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(IC) Vampires of Waterdeep pt. 1 - Blood of Malar

The various adventurers are all carefully watching the woman approach the table of Lord Orlpar, keen senses alert to any small detail which may reveal her nature or intent. Caladan has formulated a plan, but before he can put it into play...

The dusky woman reaches Orlpar's table, and he smiles up at her, clearly pleased to be seen meeting with such an exotic client. But, as she approaches the highborn 'businessman', her expression suddenly goes cold. With an air of ritual and menace, she loudly intones in a Calishite accent, "I name thee, Lord Orlpar Husteem, the intended prey of the Beastlord. By fang and claw, I proclaim this High Hunt begun!" She brandishes a pair of clawed bracers, previously hidden underneath her sleeves. At the same time, several of the young 'nobles' throughout the tavern shift to the form of a snarling wolf/man hybrid, and begin howling loudly. There are nine in all, and they all turn their slavering faces toward Orlpar.

"Run, rabbit," purrs the huntmistress.

After a brief moment of shocked stillness, the Grinning Lion erupts in chaos, as people begin screaming and running in all directions for the exits.

Combat Actions?


1.Armand 20+6=26
2.Rognavald 17+5=22
3.Wollf 11+4=15
4.Caladan 8+1=9
5.Jana 2+2=4

Huntmistress ?
Orlpar ?
9 Werewolves ?

The following is a link to a map of the Grinning Lion. Note that I've had to take liberties with the positions of each person to fit the map. The scale is 10' per square. Also, note that there are many more people in the crowded tavern, but I didn't feel that I could accurately portray every patron.

Grinning Lion Rd1
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First Post
Jana Fyrehair

“Close enough...” Jana comments calmly upon the sudden change of events.

“I suppose we need him to stay alive?”

Not being able to react to the revelations quickly, Jana grants herself a few seconds to assess the situation and does not take action yet (delay to the beginning of next round before the first action).

OOC: That link to the map is well-hidden. :)


Wollf rises from his table and draws a silvery short sword in a smooth fluid motion as he dashes to the nearest manwolf. His arm lashes out an impossible distance to slash at the beast.

[SBLOCK]move action to rise, fere action draw his silver animal bane weapon as he charges a werewolf and attacks from 10' reach. Any AoOs from reach or hold the line (if they charge me) will be with the sword.[/SBLOCK]

Mista Collins

First Post
I guess this is where I must step in, Armand thinks to himself as he touches his cloak and everything around him is instantly shrouded in shadows. I must keep him safe. The shadow area moves towards Lord Orlpar with Armand at the center drawing both of his shortswords.

OOC:[sblock]Standard action to cast darkness centered on his cloak as a spell-like ability. Move action to move next to Orlpar (drawing both shortswords as a free action during the move).

Armand can see in magical darkness without any problems due to his Shadowsight ability.
Everything/Everyone within 20' of Armand is in shadowy illumination and gains 20% concealment for 50 minutes. Armand ignores the miss chance.


Rognvald Human Monk

Moving with fluid grace and showing no emotion, Rognvald raises a hand to a vial in the bandoleer and takes it out pouring the contents over his hand. He drops the empty vial and pulls a silvery dagger like weapon. He rises smoothly and strikes a defensive pose staying for the moment behind his table and watching events unfold.

Bloodweaver1 said:
He speaks in a soft and uncertain voice “I’m not too sure…” and then thinks to himself Though that wouldn’t be such a bad idea... Taking an obvious careful eye to the new women, he attempts to determine exactly ‘what’ she is. For he knows that Vampires can assume many forms, both of friends and foes.

OOC: Spot +5, Search +7 & Knowledge Religion +12.

OOC: Sorry, I should have made this note earlier...but, since Bloodweaver hasn't posted an action yet, it's no big.

[sblock](Caladan makes a successful Spot check, and notices that the Calishite woman casts no shadow in the light of the flickering flames in the hearth.)[/sblock]


First Post
Over the mass chaos and confusion he shouts at the top of his longs, "Abominations!! Your existence comes to end, here and now!"

With his shield in one hand, CHANI in his other and his cloak now loose enough as to not interfere with his movements. Caladan immediately begins to channel his Patron’s Divine energy through his very body and soul. Focusing on his Holly Symbol he reaches towards the heavens with CHANI and lets those who stand against the innocent feel the wrath of the Morning Lord.

First round: As a free action Greater Turning Undead (Turning Check +9 / Turning Damage (3d6+18) x1.5)
then if not all are destroyed, moves 10ft South & casts Prayer (We get +1 att/dam/saves/skills, they get a -1 to the same)
Second round: Casts Divine Favor ( +3 Att/Dam)
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OOC: With so many powerful combatants, it's hard for me to be 100% certain I did everything right. Please feel free to look over the results of this combat round carefully. If anything seems confusing or questionable, please don't hesitate to ask me about it on the OOC thread.

I guess this is where I must step in, Armand thinks to himself as he touches his cloak and everything around him is instantly shrouded in shadows. I must keep him safe. The shadow area moves towards Lord Orlpar with Armand at the center drawing both of his shortswords.

The werewolves, in a howling frenzy of snarling fangs and flashing claws, begin to lash out at anyone nearby. Dancers, servers, bouncers, nobles...none are safe. The screams of the dying and panic-stricken ring out as the Grinning Lion erupts in gory bedlam.

One of the lycanthropes is next to Jana, and launches itself at her with savagery. Both of its claws, and its jaws tear into her flesh, despite her magical armor (29 Damage). While those wounds are painful, Jana gasps as she feels the cold touch of undeath wash over her, sapping her energy (2 Negative Levels!).

Moving with fluid grace and showing no emotion, Rognvald raises a hand to a vial in the bandoleer and takes it out pouring the contents over his hand. He drops the empty vial and pulls a silvery dagger like weapon. He rises smoothly and strikes a defensive pose staying for the moment behind his table and watching events unfold.

The Calishite huntmistress cries out again at Lord Orlpar, "Run, prey! Run for the glory of the Beastlord!" She seems to deliberately be waiting for him to flee so that she may pursue him. She looks annoyed as Armand and his magical aura of darkness pass nearby. In response, she chants a prayer to Malar, causing a wave of fear and doubt to radiate around her. Armand shudders as he feels the baleful hatred of Malar.

Wollf rises from his table and draws a silvery short sword in a smooth fluid motion. His arm lashes out an impossible distance to slash at the beast. His sword bites into the creature's side (9 damage), causing the lycanthrope to whirl in his direction with a snarl of rage.

Lord Orlpar snaps out of his panicked state, and springs into action. He stands and removes a vial from his pocket, then drinks its contents in a gulp.

Over the mass chaos and confusion Caladan shouts at the top of his longs, "Abominations!! Your existence comes to end, here and now!"With his shield in one hand, CHANI in his other and his cloak now loose enough as to not interfere with his movements. Caladan immediately begins to channel his Patron’s Divine energy through his very body and soul. Focusing on his Holy Symbol he reaches towards the heavens with CHANI and lets those who stand against the innocent feel the wrath of the Morning Lord. Radiant beams of light, the very presence of Lathander, explode around the cleric, causing five of the werewolves to violently crumble to ash. Caladan then moves closer to Orlpar and the Huntmistress, and invokes Lathander again. The spirit of the Morninglord suffuses the room.

“Close enough...” Jana comments calmly upon the sudden change of events. “I suppose we need him to stay alive?” Not being able to react to the revelations quickly, Jana grants herself a few seconds to assess the situation and does not take action yet.

End Round 1. Actions for Round 2?
Armand casts Darkness as a Standard Action; then, moves next to Lord Orlpar as Move Action (drawing his swords as he moves)

Werewolf #1 makes full attack vs. Jana (AC 14). Roll 9 (Hit), 7 (Hit), 4 (Hit). Damage total = 29, PLUS 2 Negative Levels. Jana loses access to her 6th level spell, and one 5th level spell (Thanee's choice); Jana loses 10 hp; incurs -2 penalty to attacks, saves, skills, abilities.

Other Werewolves make various attacks against NPC patons and staff of the Grinning Lion tavern to deadly effect.

Rognvald applies Silversheen to his hand, draws his sai.

Huntmistress casts Bane. (Jana, Wollf, Rognvald, Caladan make their Will saves, Armand fails his.)

Wollf stands, draws weapon, attacks Werewolf #4 from 10'. Attack Roll 14+14=28, Hit. Damage Roll (1d6+7) = 2, Total= 9.

Orlpar stands and retrieves potion, then drinks potion.

Caladan makes Greater Turn Check (Free Action): Result 29 (able to turn undead of up to 18HD). Damage result: Destroys 33HD of undead. Werewolves #1,2,3,4,5 are destroyed. Caladan Moves 10' South, Casts Prayer.

Jana delays until first intiative spot of Round 2.

New Initiative Order:
5.Malarite Huntmistress

HP Recap: Jana 80/116 (2 Negative Levels)
Notes: Armand subject to Bane effect; All subject to Prayer effect.
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First Post
Jana Fyrehair

“Thanks! We really should have taken the other side of the table. So, what are these creatures then? Werewolves? Vampires? Something else? Well, I guess the answer can wait...”

Jana stands up and turns towards the huntmistress beginning an invocation and her mind reaches out towards the foe and tries to hold her in place. Through the strain she sustained from the wounds, Jana struggles a bit to maintain concentration on the spell.

OOC: Stand up, Cast Telekinesis with Extraordinary Concentration (Concentration +23), Combat Maneuver, if successful... Grapple vs Huntmistress (Grapple +16)
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