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[IC Thread] Delving the Mists


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Alyson is the first to lower herself down into the sewer. Spending a bit of time examining the large stains below the whole she decides based on color, texture and the presence of...chunks...that they are the result of cast off material from the butchery process on animals. There is no way of telling if any of it is human because there is far too much blood that has been disposed of down here.

Natalie is able to get down the hole with no trouble with a little help from Orum. Using the light cast from Alyson's needle she is able to find some traces of blood leading away from the stains, as if somebody had stepped in it at some point. These traces soon fade and disappear however so determining exactly where they lead is impossible.


Up above Quilan searches through materials that are just laying around and is only able to find a few poles and hand tools with long handles that are 10 feet or longer...no planks of any appreciable length. He thinks he might be able to strip a few boards from the walls if he had some help, or as a last resort he could strap all of the poles and handles together for a makeshift bridge.

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Natalie Bayne -- Wizard/Rogue

Natalie yells up the hole that if the planks are too much trouble, she'll brave whatever tactics the men want to use to get over the sewage. Thinking multiple sources of light certainly wouldn't hurt, she casts light on her morningstar, then carefully walks south, down the slanted path, until she is across from the corridor leading west [to AA-08 on the map]. Still feeling a bit nauseous, she peers across the sewage into the corridor, hoping to see where it leads before they cross.


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Orum sloshes about in the muck, seemingly unconcerned about what is oozing about his feet. Some water and soap would take care of it later.
No, it is other things thatl worry Orum. He didn't know what they could possibly find down here that would help them prove Omar was guilty of any sort of a crime, for starters. And then there was the fact that the sewers weren't exactly a patrolled section.
To be more precise, the word "deathtrap" tended to spring to mind.

Whirling about at every real or imagined sound, Orum waits nervously for the other investigators to finish up.

Fangor the Fierce

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Alyson - Anatomist

Seeing as though this little trek in the sewers may lead to conflicts, Alyson turns to the others entering the sewers, "If you need some healing, let me know. I wouldn't want you falling to whatever is in this place." She turns to the men, as they seem to be the worst for wear.

OOc - If they need healing, then she will cast some cure light wounds or cure moderate wounds if they need it.

After the others are healed, she will hold out her scalpel in her hand, keeping a free hand ready in case she needs to cast some spells. She will follow Natalie, to the intersection and peer down the tunnel to see if she can see anything there.


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Quilan - Rogue

Staying near the party as they proceed through the tunnel, Quilan tries to keep his body close to the walls and decently concealed should anything try to get the drop on them. In actuallity, it wasn't so much an act of being careful in case the worst happens, but more a ritual in an attempt to encourage the worst to happen. Quilan was wise to the fact that trouble tends to come looking for you when you're being overly cautious.


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[OOC: New map here shows what is at the end of the small passage to the west.

Fangor, you can heal both Quilan and Anton to full using 1 cure light wounds each...but since you only have a single spell of that memorized you will need to spontaneous cast the other one and forfeit another 1st level spell you have memorized. Please let me know which one.

Natalie leads the way down the slippery sewer tunnel, keeping close to the wall so she doesn't slip. Once she arrives at a point directly across from the opening on the other side she shines the light from her morningstar towards it to get a closer look.
It's hard to make out because of how long the tunnel is but it appears to lead up to two doors at the end of it. They look like typical wooden doors that any building might have and are both shut...but it seems a bit odd to find something like this underground.

Since no one else has volunteered any ideas on how to cross the stream Anton gets impatient and lines himself up for a leap across using one of the poles found above. After a rather mediocre attempt [OOC: 7 on his jump check] he ends up landing in the stream a few feet before the other side. Looking embarassed he quickly gets out of the liquid filth and tries to brush himself on the other side as best as he can.

Fangor the Fierce

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Alyson - Anatomist

Sensing that two of her new allies are in need of a little assistance, Alyson casts Cure Light Wounds on each of them as they enter the sewer. Once done, she looks across the ledge, to see how she would get across. She watches as Anton tries his luck, only to watch as he plummets into the sewage. Sseeing as though he still managed to get across, she turns to the others, "Well, it's not gonna get any easier. Hey Anton, catch me if I fall." Alyson then tries her attempt to jump across. (Tumble +7 for ??? Jump +3)

OOC - First level spell to get offer for Spontaneous casting is Magical Weapon.


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Natalie, deciding we've wasted enough time due to her desire to stay clean, takes off her trenchcoat, throws it to the other side of the stream, then attempts to make the jump, with the help of a pole if anyone sent one down. [Default Jump +2]


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Quilan -- Rogue

Quilan follows the crowd, feeling little need to chirp in with any sort of comedy as he might himself end up face planted in some gunk. [Jump +7]


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Quilan is going to be the only one to come out of this exploration smelling like a rose, as everyone else comes up short in their attempts to jump the stream. Vaguely annoyed at the smell you all gather near the hallway and contemplate what to do about those doors.

[OOC: Alyson got a 9, Natalie a 10, and Quilan a mighty 25. The DC was 15 btw :p]

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