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D&D 5E (IC) Scourge of Daggerford


From above, the Bridge, down in the moat, looked more like a beaver dam, or a jumble of driftwood, than like a bridge. It had grass and a small tree growing out of a jumble of dead wood. Such was the disguise that clever Julkounians had built into the bridge's covered roof. At least, for the prospect of climbing down to it, there were places to hide on the roof itself, while one worked their way off of the roof through the bridge's side-window.

OOC: I hope my description is understood.

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"Dandin, I suggest you and Tommi take the lead of this discreet approach. We'll follow your orders.

"I have more information: There is a window on the West side and no guards in the bridge. The running water should mask our noises."
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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Tommi is happy to be called on to help.

"Thanks, Enseth. that's helpful."

"Dandin, how do you want to do this? Sleep? Illusion? I'll follow your lead."


Dandin smiles at the others and nods as he motions for Tommi to lead everyone down as close as to the bridge as possible without risking being spotted and giving them time to prepare their ranged weapons. Then he played a little lullaby on his Shawm as he focused on the top of the guard tower. Hopefully it would be enough, and he felt the power of the magic intensify as he sent it up to the waiting goblins.

OOC: 1/2 2nd level slots used. 2nd level sleep. [roll0]

Here's hoping it gets them all and they wake up merely confused and probably afraid to report anything important.


Drui and a handful of elves took the former prisoners and bade farewell to the Daggerfordians. The final plan was to take the Julkounians back to the Elf Camp in Laughing Hollow, there to meet with the Elf Prince Alagarthas, son of Melandrach, King of the Misty Forrest. They would wait three days for the Daggerfordians to arrive with whatever prisoners of Julkoun that could be rescued, then it would be decided if the group would be escorted across the river to the Misty Forrest (expedient, in case of any Goblin pursuit) or taken all the way to Daggerford.

Then, Tommi and Dandin took the lead, working their way down from the Flint through the underbrush until they came to a spot over the northern moat, within sight of the north-most watchtower. Dandin played a soft little lullaby on his shawm, and the three goblin guards curled up at their posts and were soon fast asleep. Tommi waved to ORB2, who relayed the message to Enseth. Soon, the big Shield Guardian arrived and fired a grapnel down to catch on an old log that was part of the bridge's roof disguise. It caught and held. The only thing now was to get down to the bridge, and through the window.

OOC: Athletic checks dc10 to climb down hand-over-hand, or acrobatics dc15 to slide down the rope flying-squirrel style. If you fail either by 5 or more, you fall, taking [roll0] damage, and you land on the roof of the bridge. Then you must make a dc12 dex or str save to stop yourself from rolling over the side. I'll let you know how that goes if it happens. Edit: It occurs to me that I didn't say what happens if you fail the dc, but by less than 5. In which case, you take half damage (landing a little hard) and you do not have to roll to stop from falling off.
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Titus led the way, expertly hand-over-handing his way down to the mess of brush and driftwood on the roof of the bridge. Peering over the side to see the window, he saw a taught rope dangling from it. On the end of the rope, its feet just touching the rushing water of the moat, was the body of a human man in robes.


Dandin enchanted himself with a little trick he'd picked up from their elven allies and with a grin at his allies, he took a bent stick and slid neatly down the rope. Then, turning back he waved his comrades cheerily on and offered words of encouragement to anyone who looked particularly nervous about the prospect.

(Ooc)Ability Enhancement on self for dex. 1 hour duration, advantage on dex checks.

Also, up to 3 uses of Bardic Inspiration (1d6) for anyone who wants to take advantage. (/ooc)


The Elves

Averiel, Tarthagal, and Ganalan remained behind to help with the liberation of Julkoun. It had not been immediately apparent, because they looked nearly the same age, but it turned out that Ganalan was Tarthagal's son. A very young and inexperienced elf, Ganalan had joined his father on Prince Alagarthas' orc-hunt for the first time.

Tarthagal had always shown to be very competent, but out of the three elves, he was the only one to land a little bit hard on the bridge, banging his knee on a jutting chunk of wood. Averiel and Ganalan, on the other hand, gracefully slid down the rope and landed with very little noise.

Damage Taken:
(NPCs) Tarthagal 4
Averiel acrobatics vs the rope-to-the-bridge. Made it.
Check: 1D20+2 = [13]+2 = 15

Tarthagal's acrobatics vs the rope-to-the-bridge. Lands a little roughly.
Check: 1D20+4 = [10]+4 = 14

Ganalan's... showed his Dad how it's done!
Check: 1D20+2 = [17]+2 = 19



"ORB2, overwatch."
Enseth gives Master Gwaereth Guidance to Angis before climbing down the rope. Not that he needed it, but Enseth calculated that the odds could be better.

OOC: Cast Guidance on Angis.
[..]the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to one ability check of its choice. It can roll the die before or after making the ability check[..]

Athletics: 1D20+3 = [15]+3 = 18
ORB2: Perception: 2D20.HIGH(1)+3 = [11, 11]+3 = 14
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Voidrunner's Codex

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