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Pathfinder 1E [IC] Pathfinder: Jade Regent


Guest 11456

Suldrel, Jariah and Jakira try to determine where the lone goblin ran off to. After searching the area outside the village, Suldrel spots the small humanoid hiding nearby. As the arctic elf approaches its hiding place the goblin takes off running. Suldrel and Jakira are able to quickly overtake and corner the small humanoid.

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Guest 11456

OOC: Fastus intends to wedge and nail the double doors so they can't be opened from inside. Is that doable, Tailspinner? (He's got his artisan's tool and some nails + wire in his "bits of random metal", if needed).

I'll need a skill check.


The elf levels his spear at the goblin. "Surrender!" he barks. Then, glowering, he asks, "Do you even speak the common tongue?"


First Post
After her search for a firework turns out to be a failure, Sachiko hears pounding at the door. Another goblin?!

She rushes over to see Fastus hard at work at the door and finds their usual relationship oddly reversed. Now it was SHE trying to convince HIM not to do something!

"There's more in there!"
she blurted. "Don't seal them off! Where did Suldrel and the others go?"


Jariah Taliaferro, Human Female


Jariah came running up, bringing up the rear as Jakira was stalking the last goblin with Suldrel. Jakira was crouched with his tail twitching back and forth as he was getting ready to charge and pounce.

She touched her eidolon and murmured an arcane incantation to increase his abilities temporarily.

Her voice was cold as she addressed the goblin, “The cat will eat you if you do not surrender. Decide now.”

Jakira was poised and ready, awaiting the mental command from his mistress if the goblin did not surrender.

[Sblock=OOC/Actions]Jariad cast Guidance on Jakira
Intimidation (1d20+4=23)
If no surrender, Jakira charges and pounces for non-lethal attacks
Bite, Non-lethal (1d20+3=19, 1d6+3=5)
Claw 1, Non-lethal (1d20+2=7, 1d4+3=4)
Claw 2, Non-lethal (1d20+2=19, 1d4+3=5)[/Sblock][sblock=Mini-stats]Jariah Taliaferro
Init: +5, Senses: Perception +6
AC: 15, Touch: 13, Flat-footed: 12 (Leather armor)
HP: 9 Current: 9
Fort: +1, Ref: +3, Will: +3
Summon Monster: 7/7 Remaining
1st Level Spells: 0/2 Remaining (Mage Armor, Lesser Rejuv)
Conditions: None

Weapon in Hand: Dagger

Init: +2, Senses: Perception +4, Darkvision
AC: 14/18 (Mage Armor), Touch: 12, Flat-footed: 12/16
HP: 12 Current: 4
Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +0
Condition: Darkvision, Power Attack, Pounce,
Weapons in Hand: Claws & Bite[/sblock]


First Post
Wireth watches Fastus and Sachiko from a distance while he keeps his ears perked for trouble in the direction Suldrel and the summoner have run. He doesn't seem inclined in either direction so much as he splits his focus and tenses his muscles for whatever quarter trouble might be coming from.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"But if we don't, they'll come spilling out all over," reasonably pointed out the blacksmith, a semi-bent nail at the corner of his mouth, hammer hammering the last wedges in. Then he got it: "Oh! You want to smoke them out instead, right? Groundhog hunting!" (*)

Right, that made sense. He hopped off and started walking around the side, towards the ladder he'd spotted at the back of this thing. (He had no idea about the second question, so he let that one pass on to either Elli or the big orc.)

OOC: Are there any windows on this hut, Tailspinner, or just the two exits (front and back)? He'll even look underneath for a trapdoor or something while he's at it.

* = blocking all of its exits but two, lighting a fire at one end and trapping the other in some way, don't you know. :)

Updated Map



The half elf looked at Fastus and Sachiko in confusion.

"I do not understand what groundhog hunting has to do with the goblins. I have never been groundhog hunting so I am at a loss as to why you would mention it. What does hunting underground rodents have to do with the goblins?"


First Post
Sachiko made a delighted face at Fastus and touched her nose, then pointed at him.

She grinned at Elsbeth and said, "You have to pretend the goblins are the groundhogs. Best way to get a ground hog is find all the holes of their dens, see...and then plug them all up except two. Then you pour water or something really stinky down one, and the 'hogs have nowhere to go but out the other one."

She clapped her hands once, sharply. "And you have your dogs waiting right outside that one."

Voidrunner's Codex

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