[IC] Star Wars - Interlude IV: The Detritus of Destiny

Forged Fury

First Post
Session 1/Scene 1: Ah'Kra Spaceport

OOC: I wasn't sure if Mack was going to respond to Arsinoe or not, but I figured I could drop this here.

After Mack took the repulsorlift back up to the spaceport level containing the Kessel Cantina, it seemed to him after a minute that the rodians must have broken off their surveillance efforts. He no longer spotted a tail.

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LE-G8R-VO's head pivoted the full 360 degrees, scanning the interior of the lift and connecting corridors.

Apparently satisfied that the area was secure, it turned to regard the human female.

"Mack has sufficient capacity to ensure his safety for now. I will escort you back to the Secondhand Sarlacc where you can remain with the fuzzball. Once you are secured, I will assist Mack if that is necessary."

It then steps to one side and it's head and optical sensors pivot in the direction of the ship, waiting for her to proceed so it can escort her from behind.


Arsinoe Anjuliz

Coyn/Ah’Kra/Docking level

Arsinoe sighed and stepped out of the lift, glancing back at Gator. “Feels just like growing up, being ordered around by security droids and agents.”

Noe started to weave her way through the people and droids loading and unloading in the docks. She still worried about Mack, but knew if anyone could make it back, it was him.



The human females response made no sense to LE-G8R-VO, so it fell in behind her with only the whine of articulating servos as a response and escorted her through the busy docking bay and back towards the Secondhand Sarlacc.


Mack Granger


Mack did not see anyone come after him out of the repulsor-lift. It was not like they could have hidden that from plain sight either.

He reported, <"Looks like I lost them. The probably doubled back to look for Noe, Gater. Let me know when you are back on board and I will start my round about path back as well.">

The drinking mood was spoiled and he was more than a little annoyed at not having a little violence to satiated his frustration. A bit of brawling would have helped, but he intellectually knew that was probably not a good thing either.

OOC: Sorry, I was waiting on a GM update before replying to Noe.

Forged Fury

First Post
Session 1/Scene 1: Ah'Kra Spaceport

OOC: No problem. In light of previous concerns, if a PC has initiated or is in a conversation, I'm probably not going to update until it is concluded, unless it makes sense from a story perspective (i.e. ambush, interruption, etc). If I feel the action is waiting on me, I'll post in the OOC thread to check.

Arsione and G8R return to the docking platform where the Sarlacc waited. The ship was located in a side branch, secluded from the busy activity of the main hangar. The roof was open to the sky to allow the ship ease in taking off. The fuel and support lines running from the hangar bay walls had been disconnected from the ship, indicating the fueling process was complete. The area appeared clear of spaceport personnel. The ship's loading ramp was currently closed.



LE-G8R-VO comms Krallatan, "Fuzzball, I have returned and the human female is undamaged. Please lower the boarding ramp so I can secure her aboard the ship".

While waiting for the ramp to be lowered, it also responds to Mack, "The human female is undamaged. We are waiting to board the ship - I recommend you return now so we can leave before encountering further problems".

Not that it minded dealing with... problems. It's processors were on their highest clock cycles, akin to an organic beings rush of adrenalin, vigilant and prepared for action. It would be a shame to unnecessarily waste the energy required to elevate to this status. Still, it's primary objective in this situation was ensuring the safety of master Wun's resources. Best not to endanger them unless unavoidable.


Arsinoe Anjuliz

Coyn/Ah’Kra/Docking level

Arsinoe gave a sigh of relief at Mack’s report. Well, they had shaken the Rodians, whatever they wanted. She followed Gator toward the semi-secluded docking bay. It was quiet, or as quiet as it could be, clear of dock personnel, the ship clear of the cables that refueled it, ready to go. As Gator commed Krallatan to lower the ramp, Arsinoe gave one last look back at the busy dock


Krallatan, Wookiee Mechanic / Pilot

"Wee-waughhh, arrr," replied Krallatan as he complied with the request. The Wookiee womdered why the others couldn't simply climb through the hatch, since the Secondhand Sarlacc was constructed for folks of their size, but he figured it would be faster to just lower the ramp rather than debate the point, so he activated the ramp at once.
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Arsinoe Anjuliz

Coyn/Ah’Kra/Dock/Secondhand Sarlacc

Arsinoe turned back to the ship as the ramp started lowering. “Thanks, love,” she told Krallatan as she strode up the ramp. “So much easier than crawling up the hatch.” She brushed back her dark hair and headed toward her cabin to put away the things she had bought.

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