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Pathfinder 1E [IC] Paths of Legend: Resurrection


Donall Harkness, Human Ranger


Donall straightened as there were no tracks for him to follow and Kowl was definitely missing. He was not sure where they should go looking.

“Is it safe to smash it? If it releases a bunch of magical energy and blows up, that would not be a good thing. Better to toss it into a forge furnace or something, yeah?”

Intelligence Check (11)
[sblock=Mini Stats]Character Sheet
Initiative: +5 Perception: +5
AC: 17 (14 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 12 Current: 12
CMB: +5 CMD: 18(15ff) Fort: +3 Reflex: +5 Will: +1
Current Conditions in Effect: Quick Draw, Power Attack (-1 Att/+3 Dmg)

Current Weapon in Hand: None
Chakrams: 5/5 Remaining[/sblock]

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Peregrin nods. "If it is cursed, then I'm not sure smashing it would cure that. We might end up with cursed shards of it, scattered over several locations. I say, give it to a wizard who knows how to take care of it. In the meantime, we should look for Kowl. He can't have vanished all of a sudden, right?"


First Post
Annika frowns and shakes her head. "No tracks could mean a lot of things. He could have been carried away. Or, if he fell, he may still be around here somewhere. I think we need to keep looking around."


Donall Harkness, Human Ranger


Donall nodded, “Alright, lets search around for Kowl. We can deal with destroying the stone in the morning. Mayhap the Captain knows of a wizard or somebody that can help figure out the best way to dispose of it.”

The ranger starts searching around for any clues to where the dwarf or the walking dead might have gone.

[sblock=OOC]Take 10 on any necessary skill checks, or just have the GM roll dice for Donall if they are needed.[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Character Sheet
Initiative: +5 Perception: +5
AC: 17 (14 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 12 Current: 12
CMB: +5 CMD: 18(15ff) Fort: +3 Reflex: +5 Will: +1
Current Conditions in Effect: Quick Draw, Power Attack (-1 Att/+3 Dmg)

Current Weapon in Hand: None
Chakrams: 5/5 Remaining[/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post
Chkikin seems rather alarmed, but remains quiet for the time being. He sniffs and shuffles around.

Perception 17

"Could we go look for wizard or captain? No much to look at here..."
his voice trails off, failing to conceal his own fear.


The ratkin realizes that whatever tracks may have been present have been magically erased. More likely, no tracks were left at all. Such magic is fairly common among druids and rangers, but not a common feature of undead, at least not of the corporeal variety.

Donall comes to the same conclusion after spending some time searching around.

With no further leads, the party gets what rest they can back at the tavern.

Astor arrives early in the morning with a full pack, armor and weapons, and a smile, "Well, are we ready to go?" After a moment, his expression becomes puzzled, "Where's that dwarf fellow? And why do you all look like you've seen a ghost?"


Donall Harkness, Human Ranger


Donall’s eyes were a little blood shot from lack of sleep and he was sure he looked hungover. The chipper Astor was not the most welcome of sites and he wanted some coffee before they hit the trail. At least the man had picked up on something amiss pretty quick.

“There was a problem burying the dead dwarf woman last night. In truth we do not know where Kowl is or even if he is still alive. We were unable to find him last night.”

“We did find something else that we might need to deal with before we go hunting orcs.”

He looked to Peregrin or Chkikin to explain further.

[sblock=Mini Stats]Character Sheet
Initiative: +5 Perception: +5
AC: 17 (14 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 12 Current: 12
CMB: +5 CMD: 18(15ff) Fort: +3 Reflex: +5 Will: +1
Current Conditions in Effect: Quick Draw, Power Attack (-1 Att/+3 Dmg)

Current Weapon in Hand: None
Chakrams: 5/5 Remaining[/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post

Chkikin was brushing his ears and head when Aston came into the tavern. He had been doing that for more than 40 minutes now (this should sound familiar with anyone that has had a hamster).
"Perhaps a druid rescued him, or a ranger perhaps?... Hopefully?" Chkikin adds to Donall's explanation.
He brushes a little more, and hops towards Aston. "We found a corrupted shadowstone, me think it raises the dead Paragrin and Kowl saw. We need to destroy it, before it does more damage. Is there a wizard in town you know?"


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Peregrin nods as the others tell the tale. Not having much to add, the halfling nevertheless says, "Zombies rose up from the graveyard when Kowl and I got there. He held them off as I ran back here to get help. We haven't seen him since, and the zombies had gone, as well."

Peregin's eyes are red and it is apparent he hasn't slept much. He is not complaining however, and he continues his dance-like morning routine after replying to Castor.

Voidrunner's Codex

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