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[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness


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GM: Just waiting to see what Jihahna and Kacela want to do. Also the area you are standing in and down the board avenue are all light with Dim Light (Light Obscure). There is Total Darkness (Heavy Obscure) if you try traveling down the alleys between the buildings

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Jihahna nodded to the medic and responded on coms. "I'll cover you"

With that, she powered up her blaster rifle and readied herself for action.

OOC: Jihahna readying her action to fire upon any creature that attempts to pounce on Cal, then the Gand.

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Kacela eyes the darkness shrouding the alleyway. It was perhaps a good place to ambush from, if one could only see. Her eyes were adapted for the gloomy caverns and nights of her home world...but they still needed SOME light to see.

But then, there were other ways to see, were there not? She'd known a Miraluka when she'd been in training. Their ability to 'see' with the Force was astonishing. Could she emulate it?

With an exhalation, Kacela closed her eyes and opened herself to the Force. Don't try to 'see.' Follow your instincts and trust that the Force will guide...

(Going to try to sense surroundings; if it's successful Kacela will go into the total darkness. If not, she'll back Cal up.)

The Jedi moved forward into the alley and was swallowed by the dark.


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With this Gand up above the rest of the group, waiting to ambush the creatures, Jihahna and Targo ready their weapons as Cal and Kacela move towards the other side of the wide avenue. Reks also follows but hangs back a bit to make sure he can see both side of the lane depending on where the danger might be.

When the reached the various pyramid buildings Cal slowly climbed up the side of one of the step pyramids and readied his new sniper rifle to cover the Jedi. Kacela reached out with the Force and moved into the total darkness between the buildings, the Force guiding her and allowing her to move as if in normal light.

Moving toward the nearby alleyway Kacela (and Cal about 8 meters back) hears a strange wheezing like breathing when suddenly 'sees' something huge moving towards her. Some 24 meters away a huge figure stepped from behind some building. For a second the creature passes momentarily in the light and Kacela gets a good look at the massive weird monstrosity! It is huge with grayish-green skin and extremely deadly looking claws and a maw full of jagged sharp looking teeth. The creature also has a number of strange greenish-glowing tube like containers attached to its back. They disappear completely in the dark but in the second of light as it moved the Jedi noticed them and feel the Power of the Dark Side within them.

The wheezing stops for a second as the creature looks right at Kacela...

GM: Ok you can view the creatures in the Rogue's gallery. Everyone roll initiative and tell me what you are going to do. If you have already taken the 'Ready' (PHB) action make sure you tell me the condition that will trigger your attack. Yes this Gand gets Advantage vs. the Ssurian on his/her first attack roll against them.

Mutant Rancor 19
Mutant Ssurian #1 12
Mutant Ssurian #2 18

Where is everyone...
Cal is up about 4 meters on one of the step pyramids just at the main avenue between the buildings (east side). You are covering Kacela, but at the present time the Rancor is in full darkness. He is 18 meters from the great stairwell where the rest of the team is waiting.
This Gand is up about 4 meters on one of the step pyramids (west side of the avenue) about 10 meters from Cal. S/he is also about 20 meters from the rest of the group is standing. There is at least one Mutant Ssurian within 8-10 meters of him/her but in total cover right now.
Kacela is 8 meters down between two buildings and 24 meters away from the Rancor. She is 24 meters away from the main stairwell and the rest of the team. Note also that she has light cover from the other team also (not that they would want to attack her but in case anything else is around her).
Jihahna (with Targo and Thriteen) is back at the stairwell getting ready to cover Cal
Reks is 4 meters back from the base of the pyramid that Cal is on and 12 meters from Kacela

EDIT I miss-read where Cal was, fixing now
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Forged Fury

First Post
[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness

OOC: I thought I had climbed one of the smaller pyramids on the east side, I may have been wrong in my reading. No problem though.

Initiative: Better of [roll0] or [roll1]
Move: Move 4 meters to the edge of the building to cover Kacela's six
Action: Ready action to shoot anything that actually attacks Kacela. If it just approaches, he won't fire.

Cal hefted his sniper rifle and slowly edged forward to the edge of the alley to protect Kacela's back.


First Post
OOC: I thought I had climbed one of the smaller pyramids on the east side, I may have been wrong in my reading. No problem though.

GM: My mistake, edited above. You are covering Kacela with your sniper rifle...

EDIT also Cal will need to make a Stealth roll vs. the Rancor's Passive Perception (it has Darkvision so no bonus for that) of 18 or no attacks are not at advantage.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
The gand quietly moves across the pyramid to get a better angle on his target...

[sblock=Actions]Move across or up/down to hopefully get LOS on the Ssurian. If spotted, double attack followed by bonus attack.

First shot with Advantage: Blindsided: 1D20+8 = [18]+8 = 26; 1D20+8 = [3]+8 = 11; 3D8+8 = [1, 7, 2]+8 = 18
Second shot: Ssurian: 1D20+8 = [4]+8 = 12; 3D8+8 = [6, 1, 2]+8 = 17
Bonus shot: 1D20+8 = [1]+8 = 9; 3D8+8 = [7, 7, 3]+8 = 25

If no LOS can be established, Ready action to fire on it if/when it comes out of cover (first two shots).[/sblock]


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When Kacela realized the beast could see her, all concern for stealth was off. She reacted immediately, hoping to catch it off-guard!

She charged the creature, igniting her lightsaber as she went. If there were more shooters, this monster's bulk should give some cover at least. That might be small comfort with its fangs and claws in such close quarters though!

[roll0] to hit, for [roll1] damage.
[roll2] to hit, for [roll3] damage.

Beastie, and Kacela, are now illuminated.


First Post
Cal saw the huge creature and blasted at it with his new sniper rifle, but the bolt simply was reflected by the creature’s hide!!! Jihahna, this Gand and Targo waited for any enemies to emerge as Kacela called on the Force to move close to the huge monstrosity and stash at it with her lightsaber twice. The creature howled in pain as suddenly one of Reks’s lightsabers flow through the air and slashed the creature on the shoulder, burning it again!!

Then two large, lizard-cat like creatures appeared from behind the buildings racing towards Jihahna and the heroes there. Both Jihahna and Targo shot at them but only Jihahna's bolt find its mark against the fast darting creatures. This Gand managed to hit the closes one that then turned and raced up the pyramid at her/im!!!

The huge creature grab Kacela with its huge claws and tried to crush the life out of her but the Jedi Knight was able to avoid most of it, wedging herself as best she could within its grasp!!! One of the lizard-cat things raced up and bite Jihahna and sent the ex-merc reeling in pain. The other raced up the pyramid steps and tried to bite this Gand but missed. Its stringer like tail however struck out and caught this Gand on the leg. The soldier felt the poisonous venom of the tail but s/he was able to ignore it for the most part!!!

GM: Initiative
Cal – 24
Jihahna – 20
Mutant Rancor & Mutant Ssaurian – 19
Mutant Ssaurian – 12
This Gand & Targo – 11
Kacela & Reks – 10

Heroes go first…

[sblock=Rolls]Cal failed his Stealth check so no surprise vs. the Rancor, so taking his first attack roll (13) is a miss.
Jihahna takes the Ready action
This Gand and Targo take the Ready action
Kacale ignites her lightsaber (free action) and moves 24 meters to the Rancor and hits it twice for 9 and 12 damage (EDIT +9 bring it down to 71 HP)
Reks moves 12m and then throws one of his lightsabers at the Rancor (16 meters away), rolling a critical hit for 26 damage (bring it down to 45 HP)

Then the two Ssaurians move. Jihahna’s shot at Ssaurian #1 and missed (Reflex is 18), but she spends a FP to hit it for 21 points of damage.
This Gand gets his/her two shots against Ssaurian #2, first hit for 18 damage (bring it down to 30 HP) and the second shot missed.
Targo Shot at Ssaurian #2 and missed.

The Rancor attacks and hits Kacela twice for 17 and 16 damage (bring her down to 33, which is exactly ½ her HP so she can use her Second Wind if she wants).

Ssaurian #1 moves out of cover and races towards Jihahna, she shot and missed it. It bite her for 20 damage (bring her down to 44 HP) and also exceeded her Damage Threshold so she is Reeling next round (Disadvantage on all attacks, skills rolls and ability checks except the one to recover from Reeling). Because you have Shake it off you make an ability check +4 for DC 10 to recover (Con is her best between Con and Wis and +2 for Soldier) to recover at the Beginning of your turn. If you fail you have Disadvantage on your rolls as listed above. You could use your Action if you wanted to try and recover then (or spend a Force Point, etc.)

Ssaurian #2 moved, got attacked, than ran up the step pyramid (difficult terrain to go up, not down, but the creature has a high movement) attacks this Gand, misses with its bite, tail sting does 15 piercing +1 poison damage (bringing this Gand down to 50 HP)

Player’s Actions for Round 2??[/sblock]

[sblock=Conditions]Cal 62/62
Jihahna 44/64 and Reeling
Kacela 33/66
This Gand 50/66
Reks 70/70
Targo 21/21

Rancor 45/101
Ssaurian #1 27/48
Ssaurian #2 30/48[/sblock]
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Forged Fury

First Post
[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness

Seeing the young jedi grappled by the massive creature, Cal took careful aim and fired on the monstrous creature, hoping his next shot would hit.

OOC: Move: None
Action: Attack [roll0], Damage [roll1]

...and the spectacular rolls keep coming.

HP: 62/62
FP: 8/9
Blaster Sniper Rifle (w/PBS), Ranged +7, 3d10+7, Ammo: 28/30, Range: 60/600
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