sukri cries in his mother tongue, bracing himself for the moment to strike.

OOC: Fighting defensively as a full-round action (+2 AC, -4 to attacks)

Mini Stats
[sblock]AC 16 (12 flat-footed, 14 touch)
HP 4/10
CMB +1. CMD 14.
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +1
Perception +5
Initiative +3
Dagger. +3 attack, 1d4+2 damage. Crit 19-20/x2[/sblock]

OH GOD WHY??? @ Dice rolls
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