[IC] Underdogs [a core dnd game]


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The long wait was starting to get to Ershe. He was beginning to wonder if the intention was just to see how long they could waste his time before they sent him humiliated out of the Fall. His exterior calm was intact, but the flicking of Vashti's tail was becoming more and more impatient and agitated.

He's therefore somewhat relieved when Adokul finally arrives, though that relief isn't enough to stop him from squirming inwardly when he is addressed as 'friend'.

He returns the greeting with somewhat stiff politeness. "Adokul. I am glad to see you." He produces Urdan's note and holds it out for the other to inspect. "As you see, Urdan has need of you. Will you come?"

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Assaq said:
"Where you going?"
Mogro looks a bit confused at Assaq's question. He points in the direction of the rest of the community. "Ershe came here with a note saying Shaman Urdan wanted to see me, Ershe, Adokul and you too, Assaq. We should prepare for a trip and to come very quickly. Did you not speak to Ershe? He had note. You should have seen him."

He shrugs, then sits upright in his saddle. "I am all prepared and are riding to Urdan's Fall now. You should go home and prepare too. Then go to Urdan's house." He smiles, then heyahs the horse forward at a trot. "I will see you there!"

Mogro then rides straight to Urdan's Fall.


Mogro said:
"Did you not speak to Ershe? He had note. You should have seen him."

Assaq shrugs eloquently, and follows Mogro to Urdan's Fall. Adokul? Well, the shaman knows best, I'm sure. Ershe, Mogro, and myself... We all spoke in favor of investigating the gnolls. Have the elders agreed with us, and want us to carry out their decisions, or have they decided against us, and want us out of the way?


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Adokul quickly scans the note, pretending he doesn't know what it contains.

"Yes of course I will come, I am glad to help in whatever way is possible." He replies as he hands the note back. "Is the matter urgent? Shall we go now?" He asks.


First Post
"That would be best," Ershe replies. "If you'll go now and gather some things, I'll find Assaq and see you at Urdan's fall."

That business disposed of, Ershe will leave Kharad fall feeling like the wind is at his back and head off to Assaq's fall.

[sblock=OOC]Maybe Ershe will run into Mogro or Assaq on his way? Or else we can just assume that somebody at Assaq's fall put him on the right track. Either way I guess we can move on?[/sblock]


Thinking about Mogro's message again, Assaq decides to return to his fell to pick up supplies for an extended foray before meeting Urdan. On the way he nearly collides with Ershe, as they are both moving with haste.

"Mogro told me Urdan wants to see us. I need a few things. I'll be there soon." Assaq tells the druid.

[sblock=ooc]Yes, let's move on. :) If nothing new happens, Assaq will pick up the pack he uses for long scouting expeditions and go straight to Urdan.[/sblock]


ic - Underdogs

Jursj greets each of the new arrivals. Jursj is related to Urdan somehow. Or perhaps he is just an old friend. No one is really clear on the details. But he has been with Urdan for as long as anyone can seem to remember.

Jursj shows each arrival through to a quiet chamber off to one side of the fall. A large fire burns vigourously in the hearth. The room is almost uncomfortably warm. Numerous cushions and thick furs a set up for sitting. Those who have had much to do with the shaman will know that he often uses this room for meeting people. Through another door lies the shaman's personal rooms. It is through this door that the shaman enters.

Urdan moves slowly into the room. His gait is deliberate, cautious. He leans on things as he passes. He settles himself gently on the cushions with a slow sigh. Urdan is old. His body weakens, day by day. His skin is dry and creased. His arms and legs bony. He is but a shadow of the grell he once once. Physically. But mentally ... that is a different story.

"The elders have settled on a compromise. A small group will be sent out to find the gnolls. They will have a look at the situation. The rest will remain here and kept watch on the krell, and prepare a war band.

"The four of you all spoke up for the plan at the naga. Your names were suggested for the scouting party.

"You are not obliged to go." Urdan looks at each of the young grell in front of him in turn. But his gaze seems to settle on Adokul a fraction longer. "It could be very dangerous. We don't know why the gnolls kept Hussik alive. Perhaps they were just waiting for something before killing him. This trip may be futile. The gnolls may have moved on. Or they may attack while you are away. There is no shame in remaining here."

Urdan pauses for a moment. He takes a couple of long slow breaths, as if gathering his reserves of strength. If anyone wants to drop out, now is obviously the time to say so.


"Well then," he says a last to those remaining. "Do you have any questions?"


Urdan said:
"The four of you all spoke up for the plan at the naga. Your names were suggested for the scouting party. You are not obliged to go. It could be very dangerous. We don't know why the gnolls kept Hussik alive. Perhaps they were just waiting for something before killing him. This trip may be futile. The gnolls may have moved on. Or they may attack while you are away. There is no shame in remaining here."

"Well then, do you have any questions?"
Mogro looks at the other three halforks, and shrugs his shoulders. "I am willing to go. I think gnolls would welcome a chance to speak to us, if there is a problem they are dealing with."

He thinks for a second, then asks a question. "Only problem is that I cannot speak their language. Do any of us know it? If not... then our scouting is doomed before it begins. We need at least one translator to go."


First Post
Ershe watches with concern as Urdan struggles to his seat. His impulse is to leap up and offer the old man a shoulder to lean on, but he knows how he values his independence. That bear of his is the only crutch he'll suffer. Ershe can only watch impotently.

His heart leaps, though, at the opportunity they are being offered. This is what he was hoping for - the chance to go out there and back up his words. But Mogro's question has already occurred to him as well... they will need some way of communicating. He waits, expecting that Urdan has already planned a solution to the problem.


"If we can speak to them, what shall we say?" Assaq asks. He is already thinking about the problem of contacting the gnolls without throwing away his life should the gnolls be unfriendly.

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