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[IC] Valusia PbP


First Post
Gareth Fitz Hugh

"You raise a good point there Dahlmut. Perhaps we should just plan this on our own and quit listening to that so-called soldier!" Gareth smirks.

"How about we start scouting some positions for traps? Anyone good at making traps? It seems our best bet to run back to Argos if we see them. By the way nobody ever told me ... why are we at war?"

Gareth starts unpacking his bedroll and stakes out a claim on a dry patch of land.

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First Post
Geron Ren

Gareth said:
"How about we start scouting some positions for traps? Anyone good at making traps? It seems our best bet to run back to Argos if we see them. By the way nobody ever told me ... why are we at war?"
"I'm no trap and snare expert and would listen to any who's claimin' ta be, but I've learned a thing or two from my uncle who is. Two simple but yet quick ones that might work are variants of stakes and the pit. First, as soft as the ground is, we don't have the time or enough men to dig large pits, but we dunna need ta! We've already got the best pits dug fer us as our fearless leader's found out already." Geron says with a wide grin. "Along the most likely approaches, there's gonna be some paths that'll head right into quicksand pits, we' cover'em up and if they take no care..." Geron simply winks and smiles, leaving everyone to come to the obvious conclusion.

He continues, "Second, there aren't many trees in the Fens, but there are many reeds, some particularly large ones at that. We can fashion the thicker reeds into stakes and drive a bunch of 'em into the soft ground right in the most obvious routes of advance." Geron heads toward a nearby large patch reeds, taking his small handaxe out and starts wacking off a particularly thick reed. He hacks off a foot and a half to two foot length from the reed he just cut out ending up with two pieces, a long one and a short one. He then sharpens one end of both pieces of reed. "Now, we drive the long end into the soft ground, sharp end first. With the blunt end on top, we can hammer it into the ground." Geron demonstrates with the hammer side of his small axe. "Then we cut slits on the sides of blunt end of the remaining piece so it will give a little when we attach it onto the piece already in the ground. Now you've got a sharp stake sticking out."

Then, with a wily grin, Geron suggests, "Hehe, now if ya wanna be especially nasty, before we attach it, we can soak this sharp ended piece in the brackish water, leaving it soaking in there for a few hours. I guarantee ya, anyone even get nicked by it, by the time theys marched through the Fens, theys'll have a nasty wound and'll have ta be carried or left behind ta die."

"Remember, the Fen is our friend and our enemy's enemy. At any rate, surely, they won't be stopped by any of this, but if we's pick our sights well, it's sure as fish-s!!t to slow'em down."

"An' oh, Gareth, we's at war 'cuz some ser knight and soldiers came ta Argos in the wee hours of one mornin' ta rouse everyone up including Lord Crayke. Twas a call-to-arms. War's been declared, Rhelms had d'clared on Valusia and Rhelmsmen are headin' this way. By orders of the Three Popas, Lord Crayke was told he must hold his village as long as possible. Our fathers and brothers have been told to stay behind to hold on to Argos while the womenfolk and the weak were told to flee down the Fletchway and make way ta the North Twins.”

"Perhaps instead of dividin' up into teams, initially we should all scout out for the approaches and the best vantage overlooking e'm, and fer the quicksand pits along said routes and the best spots for the reed stake traps. There's more than enough ground to survey. When we've found the best spots, then we can divide up into teams however you want, but we need ta gather reeds, make stakes and drivin' them in, and gather cover and coverin' the quicksand pits. We'll need lots of reeds for lots of stakes, if its gonna work, but whoever finishes up first, should help the others."

Geron looks over his fellow Argosians, "Only way Argos is gonna have half a decent chance is if we all work together. We's not fightin' for empire as ser knight orders, we's fightin' for our homes, our families, and fer everything we know. As Dalmut says, it's OUR stinkin' village!"
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First Post
Gareth Fitz Hugh

Gareth nods at the wise words of Geron and then pales a bit. "So ... my mom is gone? But ... where to? Is she going to be alright?" He gnaws on his lip. "I guess the only way to keep her safe is to hold off these Rhelms-people."

Face set he turns to the group. "Alright, I guess we start work. I'll help with the stakes, if someone cuts down those reeds I'll sharpen em with my knife."

Gareth pauses and then he resolutely turns to the group. "I think it's about time we each found out about eachother what we're good at and if some of us have ... ehm, hidden powers. I've kept this silent for years but I think it's time that you knew."

Raising his hands and muttering some words Gareth solemnly looks at the group. His clothes fluttering in a mysterious breeze that appeared out of nowhere. Strange green lights flicker around Gareth and his eyes blaze with a strange and eerie colour. Gareth smiles. "Ofcourse this is all looks impressive but fear not, it will not harm any of you. It is but a small demonstration of my power." He blushes. "This is also how I came to be such a good hunter. None of you ever saw how I caught my prey. I call for magical beasts to come and aid me and they actually catch them. Then I just strip them and bring in the pelts." He pauses. "Well now you know. I won't be angry if you never want to see me again. I'll understand and leave you all ... if that is what you wish. But if you allow me to stay I will put these beasts at our disposal to help us in our struggle. It is your decision." Gareth falls silent and the magical effects dissapate, except for a slight blueish flicker in his eyes.


First Post
Geron Ren

Somewhat taken aback by the unexpected revelation of Gareth's powers, Geron shakes his head, "We're a motley lot fer sure, but i don't care if you've got poop in yer trousers and stinkier than week old fish at the height of summer. If you'd stand with us 'gainst Rhelmsmen and 'll work yer butts off, yer more than welcome."

"We can use the company," Geron adds with a wink.

Destan: I've sort of lost track of what time of the day it is. We have time to scout or is it evening?
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Citizen of Val Hor
Lellard listens, at turns angry and at turns astonished. He shrinks back from Mut's display of anger, and sullenly begins to rifle though his pack for a single, god-blessed bottle. Finding none, he leans back, lets his eyes close, and appears to be ignoring the lot of you...until Gareth displays a bit of his power..

At that, Lellard sits up, jumps to his feet, and draws his sword. His eyes are wide. "Thieves I can take! Aye, cutpurses and thugs and braggarts - these are fine by me! But...but some demon freak! No, sirs! Nosir nosir."

He sheaths his sword quickly after seeing Mut and Geron step toward him. "Now, now - I ain't keen for trouble. It's just...I think I'm gonna head back. Like it as not, Argos is better for me. Yer here, ye can watch this approach."

His words seem to give him confidence as he judges the time of day. You have about four hours of light left. "Despite what ye think, I can find me own way back."

He sets off without another word, disappears behind some reeds, and leaves the lot of you in your own, bemused silence.


Citizen of Val Hor
...and shortly before you can decide what to do about Lellard's 'suicidal' departure, you hear his quickly choked-off cry.

Geron darts a few few forward to peer behind and around a bank of thick reeds, and you see him gasp with surprise.

"Boggarts!" he shouts, reaching for his weapon.


Jackobi (+6) 25
Geron (+2) 22
Dalmut (+5) 17
Hrynnar (+2) 13
Thom (+1) 8
Gareth (+1) 7

You are about 20' from Geron who is standing next to a thick bank of reeds, formed nearly in the shape of a 12-15' high wall. The reeds are impenetrable to sight and movement. Should you wish to close, you would need to go around Geron's side, or head about 40' west, then turn north and see what you can see.

Boggarts are the name Argosians have attached to a race of saurian, lizard-like reptile-men who inhabit the Lost Wagon swamp and the eastern reaches of the Dead Fens. Despite all your experience and years trudging through the marshes, however, you've never actually seen one. You've found clawed imprints in the mud that you and your friends would mutter were left by boggarts, half-smiling all the while. And you've found crude bone & stone weapons. But, again, you've never actually happened upon a boggart - until now, if Geron is to be believed.

Geron - I'll send you an email on what you see. One of you suggested private posts for individual information - anyone know how to do this?
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First Post
Geron Ren

Calmly, with a purposeful, even voice, Geron informs the others, "4 of 'em headin' this way behind the bank of reeds, but there could be more. Lellard's nowhere in sight, most like drownin' in a pool."
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First Post
Gareth Fitz Hugh

OOC: This is what Gareth is going to do on his initiative, so bear with me for the strange time-lapsing thingy. Gonna go to sleep in a sec, so I thought it better to post now. If this causes trouble in the future, let me know.
Gareth will try to find a safe position in the back of the group, preferably near a tree and ready an action to cast a Monster Summoning as soon as he sees an enemy.

Gareth produces a small candle from his pouches and places it deftly inside a small bag. A loud thunderclap ensues and a low growl can be heard. A second later a perfect specimen of the badger race appears, ready to pounce on the closest Boggart.

OOC: The badger has +4 str and +4 con due to the Augment Summoning feat.


"Everyone pull back and...er...form up or something!" Dahlmut shouts, his lack of combat skill keenly showing. "We're at the edge of our world, but they're at the center of theirs! If we got out after them we're likely to get picked off."

Dahlmut unlimbers his jury-rigged shield, apparently made from left-over boat planking, and sets himself into a defensive stance. His appearance is almost comical, with his ill-fitting armor, misshapen shield, and most of his nose poking through the grill of his helm, but his eyes are burning with an inner fire.

"Well Lellard," he mutters, "I guess we're about to find out who the men are..."

Move Equiv: Ready shield.
Standard: Total Defence (+4 dodge bonus to AC)[/Combat]

OOC: All of this on my turn, of course. I doubt that I need to alter anything unless someone does something really unexpected. Hey Destan, is there anything you would like us to do to make combat easier on you? I mean, we could post in order, if you don't think it will really slow down the rate of play.
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Dragon Lord
Thom Joffson...

Thom looks in bewilderment at Lellard, "You're leaving Lellard? I can't believe it."


He listens and watches intently while Gareth is casting. (Spellcraft +2)

After he hears Lellard's choked off cry, he looks scared. "What the heck?"

"Boggarts...them are worse than Rhelmsman. The swamp won't stop them" Thom says. He stands next to Dahlmut with spear ready to swat off any attacks.

Move Equivalent: Move next to Dhalmut.
Standard: Total defense: +4 Dodge bonus to AC.

OOC: Destan,
I believe there is a private message function on the board. I'm going to try to send you a private message to see it if works.

Strange, says you can't receive private messages.

Anyone else know how to work the private message function on the board?
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