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D&D 5E (IC) Scourge of Daggerford


"Haa ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" Not having much success with his own humor attempts, Enseth could not let his friend's joke without a proper response.

Then joining the game, "I'd tell you a dwarf joke but it's too short.
The other joke I know involves a human and an elf who goes hunting and meets a Minotaur with its head stuck in a fence. But I don't think it's very appropriate for this place... We should rather continue our journey."
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Whatever else his faults were, the Elf Prince believed strongly in freedom. He gave leave for his elves to go with the Daggerfordians with his blessing, but he asked in return for the services of Snake saying, "I have need of the particular skills possessed by the cat-folk."

Snake agreed and remained with the elves while the others made their farewells and followed as Averiel said, "Come, friends! I will show you the quickest way out of the Hollow and into the farmland east of here."


Dandin smiled as he poured the coins and gems into the lockbox bolted to the backside of the cart. He'd made a pretty penny for the company fund and made more room for more loot to be found. Once finished, he closed and locked the box, before climbing into his seat anf grabbing a fresh apple to start him off for the day. "I do appreciate the additional hands. Who knows what we'll find once we reach Julkoun."

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Tommi is sorry to say goodbye to the elves, as he has enjoyed their hospitality. For a young kid from Daggerford, this is beyond his expectations, and while he thought he had seen many things passing through town, what he has learned in the past few days has eclipsed all of that.

As they are walking along, he tries to speak to Angis. Tommi's uncomfortable with the jokes, and with Enseth's response.

"Why do you do it, Angis? You know the joke is only likely to earn resentment from the elves, or from anyone else for that matter. What benefit does that give you? Or us as a group? why would you take their hospitality and then insult them that way?"

Archon Basileus

First Post
Drui was still musing on the visions he had on account of the elk. For the most part, he spent his time considering the implications of potential alliances. Truth is that he felt ashamed in the presence of noblemen, specially around elfic blood. Living among the surface races left him indifferent towards old grudges his own people might have against elves. He himself had some difficulty understanding Angis, and this made him even more aware of his own misplaced nature, all around. After the vision, things got even worse, making him even more distracted. When he came to his senses, they were already on their merry way. Drui would rather just fall in line by the side of Enseth, as he used to. With a quiet disposition, he heard Tommi's questions to Angis. He was curious as well, and he couldn't deny it. Somehow, his family kept the greenskin hate - and little by little he began to understand why - but they'd never mention elves, except in old tales of rivalry, lost to Drui anyway. Perhaps Angis might shed some light on the matter, after all.

Funny. Even as he felt compelled to reach out to the only dwarf in the group, desperate to learn more about his own, he held back, intimidated by his own lack of perception and awareness. It mattered little, now. He was more concerned with the things that awaited ahead. He turns to Enseth, knowing the warforged's analytical passions, and asks: "What's your take on things for now?" - he points at the guide, the vastness and the trials to come - figuratively towards the last one. He felt somehow startled by the sudden realization of the world's mass of details, as if his eyes and ears had suddenly been taken from beneath a veil of sorts. Talking might make him feel a bit better. And, even if it didn't, a sip of ale would do. He reaches for a small skin, seeking to drink a bit as they walk.


Responding to the enquiry without any second thoughts, Enseth gave his analysis:
"Until now we were walking into battle full of innocent enthusiasm fighting disorganised Goblins, drunken Bugbears and surprised Orcs. What is waiting for us is a vast organised goblinoïd slaver army led by Red Wizards (I could demonstrate this last assertion but it would be too long). Now, we've lost two comrades since Daggerford and the Elves will stay with us only for a short period of time. If I were you, I would start praying Tempus with all my heart and without any delay."

Judging from Drui expression, Enseth realised his projection was a little bit scary, so he tried to end it with a positive note. "But... I could be wrong, only Master Gwaereth is perfect."

After a moment of calculations, "Wait, I have a way to find out..."

A little circular hatch opened in Enseth's chest to let ORB1 fly out. "Go find them, my little friend."

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Archon Basileus

First Post
Responding to the enquiry without any second thoughts, Enseth gave his analysis:
"Until now we were walking into battle full of innocent enthusiasm fighting disorganised Goblins, drunken Bugbears and surprised Orcs. What is waiting for us is a vast organised goblinoïd slaver army led by Red Wizards (I could demonstrate this last assertion but it would be too long). Now, we've lost two comrades since Daggerford and the Elves will stay with us only for a short period of time. If I were you, I would start praying Tempus with all my heart and without any delay."

Judging from Drui expression, Enseth realised his projection was a little bit scary, so he tried to end it with a positive note. "But... I could be wrong, only Master Gwaereth is perfect."

After a moment of calculations, "Wait, I have a way to find out..."

A little circular hatch opened in Enseth's chest to let ORB1 fly out. "Go find them, my little friend."

Drui considers Enseth's words carefully. Organized bands were a matter of concern, indeed, and if the machineman's precise merkwelt could see it, the danger's bound to be real. As he sees ORB1 popping out once more, though, the strange familiarity of the circumstances - if such a thing is possible - makes him amused.

"Startin' to loooouve this thing, Enseth... Mighty fiiine." - he sips his beverage once more, offering it to the warforged first, and then to his fellow travelers.

"You look like a seer of sorts, Enseth." - by the first time since he enlisted for this fight, Drui feels talkative. Odds are he was trying to get a hang of himself. "Mind if I ask our chances of winning this scrap?"


"Bleep!", said ORB1, before quickly rising in the air to execute his mission.
"He likes you too, Brother Drui.", translated the Shield Guardian.

Enseth drank as little as possible (just enough to honor his friend's gift) then continued: "Define "winning".
My first directive, besides "fully understand the world", is Evaluate, Evolve and Eliminate the Thayan threat. So, I'll assume by "winning" you meant fulfil my primary mission. In this case, the odds are very easy to calculate,

Considering that Master Gwaereth the Gray has predicted the Thayan menace.
Considering that he assembled me as the solution to this threat.
Considering that Master Gwaereth the Gray is perfect and incapable of mistake.

Following a simple and elementary logic : we have a 100% chances of success, thanks to the Master.

Now, if by "winning", you meant that all of us survive... Then I would say I'm not very optimistic (even though the Master always said I'm not very good with calculations). I can't lie about your chances... but you have my sympathies. "

Again, maybe he should not have said that. His honesty parameter is definitely too high. Enseth gave back the ale, his friend might need some consolation.
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Angis Honack
Trail to Julkoun/Laughing Hollow
Round 0

Angis just gave Enseth a side eye at the warforged’s attempt at a joke. “Aye...let’s continue,” he agreed.

"Why do you do it, Angis? You know the joke is only likely to earn resentment from the elves, or from anyone else for that matter. What benefit does that give you? Or us as a group? Why would you take their hospitality and then insult them that way?" Tommi asked.

Angis gave the boy a look. “First, I didnae take their ‘ospitallity,” he pointed out. “Ye all did.” He paused in thought. “Never trust an elf, I was taught. Long before ye ‘umans were aroun’, there were elves an’ dwarves. We ‘ad the mountains, an’ the underdark. They ‘ad the forests. But there are forests on the mountains, an’ th’ dwarves needed trees f’r their mines, an’ the elves took exception, an’ there was war. An’ then came the drow, those malicious an’ duplicitous dark elves. The last straw was when an ancestor o’ mine tried t’ make peace wi’ th’elven king. Th’elf ‘ad a great enchanted gemstone. ‘e ‘ired me ancestor t’ make a setting f’r the stone t’ equal it’s beauty. ‘e thought it cuildnae be done, tha’ ‘e ‘ad set an impossible task.

“Well, me ancestor was a mighty crafter, touched by Moradin ‘imself, ‘e was. ‘e made the most beautiful crown tha’ nearly outshone the gem. The elven king grew jealous. ‘e did no’ want peace. ‘e mocked me ancestor’s skill an’ denied due payment.

“Incensed, the dwarves drew steel. They slaughtered their way oot o’ the king’s ‘all, an’ took the crown an’ jewel wi’ them. Th’elven king was furious. ‘e contacted the elves o’ the forest, an’ as me ancestors marched ‘ome, they were harried an’ slaughtered on all sides an’ the coveted gem stolen. Nae one knows by whom or where. Some say ‘twas taken by the gods, an’ noo adorns the brow o’ the one ‘oo sails the stars in the mornin’ an’ evenin’ t’ guide th’elves west t’ Evermeet. Most dunnae recall the story, or care much aboot ‘istory tha’ far back, but me family know, an’ we remember.”

[sblock=Angis’ Actions]
Free Object Interaction:
Bonus Action:

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Initiative: +1
Perception: +4
Speed: 25
AC: 14
HP: 22/22 HD: 2/2d10+2

Bolts used:

1) 1/2 Cure Wounds, Hunter’s Mark
4/4 Boon of the Elk. Can cast Knock four times (without the loud sound) as an Action. Until he uses the last one, non-good aligned Fey count among his Favoured Enemies.

Find goblins
Stop at Julkoun and ask about Estor the priest for Hadesha, the priestess of Chauntea in Daggerford.

Tommi - human rogue urban bounty hunter
Dandin - halfling bard guild merchant
Enseth - warforged war cleric shield guardian
Angis Honack - dwarven ranger outlander merchant
Drui Holderhock - dwarven cleric of Tempus soldier
Titus - human Waterdhavian noble fighter

Archon Basileus

First Post
I can't lie about your chances... but you have my sympathies

Drui rolls a pair of nervous eyes at the warforged's observations, drinking longly from the skin. It had been a long time since he wished for something stronger on him.

After listening to Angis, Drui feels even less of a dwarf. In a way, the fact that his brothers never bothered delivering proper explanations about most things ancestral to them made him feel misplaced most of the times, not enough for the dwarves and clearly a stranger among humans. Either way, he'd manage his awkward condition, between sour memories and the looming dangers ahead.

He moves forward, putting the skin right in front of Angis.

"Dwarven friendliness. Have a go."

Voidrunner's Codex

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