If WotC deliver on all their promises...

If WotC deliver on all their promises, would you adopt 5e as your D&D of preference?


First Post
I sincerely doubt I will buy 5e. On the one hand, WOTC claims they want to make a game to draw old school fans back, but they have demonstrated in their various blogs that they don't have a clue what old school D&D is.

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Well, that's interesting. I mean, it's only so valid given all the variables, not the least of which being that it is posted in a technically 5e friendly forum, but it's still interesting to see that the majority of people would ditch their old edition of preference.

I had expected option three, "I'd play it, might buy it, but wouldn't change my preference," to be the most popular given a lot of the sentiment expressed around RPG forums. It just goes to show that being vocal doesn't automatically put you in a majority :)


I sincerely doubt I will buy 5e. On the one hand, WOTC claims they want to make a game to draw old school fans back, but they have demonstrated in their various blogs that they don't have a clue what old school D&D is.

In their defense:

1) they're not exclusively targeting "old school fans"
2) "old school fans" are not a monolithic group
3) they're still very early on in the development process


First Post
To me the promises mean spit.

Really, they got them out there because ANY process of design process starts with a broad statement of goals. By putting them out there, they are
a) Getting some feedback from the community that they are heading in the right direction
b) Placating the grogs on the forums (whoever they are)

Do I like what Im hearing so far? Yes.

Will I play it it? Well, thats nothing to do with the promises, thats all about the end result. They may deliver on their promises and still have a game that somehow doesnt work.

Just cant make any judgement till I have rules in my hand.

Speaking of which...upcoming Playtest. Is it NDA and can people in countries other than America get a looksy?

El Mahdi

Muad'Dib of the Anauroch
If WotC delivers on the D&D they are trying to make, I will switch to it...if other things have come to pass also.

First and foremost, I said when WotC dropped pdf's that I would not ever buy another WotC product until they returned (all pdf's, old and new).

That's still my stance.

If WotC brings back pdf's, whether I switch to 5E or not, I will still buy it...even if it doesn't completely deliver on WotC promises for it. But if it does deliver, and pdf's have returned, I will most certainly switch and completely buy in. I'll even get a DDI account again.

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First Post
My group is going to playtest it for sure - our current campaign is ending this week, so we'll be ready to go when the playtest starts. As for switching (we play Pathfinder right now) I'm not sure.

I voted that I'd play, but wouldn't switch. I'm really not sure that WotC can make a game that will bring anything more to the table than Pathfinder is already delivering. Sure, there are things in Pathfinder that I would change, but not a whole lot. My group and I liked 3.5ed. We gave 4th edition about a year and a half and just could buy into it. I will say that there was some really good stuff in 4th edition.

At the moment I just can't see how WotC are going to bring all the editions together, even with modules, and not have it feel clunky. I will say that I'm more than a little interested to see what they're up to!


Retired game store owner
What "promises" has WotC made regarding D&D Next?
I believe they have stated they want to appeal to players of every edition, but that sounds much more like a goal than a promise. What have I missed?

Anyway, I stilled voted for shelving my current game, based on their stated design goals.


First Post
Regardless of what it looks like, I'll pick it up and play it for a while. If history repeats itself, which I have every expectation it will, I'll play until I really learn the system then learn I still prefer Savage Worlds.

As always, I'll give it a fair shake.



The edition I prefer is the one I get to play with my friends and have an enjoyable time in. I prefer 4e because I find it the easiest to work with. I like 3e because I find it highly creative. I have fun with my friends playing either edition. If 5e can both allow me to be highly creative and do so in an easy-to-understand work environment, then I just might.

Or I might just add it my list of editions I have a lot of fun playing with my friends in.


Victoria Rules
Voted "yes I'll adopt it" but what I really mean is "I'll give it a run out and see if it plays as well as it promises", assuming the promises hold up.

That said, the jury here will be out until a while after I've got the core books in my mucky little mitts... :)


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