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D&D 5E (IC) Scourge of Daggerford


Dandin easily sidestepped the goblin's clumsy thrust and put himself between the greenskin and the nearest exit. He grinned and tipped his rapier up mockingly before making a thrusting his blade smoothly past the flustered goblin's guard.

OOC: I'm assuming that there was no usage of his bardic inspiration this time? In either case, same reaction, AoO if any goblins try to move past him, or cutting words to 'try' to stop a hit on himself, or anyone else he can see.

Rapier: 1D20+4 = [15]+4 = 19
1D8+2 = [4]+2 = 6

Move: D8

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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Tommi moves forward, skirting around Avariel, into the middle of the room. There is a curious mixture of sweat and blood and gas in the stale air, as small shapes scramble and come to life from under bedsheets. He sees Angis in front of him, and lets whirl a stone at the goblin before him.

OOC: Move to F7. Attack H4. To hit: [roll0]. If a hit, damage (because of Angis with Sneak Attack) = [roll1] bludgeoning.


Angis, Averiel, Dandin, & Tommi vs Goblin1, 2, 3, & GoblinFirepoker

Tommi moved up to take cover behind the pillar and he slung a stone at the goblin who was fighting with Angis. The stone crashed hard on the bunk frame next to the goblin's head and the creature glanced to the side. In that moment, Angis buried an axe into its chest, and in a swift move, buried his other axe in the goblin's skull. The dwarf pulled both axes free and the goblin slumped to the floor between the bunks.

Dandin, in the meantime, slipped his little blade under his foe's arm as the goblin swung the firepoker over his head. The goblin gurgled and spat blood as its lung collapsed and it fell to the ground.

One of the goblins across the room ducked down to shake a sleeping gambler awake. Averiel spotted it and in a beautifully skilled move, she dropped her sword and kicked her bow (which she had dropped previously) up into her hands and fired two arrows across the room. The first struck that goblin dead before it could wake the sleeping gambler, and the second struck the goblin behind that one, who yelped and staggered.

Damage Taken:
(BGs) Goblin1 6 & 8 (Dead); Goblin2 8 (Dead); Goblin3 6; GoblinFirepoker 6 (Dead)
(PCs) None; (NPCs) None
Averiel vs Goblin2 & 3
Attack: 1D20+4 = [12]+4 = 16http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=219049
1D6+2 = [6]+2 = 8
1D20+4 = [15]+4 = 19
1D6+2 = [4]+2 = 6


Enseth strategically moves to close the escape and slam a goblin on his way.

OOC: Movement: P8 (40ft)
Action: Battle Fist + Greenflame Blade on Goblin11(Q8)
To hit: 2d20k1+5 24
Damage: 1d8+3 7 1d4 3 Total 10
GFB (if a gob is in 5ft of Enseth's target when he strikes): 2
Reaction: Shield if Arcane Ward is depleted (20-24)

ORB2: Help + Flyby and takes cover

[sblock=Statblock]HP: 22/22 HD:1/1d8 - 2/2d6
AC: 20 (22 Shield of Faith, 25 Shield, 27 both)
PP: 14
Arcane Ward: 6 HP
Speed. 40 ft.
Spell slots:
1st: 3/4
2nd: 2/2
Concentration: Divine Favor
Active Spell: Divine Favor
War Priest: 2/2
Arcane Recovery: 1/1
Darts: 20/20
Javelins: 4/5
Caltrops: 100/100
Health Potions: 0
Coins: 198 gp, 9 sp.
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Titus slashes again, his sword alight with green fire. Morwin moves behind the goblin, tangling up in its feet.

[roll0] or [roll1]

Damage: [roll2]
+ 1 Fire Damage to nearby goblin.


Enseth & ORB2 vs Goblins3,4,5,10 & 11

ORB2 flew into the face of a goblin and then Enseth smashed its head. Two other goblins leapt on the shield guardian, shrieking. One stabbed at him, but his magnetic field protected him from any scratches. Two others fired arrows that broke off of Enseth's shield and they ran away down the hallway screaming.

Titus vs Goblin8 & GoblinGambler2

Titus slashed a goblin dead, and fire burst off of his sword and caught the coat of one of the sleeping goblin gamblers. The snoring creature yelped and rolled over, coming awake. The flames on the bedding of the bunk next to his first target burst into flames as the dry straw caught. Smoke began to pour from the bunk, running along the southern wall.

Ganalan & Tarthagal

Ganalan had been lying on the top bunk of the burning bed. He rolled to the next bunk, and the next one and then he shot one of the goblins on Enseth's back, killing it. His father, Tarthagal crossed the room firing his long bow at the goblins fleeing down the hall. They scattered and his arrows skidded across the stone floor.



Location: North Cellars Bunkroom Encounter: Goblins

Off in the darkness down the long hall, goblins could be heard shouting. A raspy but high-pitched goblin voice cursed from further off and began to chant loudly.

End Round Three; Begin Round Four

[sblock=Party (PCs)]
Name * (Position) * AC * HP
Angis (H5) PP14* AC14 HP 24/31 HD 3/3
Dandin (D8) PP14 AC14 HP 18/18 HD 3/3
Enseth (P8) PP14 AC20* HP 22/22 WARD 3/6 HD 3/3
Morwin (M8) PP15* AC12 HP 5/5
ORB2 (O8) PP13* AC11 HP 1/1
Titus (L8) PP11 AC18* HP 27/27 HD 3/3
Tommi (F7) PP14 AC14 HP 21/21 HD 3/3
[sblock=Allies (NPCs)]
*Averiel (F10) PP15* AC14 HP 21/27
Ganalan (O11) PP11* AC14 HP 13/13
Tarthagal (G6) PP15* AC13 HP 18/22
[Sblock=Enemies (BGs)]
*GoblinBoss1 (I6) HP less 10 (Asleep)
*GoblinGambler1 (J8) HP less 12 (Dead)
GoblinGambler2 (K7) HP less 4
*GoblinFirepoker (E7) HP less 21 (Dead)
*GoblinBoss2 (E10) HP less 25 (Dead)
*Goblin1 (H4) HP less 14 (Dead)
*Goblin2 (L6) HP less 8 (Dead)
Goblin3 (P7) HP less 6
Goblin4 (U6) HP less 6
Goblin5 (V6)
Goblin6 (AC5)
*Goblin7 (C9) HP less 9 (Dead)
*Goblin8 (L9) HP less 14 (Dead)
*Goblin9 (N10) HP less 12 (Dead)
*Goblin10 (O9) HP less 9 (Dead)
*Goblin11 (Q8) HP less 10 (Dead)
Goblin12 (AD9)

[sblock=Map] Bunk3.png

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Tommi hears the chanting, and makes a beeline towards it.

Scrambling past columns, corpses, comrades, and cots, he weaves his way through the room as he loads his sling.

OOC: Move 30' East, Bonus action Dash another 30'.
Depending on how obstacles and diagonals are read, I place 60' at P5 or maybe Q5. I think that still gives line of sight for U6, but if not then P6 is fine.

Attack (no SA) vs. U6 (V6 is the presumptive caster). To hit: [roll0]. If a hit, damage = [roll1] bludgeoning.

Reaction: If an enemy ends his turn within 5' of Tommi, he will use his reaction to activate the Skirmisher, which allows him an extra 15' of movement towards the presumptive caster.


Enseth pursues the Goblins and slams them against the wall.

OOC: Movement: U7 (40ft)
Action: Battle Fist + Greenflame Blade on Goblin5(V6)
2D20.HIGH(1)+5 = [4, 18]+5 = 23
1D8+3+1D4 = [1]+3+[3] = 7

GFB rebound on Goblin4(U6): 2
Reaction: Shield if Arcane Ward is depleted (20-24)

ORB2: Help + Flyby and takes cover

[sblock=Statblock]HP: 22/22 HD:1/1d8 - 2/2d6
AC: 20 (22 Shield of Faith, 25 Shield, 27 both)
PP: 14
Arcane Ward: 3/6 HP
Speed. 40 ft.
Spell slots:
1st: 3/4
2nd: 2/2
Concentration: Divine Favor
Active Spell: Divine Favor
War Priest: 2/2
Arcane Recovery: 1/1
Darts: 20/20
Javelins: 4/5
Caltrops: 100/100
Health Potions: 0
Coins: 198 gp, 9 sp.
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Dandin watched the goblin slide off of his rapier leaving the bloodied blade to gleam eerily in the light of the nearby fire. He started at the blade for a good long moment, entranced by the flickering light show. Then he heard the voices coming down the farther hallway and he snapped back to reality. Looking back to the hall at his back he considered it and glanced to the people nearby. "We should probably make sure nobody comes this way. At least until we deal with whatever's coming down the other side. Maybe use these bunks as barricades?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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