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[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness


[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness

Jihahna began moving back as quickly as she could, dragging this Gand behind her as much as possible, but he/she began slipping through her fingers despite her best efforts.

A fire of anger ignited in her heart at her friends betrayal. How could he/she want to leave her now? Why? To what end?

Jihahna gritted her teeth, her fringe waving left and right in front of her face as she ran forward, beginning to huff from all the extra drag. She couldn't believe this. The Gand WANTED to leave her alone!? How could he/she?

"YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE DIFFERENT!" As she shouts, she tightens her grip around this Gands in anger, possibly causing pain to her comrade in the process.

"I thought you were LOGICAL and SELFLESS! That you were someone I could ASPIRE to!

As they continued further back through the rumbling, this Gand still appeared to be resisting as she gripped all the tighter! Uncaring about any pain she was inflicting, her jawline tense, her breathing laboured from the running, dragging and shouting.

"Guess I was WRONG! Your 'PHILOSOPHY' about being expendable? It's NOTHING to do with your culture! You WANT to die! THIS IS AN EXCUSE!

She gripped now as tightly as she could. The rest depended on the next few moments. She spoke once more in that moment before either success or failure...

"You're a COWARD! A damn COWARD! I see why you don't have a name! YOU don't have the GUTS to take one on! You're WEAK!"

Jihahna's voice choked with that last word. Instant regret filled her mind as she continued to run. She could feel this Gand slipping away from her grip. She wasn't sure she could hold on.... And she had attacked her friend in anger.

As she continued running, it almost felt as if her body was in autopilot, the rumbling muffled in the back of her mind as her body continued to move forward. She was a monster... She was losing control.


Ok, so, the above translates as a bit of a weird roll:

Long and the short of it. Jihahna had to call on the dark side for a chance. I only got an 11, but forgot that she gets her proficiency bonus to athletics rolls which is often used for resolving opposed stuff, so if you're ok with that, she succeeded, if you're not, well.... It's a fail.

_: 1D20+2 = [9]+2 = 11

Reaction to call on dark side, then spend the point:

_: 1D8+1 = [3]+1 = 4

So it's up to interpretation whether Jihahna's athletics proficiency counted towards this, which I would argue yes personally... But... I guess I'll find out soon enough... if so, total score is 18

I've done all I can on my end now... That's the best Jihahna can do. Dark side score of 4 now.... (I'll now have her recover to 2 at best next level-up instead of the 1)

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Forged Fury

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[IC] Radiance Monster Hunters

Cal, still supporting the unconscious Sith, looked back toward the stairway leading down, noticing the missing Gand and Jihahna. "What is taking them so long?" he asked. Over his commlnk, he said, "C4, get the Gambit ready for a dust-off. We need to get out of here in case there are anymore Sith."


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"Bzzzzz....zzzzzpppp.... Understood.... ccccrrrrrzzzzz...dy 5 minu...." comes C4's reply, although there is still a lot of interference and static over the comlink.

Meanwhile, Jihahna has to practically pick this Gand up and race back out of the pryamid, through the ancient strange city and up the stairs. They both make it through the slowly closing stone work with only moments to spare. Jihahna is breathing hard and almost falls over but she made it. Her aggression slowly ebbing as she feels like she is about ready to fall over...

GM: Jihahna gained at least one level of Exhaustion, probably two but as we are out of combat and you will have time to rest afterwards it not super relevant

Cal and Targo pick back up the unconscious Sith, Reks and Kacela had already grabbed the various crystals (they both got the feeling that these were gifts, they were to take them all) and go to aided Jihahna and this Gand (who was still stubbornly looking for a way back down) and headed out of the cave and back down the long tunnel. Outside the sun was breaking through the clouds as the storm that was raging when they had first arrived only a few short hours ago had ended.

The walk down the the path of the mountain to the cleft where the Outlaw Gambit was parked was much easier this time and the ramp lowered as the team approached. C4 greeted you all at the top, beeping in binary "This unit is most please to see that its' new masters survived and have returned. The ship is ready for departure whenever this unit's masters wish..."

Forged Fury

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[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness

Cal unceremoniously dumped the Ithorian on the deck of the ship and headed toward the bridge of the ship. Considering the Gand's erratic behavior, he figured he should fly the ship out. Looking to Kacela he said, "Should we blast the area around the entrance to start a rockslide? There's no telling whether the Sith have reinforcements. I'd hate to leave just to have another team of Sith start this all over again."


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GM: You were pretty sure no one else came through the way you had (through the mountain entrance) and the Sith were already there waiting for you...


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"They'd have to get through those doors," Kacela observes, "But I suppose there's no harm in collapsing the tunnel that leads to it. Just try not to make it too obvious that it was blasted out if you can."

Forged Fury

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[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness

Preparing to fire on the doors, Cal paused. "On second thought, those Sith were already down there and it didn't seem like they came in the same way as us. Maybe we should scan the area and see if they have a ship close-by. No point in destroying our only way in if they have an alternative."


As she moves out into the light, Jihahna releases this Gand, once the seal is made.

With pity and guilt swimming through her mind, she could either collapse and cry or she could continue to move.

She follows the others in silence, not thinking, only feeling the gloom of what she had said to her friend.

As she got back to the ship, she went to her room and removed her clothes. She cleaned away any of the debris and the dirt she had accrued from her last encounter, dressed in a clean set and moved back through the ship.

She sat herself in front of the Ithorian and the bounty hunter exhausted and kept watch over them on the journey back, blaster rifle in her right hand, a bottle of the ships alcohol from the ships stash (if she could find some).

As they return, she takes a mouthful and periodically offers some to the bounty hunter. She also takes out a death-stick for him to smoke if he wants to.

As she sits, she tries as much as possible to relax in silence in order to recover.

Not trying to warm the bounty hunter to Jihahna or anything, she just can't be bothered treating him as an enemy at the moment so long as he doesn't try anything.

The alcohol is something Jihahna is drinking for the 1-2 levels of exhaustion. It may not help with the exhaustion itself, but may numb the pain a little.

She's not becoming an alcoholic or anything. She just thinks now is as good a time as any...

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A little while into her vigil, Jihahna hears the door open behind her. Looking around, she sees Kacela standing there. Her face seems as impassive as ever at first, but there are subtle hints around her eyes and in the movements of her lekku that betray some inner turmoil.

"Jihahna," the twi'lek says quietly, "Do you have a moment to speak with me?" Her eyes flick briefly to the prisoners, and she adds, "in private."


[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness

Jihahna stands up, maybe a little nervously at just how formally Kacela was behaving.

It was a reminder of what the twi'lek was. A jedi. It was a stark reminder now that the fight seemed to be over.

Jihahna stared at the Ithorian on the deck for a moment. Bringing him back alive is definitely going to complicate matters. She knew that.

But... what did Kacela think? The victory didn't feel as clean cut as it should. Doubt clouded Jihahna's mind until she of a memory of the eyes of mercy that saved her own life.

She took a deep breath and let it out with the doubt as she stood up, nodding at Kacela.

"Yeah. Sounds good. I er..."

She struggles to save face in front of the two others and simply nods a second time before stepping out.

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