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D&D 5E (IC) Scourge of Daggerford


Dandin & Angis

Dandin ran to join Titus as the other hobgoblin captain fell. Both he and Titus did their best to hide behind Titus' shield as the hobgoblin drew a second blade and furiously attacked, slamming away at the shield with one sword and thrusting under it with the other. Titus took the worst of it, and Dandin couldn't find a way to get around the shield safely to get at the captain. He sent healing magic to Angis, along with some words of encouragement.

Angis indeed held it together, adding his own healing to Dandin's. He returned to his feet, shaky at first but quickly he steadied as he got his boots under him. He watched Enseth move past him on the way to combat the hobgoblin archer.

The big Shield Guardian slammed into the archer with his battle-fist. She staggered under the blow and threw her longbow aside, drawing two long fiendish-looking daggers.

The Elves

Averiel nodded to Dandin, agreeing that the elves would cover the group's retreat, but seeing the empty hallway was well guarded by Tarthagal and Ganalan, she stayed at the top of the stairs where she would be useful in either direction.

Watching carefully as the archer defended against Enseth, the elf fired two arrows past the pillar to strike the archer twice in the back. Yet still, the hobgoblin refused to fall. Nor did she surrender, instead she gritted her teeth and growled.

GM: Titus has not gone, but I'm going to roll the round anyway. [MENTION=6855204]tglassy[/MENTION], you can take two turns for Titus when you get the chance.
Damage Taken:
(BGs) Aasha 15, 7, & 4; (PCs) Titus 3 & 9; (NPCs) None
Captain2 vs Titus
Attack: 1D20+4 = [11]+4 = 15
1D8+2 = [2]+2 = 4
1D20+4 = [15]+4 = 19
1D8+2 = [1]+2 = 3
1D20+4 = [19]+4 = 23
1D8+2 = [7]+2 = 9

Averiel vs Aasha (Nice!)
Attack: 1D20+4 = [16]+4 = 20
1D6+2 = [5]+2 = 7
1D20+4 = [16]+4 = 20
1D6+2 = [2]+2 = 4


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Location: Warehouse Basement; Encounter: Hobgoblin Command Staff

End Round Five; Begin Round Six

GM: I had the time, so I wanted to get this game moving again.
[sblock=Party (PCs)]
Name * (Space) * Perc * AC * HP * Hit Dice * Notes
Angis (J16) PP14* AC14 HP 8/31 HD 2/3
Dandin (J8) PP14 AC14 HP 16/18 HD 3/3
Enseth (G15) PP14 AC20* HP 20/22 HD 0/3
Titus (J9) PP11 AC18* HP 6/27 HD 1/3
Tommi (J17) PP14 AC14 HP 7/21 HD 3/3
[sblock=Allies (NPCs)]
Averiel (N8) PP15* AC14 HP 9/27 HD 2/3
Ganalan (W10) PP11* AC14 HP 13/13 HD 0/2
Tarthagal (W8) PP15* AC13 HP 22/22 HD 2/3
Morwin (I10) PP15* AC12 HP 5/5
ORB3 (L15) PP13* AC11 HP 1/1[/sblock]
[Sblock=Enemies (BGs)]
*General Shorgg (K17) HP less 61 (Dying)
Aasha (G12) HP less 28
*Captain1 (L16) HP less 26 (Dead)
Captain2 (I9) HP less 20
*Hobgoblin Thug1 (L9) HP less 38 (Dead)
*Hobgoblin Thug2 (L10) HP less 32 (Dead)
*Goblin1 (AM9) HP less 10 (Dead)
*Goblin2 (Off Map) HP less 3

[sblock=Map] Shorgg6.png

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
OOC: Question: in post 1061, "various weapons" were being employed by the enemy. I am wondering (well, Tommi has asked me to check) whether there are any daggers or shortswords not being used within easy reach of him right now (ideally w/in 15').


OOC: The Hobgoblins are armed to the teeth. You can easily find a particularly nasty-looking large knife on General Shorgg's belt. (Treat it as a shortsword that deals slashing damage, so I guess more like a scimitar). In fact, it's a +1 Vicious Weapon, so it also deals an extra 2d6 slashing damage whenever you Crit with it. It's name is Gutter. Hobgoblins aren't clever with names. It stands out to Tommi's eye because the handle that sticks out of the sheath has a skull carved from bone inset in it that's head is tilted up in such a way, with a slash mark under the chin, that makes it look like it has a slit throat. Charming!

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Tommi has never carried a weapon, beyond his sling. It's part of what Sheren has always admired about him, he knows, and means that he is consistently excused when a barrom fight comes to blows -- it's always easier to charge the ones holding the knives.

Now was different.

Tommi grabs the bone-handled blade from General Shrogg's body, drawing it with a backhand grip so the blade remains poised over the general's torso. He can hear the breath sputtering from him, and he sees the blood foaming from the last wound he received, and even Tommi knows that's a punctured lung. But he doesn't know what's coming, and what's around the corner, and he doesn't want the General rising up.

And so, he brings the Generals' blade down into the body in front of him, hoping to finally finish him off. For a moment, Tommi forgets all others in the room, and his vision narrows. If he can work the blade past the general's armour, he will twist it and wait to ensure the hobgoblin is dead.

OOC: I don't know if you are rolling death saves or not, but this is designed to add to the failures.

Attack with advantage (melee vs. unconscious, prone): better of [roll0] and [roll1] (+2 dex, +1 for the weapon). Damage won't matter since he is dying.

If Gutter counts as a short sword (hope so), and there's a dagger also nearby which he can grab, he'll use his bonus action to make a second attack (two-weapon fighting), better of [roll2] and [roll3].

Only if the General is well and truly dead will he move, up to 30 feet to a place (closer to the door) where he can try to hide [roll4].

Edit: GRIT with Gutter!


Titus breaks out of the stupor brought on by long days using strange Magic’s, and swings his sword left before thrusting it at the captains belly as Morwen flies up in the creatures face.

[roll0] or [roll1]

[roll3] or [roll4]

*If the first hit kills, Titus will try to move to the nearest enemy still living and make them not living.



Tommi gritted his teeth and pulled General Shorgg's oversized knife from his belt. and plunged it into the general's throat. It was the only spot he could find that was unarmoured, with the general's helmet still sitting on one of the crates. The hobgoblin general, unconscious from his multiple head-wounds, shuttered and died, with a large pool of blood forming under him.

Tommi kept the blade, and he squeezed himself between a pile of crates and the wall to hide from any retaliation. In his mind's eye he saw Sherlen's face with a grim expression. Was she disappointed in his actions or proud of him? He couldn't tell.

Titus vs Captain2

Titus had been thinking about his newfound magic ability rather than focusing on the battle. He'd listened to the blows on his shield as if they were far away, but then the hobgoblin captain had got past his defences and had pierced his armour. The pain snapped him back into focus and he lunged to the left as Morwin scratched at the hobgoblin's head. He buried his sword deep into the captain's side. As he yanked it free, the hobgoblin fell onto his back and lay still with his eyes rolling back in his head.

Titus stomped off to join Enseth in battling the archer, with his flying cat close behind.



The Chef was growing impatient, but was always better to have a wall of Bugbear meat in front of you when facing Elvish archers. "Where are those hairy beggars?" he asked no-one in particular.

* * *

"Go 'way. We sleepin'!" came the deep goblinoid voice from behind the guesthouse door.

"But.. but Chef sez yas gotta come!" said the goblin nervously. It was never smart to annoy a bugbear. "Theyz noises inna cellars!"

"Tell Chef he kin love a dwarf. He ain't the boss o'us." came the annoyed reply.

Dejected, the goblins climbed back down the guesthouse stairs and worked their way through the common room of the Jester's Pride (an underground tavern). An old mangy worg was curled up in front of the large hearth and it growled as the Red Wizard came out of his room. The worg didn't like the wizard, and the feeling was mutual.

"What is going on?" the wizard asked the goblins in a thickly-accented version of their language.

The first goblin shrugged and answered, "Dunno. But we can't get da bugbears t'come."

The wizard sighed, he should have known better than to ask anything of a goblin. He waved a hand for them to join him and went to find the Chef. Maybe a hobgoblin would be better. Somehow, he doubted it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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