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[IC] The Odd Job

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OOC: Sorry I forgot about you guts after pizza! The things,died so ill move on double crits hurt lol

In an instant Balin,Galdar and Asha attack leaving nothing but mangled corpses in their wake.
Inside the cave is not what you expected. Its smooth seemingly almost man made, yet it appears to be empty. Sonething seems off.


10:38 AM
Round 0

Hrgach grunted in satisfaction as his companions pasted the strange creatures outside the cave. He put up his crossbow again and drew his greatsword as they approached the cave. Inside was odd, the walls smooth, possibly man made. It was empty, but the hairs on Hrgach’s neck prickled in warning.

“What is this?” he wondered, surveying the interior.

Perception: 1D20+2 = [14]+2 = 16


Bonus Action:

Inspiration: 1
AC: 17 (chainmail, defensive fighting style)
HP: 16/22 Vitality: 17/17 HD: 2/2d10
Saving Face (1/R)
Second Wind (1/R)
Action Surge (1/R)


Hrgach notices a smell possibly what is making the hairs stand on end, its the smells like decay. The decaying smell is fait like it is far off and seems to be coming from the far wall of the cave. Inspecting the wall it appears to be hollow, perhaps a secret passage.

With a bit of searching you find a odd rock in the cave pressing it the wall slides open, revealing a staircase beneath. The smell gets stronger and the stairs are dark cut from the earth.


10:39 AM
Round 0

“Got something,” Hrgach whispers back to the others. He peers down the stairs with his darkvision. “Smells horrid. Keep quiet.”

Carefully he started down the stairs, keeping his eyes peeled for danger or traps.

Perception on stairs disadvantage for darkness: 2D20.LOW(1)+2 = [6, 16]+2 = 8


Bonus Action:

Inspiration: 1
AC: 17 (chainmail, defensive fighting style)
HP: 16/22 Vitality: 17/17 HD: 2/2d10
Saving Face (1/R)
Second Wind (1/R)
Action Surge (1/R)


Hrgach can't make much out in the gloom he can make out something at the bottom of the stairs possibly a door.

OOC: ill let everyone catch up before moving on

Ana barely had time to draw an arrow before the others destroyed the foul creatures. "Okay, I'll just stick to my sword." She joked as she drew her sword. Hrgack immediately rush forward into the cave. Ana followed quickly behind him until suddenly struck by the smell. "Why do these places always have to smell so bad?" A section of the back wall of the cave that Hrgack was fooling with suddenly opened and he immediately rushed in. "Isn't he usually the cautious one?" Ana asked no one in particular as she peered down the stairs into darkness.

"Asha, perhaps you should create some light," Ana suggested as she slowly descended the stairs so Hrgack didn't get too far ahead the rest of the group.

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