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[IC] Valusia PbP

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First Post
[Despaxas, and everyone, just so you know, Hrynnar's playing the Charisma score Moradin gave him, 
in the bleak, war environment familiar to 
this campaign and the Story Hour alike, so don't take it personally if he's a 
little grouchy to your PC from time to time, because he will be, given the circumstances.]

I figured that :) I'm playing my characters charisma score as well by being friendly. The clash of the charisma scores! So ... eh Destan, you alive bro :p
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Dragon Lord

Destan may be busy on the weekends. He only expects responses Monday thru Thursday, maybe those are the primary days he will be responding.


Citizen of Val Hor
DM - OOC Note

Whoa. My internet connection died yesterday afternoon and, oddly enough, I'm glad it did. You guys seem to have kicked it into gear, and I'd much rather watch your characters talk to one another than for me to step in with an NPC and ruin the mood.

Ok, that being said, we've got roughly three shifts of watch upcoming. First is Geron/Jakobi, then Hrynnar/Gareth, and finally Mut/Thom. If I'm wrong on this, please correct me.

As Storm mentioned on our OOC thread, it may help if you guys can each place your character's name in the subject line of your post. With six PC's, it may get confusing following who's who - at least initially.

Celt mentioned, correctly, that most of my posts will be Mon - Thur. The weekends are usually hectic - but not always. I will try to post something IC later, when I have a moment.

As far as describing the environment, please - take all the liberties you'd like. On my own side, I'd like to occassionaly throw a word or two into your character's mouths just to propel any NPC dialogue. I promise that it'll be nothing more than, "Huh?" and "You don't say?" or "Interesting" - mundane, boring stuff that just allows my NPC's discussion to flow better. If that's a problem, please let me know.

Finally, any skill modifiers you could post would be helpful, certainly. I still need Geron's and Hrynnar's skills (I think). I know I'm missing the skill allocation for two characters, but my notes are at home. Also, Geron, I'm not sure if your alignment was included in your character sheet - please resend via email if possible.

Great stuff, fellas! I hope you've realized you're a band of thugs, freaks, and outcasts. Muwahha!



Citizen of Val Hor
12th-16th Mirtul

The night, your first spent together as a ‘scouting party’ for Lord Crayke, passes uneventfully.

Lellard seems to approve the watch rotation, doubtless because he is not on it. The duty, as it is, becomes routine over the next few nights. Each day, from dawn to dusk, you push further into the swamplands, further away from Argos. Closer to the lands of Rhelm.

And each night, the six of you – two to a shift – share the watch.

By the end of the first full day of travel, you realize Lellard is not, nor ever will be, a good ‘Argosman.’ He stumbles through the muck like he stumbled through his earlier garrison duty – drunkenly and without purpose. Though the man never brought his promised provisions, he is not without a number of small flasks. Lellard’s collection of various spirits dwindles even as the swarms of insects increase.

By dusk on the 13th, your opinion of the man decreases further. You have no doubt that, should Lellard lose you, he would never find his way home. Around you the swamp, wreathed in mists and rippling with the heat of early summer, stretches limitlessly.

The 14th dawns to reveal a line of purpled clouds to the north. They sweep southward as you continue your easterly trek, finally pummeling you with rain and wind near noon. You would just as soon continue – though you remain ignorant of your final destination – but Lellard has met his match. The man cannot contend with both the gusting rain and the sucking bogs. He sits down heavily and orders camp with four hours of daylight yet remaining.

If it were not for the hunting skills of those in your party, notably Geron, you would have exhausted your meager provisions long ago. Mut proves immensely capable of locating fresh springs within the stagnant water - no mean feat - and thus your waterskins remain full.

The 15th is spent like is predecessors – in a maddeningly haphazard eastward trek. At least the storms no longer pour bucketfuls upon your head, but the water level is now deep enough to make travel a burdensome and wary process. One false step, and a man in armor could plunge beneath the muck.

Finally, as the 16th draws to a close, you feel it past time to challenge Lellard on his intent and destination. As a group, you confront the man. He claims that his orders were to march for half a tenday eastward, which you have done, then choose a spot from which to watch the eastern swamps.

Feel free to discuss your situation amongst yourselves and/or with Lellard. I’m unable to post more until I have your character sheets in hand (they’re at home)…yes, we’ll be rolling dice in the near future. Have great weekends!
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Dragon Lord
Thom Joffson...

"I guess we better start looking for a decent place to watch the swamp from" says Thom resignedly. He's been fairly quiet during the last four days, heeding the dwarf's earlier words concerning silence and the enemy.


First Post

As the days wear on, Geron's worst fears about Lellard become and more more apparent. As the evening of the 16th arrives, while Lellard passes out from having just finished the last of his flasks and exhaustion from that day's trek, Geron seizes on an opportunity to discuss the dire predicament with his fellow Argosians.

Celtavian said:
"I guess we better start looking for a decent place to watch the swamp from" says Thom resignedly. He's been fairly quiet during the last four days, heeding the dwarf's earlier words concerning silence and the enemy.
Geron nods in agreement with Thom.

Looking back at Lellard with disgust and contempt, "This is ridiculous and utlimately untenable. We are on a boat without a rudder, what happens when the storm of war comes to us?"

"If our task is to provide advance warnin' of attack through the Fens as Lellard claims, then we should scout out the best avenues of approach for an enemy force towards Argos. As such, it may well serve our purposes if we can locate some outcropping with good vantage over those areas and I propose we set to do just that on the morrow. Furthermore, if we have the time, we can construct traps and such to harrass and otherwise slow down the enemy."

darkbard: jackobi never replied his preference, jakobi or will just 'jak' do?
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Dahlmut finds himself nodding in agreement with Geron's words. "I know next to nothing about fighting, but if there's one thing I learned from having four brothers it's: if you're enemy is stronger, you'd best be smarter. Ambushes and traps would serve us well. And we'll have to find likely routes of approach, after all, I don't think the six of us can watch the entire eastern front."

He prods Lellard disdainfully with the butt of his spear, "And as for this sack of whiskey, I have no idea. But if he slows us down during a fight..." Dahlmut trails off with a vicious look in his eye.

"Well," he says finally, "we begin our defenses tomorrow, eh? We should probably team up to cover more area."

OOC: Destan, do our characters have a rough idea where they are? I mean, how much ground are we expected to watch?
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Citizen of Val Hor
Destan, do our characters have a rough idea where they are? I mean, how much ground are we expected to watch?

You all certainly know where you are - though you are on the edge of the territory you have traversed in the past. As for how much ground you're to watch...that's an enigma. Apparently Lellard knows the details, if there are any.
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