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[IC] Underdogs [a core dnd game]


ic - Underdogs

Mogro said:
"Gnolls have come to forest near here with their pups. If they wanted to attack us, it would be with a skirmishing band, not with families. They also treated one of us kindly. If they planned to attack us, why would they let us know they were here by leaving someone alive?"

Assaq said:
Assaq grunts agreement at this statement.

Out of the corner of his eye, Assaq notices Beteq gives the young grell a strange look. But the old grell says nothing, returning his attention to the centre of the cauldron.

Meanwhile, Mogro is interrupted. "They are gnolls! They live to kill and loot. Who knows why they didn't kill Hussik immediately. Sure as sure they would have done it in the end. I doubt they intended him to escape!"

Mogro recognises the speaker as a member of the same Fall as the Shaman's student. The Fall has a proud tradition of producing fine warriors. Its not so strong on thinkers.

Mogro said:
"Maybe they have been driven here because of other worse people? They need protection for their families like we do here in our krels. An owlbear came out of forest... something might be forcing them this way. I think we should talk to gnolls and find out why they have come."

"Talk. Talk. Talk. That's all some people around here do. While we talk the gnolls gather themselves to attack.

Once more the meeting decends into chaos as several grell all try and respond at the same time. Everyone is talking, no one hears a word.

Ershe's quiet voice slowly stills the crowd. His reference to the recent slaying of the owl-bear has the desired effect to some degree. No one can accuse those advocating talk of lacking courage. The young shaman's point about the goblins also gives a number of people pause for thought. There is a moment's quiet as the various sides gather their thoughts a marshal their arguments anew.

Ershe's father growls something to his companions. Something along the lines of "stick to fighting foxes and field mice. Leave the real beasts to the warriors." Its not directed to others, but it is loud enough to be heard by most.

When the debate restarts, it seems the middle road suggested by the three young grell has gained some following. Mostly they advocate it in conjunction with which-ever approach they supported before. And so the debate goes around again until Jurhai holds up his hand.

"Its seems that there is nothing new being said. The Elders will now discuss the matter. Go back to your Falls and pass on what you have learnt to the others. We will let you know our decision when it is made. In the meantime, stay alert for trouble."

[sblock=Assaq]Results of Knowledge checks:

Gnolls tend to favour the warmer plains to the south. They live in tribes of up to 200, and are semi-nomadic. Gnolls have an animistic faith, like the grell. As in grell society, the Shaman have significant power. There have been no gnolls in this region for a long time, as least as far anyone knows. The gnoll's reputation for savagery is well deserved. They are a warlike race, raiding neighbouring areas for much of what they need. If the stories are anything to go on, they eat their prey while it is still alive. Generally speaking, having a gnoll band in the area is bad news. The male gnoll tends to stand around 7 feet or more and weighs in at around 300 lb.s. They are nocturnal hunters, having excellent vision at night.[/sblock]

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Mogro returns to the krel, trailing behind Merga and his mother. The two females are chattering away at what was discussed tonight at the gathering, but Mogro can't feel inspired to join in. He's a bit depressed. He's always known he's not been that smart... it took many years for him to learn his letters and numbers... he can't remember many things all at once... and he always believes that what is most obvious to see is the thing that makes the most sense. Some would say therefore that he's 'gullible', and he'd admit to falling for jokes and pranks his friends have played upon him in the past. But he's lived his life taking things at face-value... and on the percentages, that's how most things are. Rare is the incident that has more beneath the surface... but it seems most of the grell here can't help but look for these boogymen all the time.

He excuses himself and goes out to the barn to look in on his horse, Champion, and spends the next couple of hours washing, brushing, feeding and cleaning him after his hard day of dragging the owlbear back.

"You are a good boy, Champion. You see things like me. Clear. We will do what is asked, but hopefully it will not be a mess."


First Post
Adokul sits and listens to the debate as it rages. He decides to stay out of it, since he knows that being a hired worker and an outsider, no one would pay him much heed anyway. Secretly he agrees with Morgo and Ershe, knowing that it is important to know your enemies as well as your friends before making any hasty decisions, and sometimes it is easy to confuse which is which. Whatever is decided on, Adokul feels that his specialty talents may be called upon in the near future.

Quietly he approaches Ershe's father, and whispers in his ear. "Perhaps we should gather more information about these Gnolls before we rush in. Find out their numbers, weaknesses, and so forth. Knowing this would surely give us the advantage if and when we must face them in battle."


While waiting for the elders' decision, Assaq goes around and speaks quietly to as many as possible of the the hunters and warriors on watch last night, asking each of them, "You were on watch last night, yes? You saw nothing unusual? No sign of gnolls?"

[sblock=ooc]I didn't go back and check, but I'm under the impression that a night has passed since Hussik returned, and this is the next day. I'm also guessing that there would have been more than the usual number of watchers last night, with the gnolls and the owlbear and all, though Assaq might not know that.[/sblock]


First Post
Ershe heads back to Ashran-Fall in quiet thoughtfulness. He is content, pleased that he did himself justice in the debate and didn't allow himself to be cowed by his father, but the prospect of the Gnolls is still a worrying one. For all that he advocates a peaceful solution, he's only too aware that one might not prove to be possible. And if it does come to a fight... well, nothing good can come of that.

Times of violence and bloodshed are unfortunate not only for the obvious reasons - the danger to life and limb - but also because they shift the balance of power in the krel towards men of war. Men like his father, men without vision or spirit. Brutish men.

But... nothing is decided yet. Ershe has faith in the Elders, and he believes they will see the sense in attempting a peaceful solution. And then... he will just have to do everything in his power to see that solution through. He gives a small smile, and beside him Vashti flicks her tail.

"Things can always change," he murmurs softly, half to himself and half to the cat.


ic - Underdogs

Champion snorts and manages to nip Mogro twice as the young warrior brushes him down. The horse is probably not all that impressed at being used as a pack animal. Finally the horse puts his head down and give Mogro a gentle shove in the chest. But all is forgiven it seems.

As Mogro turns to get some fresh water, he is startled to find his mother standing behind him. His mother has an uncanny ability to move around without making a sound. Perhaps its a mother thing. But then again, his sisters are fairly good at it as well. Perhaps its a female thing.

"You did well tonight. Your father would be proud of you," she says quietly. "As I am."


Assaq finds the sentries easily enough. They are keen to hear what was revealed at the naga. They also seem a little jumpy. The second group nearly puts a arrow into the young hunter. But there has been no sign of the gnolls so far. The sentries are also more than happy to have Assaq remain with them.

[sblock=ooc]Hussik arrived back early this morning, so this is the first night since he returned. Also, give me a perception check.[/sblock]


Urshak turns on Adokul. "We keep you around because you have talents, pup. But thinking is not one of them." The warrior's cronies all snort with laughter; as they are expected to do whenever Urshak belittles someone.

"Make yourself useful, find out what that sad excuse for a grell is up to. But don't let him know what you are up to." Urshak doesn't need to specify who he is referring to. He always refers to his son in the same way.


Ershe's cat purrs, a deep rumbling baritone purr, and cleans its claws.

A little later Ershe's niece approaches. "You have a rat in the kitchen." Rats in the kitchen are not uncommon in Ashran-Fall. The Shaman uses them to convey messages to Ershe. It drives Ershe's mother to distraction, as Urdan tends to imprint the kitchen table as the destination for the rat. Ershe has conveyed his mother's feelings on the matter to Urdan. Urdan, Ershe suspects, continues to do it to create mischief.

The rat has a message tied around its neck. Once Ershe takes it, the rat scampers off in a hurry. Not surprising considering the numbr of cats Ershe's mother has taken to keeping.

Bring Assaq, Mogro and Adokul to my Fall. Be prepared to travel. Be discrete. Wait for me there.


First Post
Adokul feels his anger surface suddenly at Urshak's comments. He manages to keep it from showing however, and listens with a straight face. "You'll get whats coming to you old man. One day very soon." He thinks to himself.

Adokul instantly scans the room and locates Ershe. When the meeting ends, Ershe heads off seemingly deep in thought. Adokul follows him, attempting to stay out of sight. "Why are you always so suspicious of your son old man?" Adokul wonders.


Basically, Adokul will attempt to follow Ershe undetected wherever he goes, listening to his conversations, looking at whatever he looks at etc.

Stealth roll if required: (19) http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1188091
Last edited:


Assaq's eyes roam the forest mechanically as he relates the events of the naga to each of the sentries in turn, but his mind is elsewhere.

[sblock=ooc]Perception 1d20+9=12 (I typed 1d20+7 into IC, even though I'd just finished looking at my char sheet and seeing +9, and got 10. So I added the 2 back in.)

If nothing out of the ordinary happens by the time Assaq has seen each of the sentries, he'll make his way back to the krel.[/sblock]


doghead said:
"You did well tonight. Your father would be proud of you," she says quietly. "As I am."
Mogro smiles at his mother's compliment. It hasn't always been easy for her to raise Mogro, with him being strong, large, energetic, and unfortunately a little slow. He often would make trouble without even realizing that what he was doing was wrong... and it often took all of his mother's energy to keep him in check. This often meant that his younger sister, Makree, was ignored. As Mogro's gotten older and seen Makree act up on her own because of the occasional lack of parental supervision, he's made it a point to try as hard as he can to avoid causing difficulty... and thus allowing mother and youngest daughter more time to be together and giving Makree the attention she's lacked in the past but definitely deserves.

"Thank you, mum. I just do not want to see people get hurt for no reason. Fighting gnolls outside of town will only cause problems."

He starts putting away all of his horse equipment and finishes up his duties out here.

"I will be back in shortly. I think I will go to sleep early this evening."


First Post
Ershe settles down to some simple chores upon returning home, relaxing in to the monotonous rhythm of the tasks as he scrubs the stew pot and sweeps the corridors. He's just finishing as his niece appears. He gives her a good-humored grimace at the news. "Thank you, Ain. Don't tell your grandma."

He chuckles, and pats her shoulder as he walks past towards the kitchen.

The smile falls from his face as he reads the message. He stares at it in consternation. It's an alarming message, but the most concerning thing of all to him is the inclusion of Adokul's name. He understands Mogro and Assaq - both are good men who have proven themselves capable, and of course they both spoke up for a more measured approach to the gnoll problem. But Adokul? One of his father's yes-men, and from what Ershe has seen he doesn't even have the excuse of stupidity that most of his father's coterie could claim as mitigation. On the contrary he has a reputation for being too canny and cunning by half.

Ershe's brow furrows, but with a shrug of his shoulders he pockets the note and sets off quickly to throw some things together. Urdan must have his reasons.

A bare minute later Vashti is padding at his heels as he strides out into the chilly evening, having made some hasty excuses to the cousins who were hanging around the kitchen and the grandfather who caught him on his way out the door. A hastily scrawled note rests on the kitchen table under a mug, sans rat this time:


Off on Urdan's business. Might be a while. Don't worry about me.



[sblock=OOC]He'll head first towards Mogro or Assaq's fall, whichever is closer.[/sblock]

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