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D&D 4E I'm not gonna do 4E

Brown Jenkin

First Post
Doctor DM said:
I'm really happy with 3.5, I have a ton of money invested in it, and have been playing it for a long time. I don't care about 4E. I'm sure it will be awesome and really cool, but I don't think I'm going to spend 100 + dollars on it when I already have a great game.

Anyone else with me?

On the other hand

I'm really happy with 3E, I have a ton of money invested in it, and have been playing it for a long time. I don't care about 3.5E. I'm sure 4E will be awesome and really cool, and I think I'm going to spend 100 + dollars on it since I am waiting for another a great game.

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Eternal Optimist
If I like 4e, I'll run it.

I'll definitely buy the core rulebooks, though.

I have most of the 3.5e books by Wizards - there's a lot of money tied up there - but I don't really envision 4e making them all obsolete.



First Post
More than likely

If Hasbro tries to turn D&D essentially into a toy game, or if they raise the already outrageous price per page of their books yet again, then they've lost me. I'll just buy the PH and let other DMs get squeezed.

That being said, I reserve the right to change my mind if it really is a significant improvement. But I need a re-run of the 3.0 to 3.5 experience like I need a daily root canal.


First Post
With their recent decisions (magazines, DI, mis-communication etc) heralding the path that WotC is heading towards, I no longer think that they are in tune with what I'm looking for as a GM and player. I also no longer believe that "What's good for WotC (D&D) is good for the RPG community". There are too many creative, responsive and gamer-driven companies making excellent products these days, for me to believe that the loss of WotC would have more than a temporary effect on the gaming community. So without loyalty as an issue, my decision towards 4E comes down to other factor's such as the vast amount of excellent D20 material I have, the comfort level of my players, my comfort level with WotC's RPG strategy and the economics of having to buy an entire new system

If they announce the pending countdown for 4E, I'll make certain to avoid it like the plague and support those companies remaining with D20. Unless 4E is so innovative, inexpensive and incredible that it blows all other games out of the water ... I can't see myself supporting WotC in any way.


Monster Manager
If 4E like SW Saga Ed, then No Thank You.

I must preface my remarks to say I, like many folks here, will probably get a copy of the 4E PH and base further decisions predicated upon the quality of the new edition rules set. Having invested in 3.0/3.5 in many hundreds of dollars - I don't see myself buying everything all over again. Most likely I'll port the best of 4E into my 3.5E games (or vice versa :) ); I figure 4E cannot be big departure from 3.0/3.5 without radical changes, and the Third Edition of D&D, although not perfect, is really not begging for a massive overhaul.

I've seen a copy of the new Star Wars Saga Edition. It looks good for what SW is supposed to be: simplistic science-fantasy space opera - the new rules possess a flavour very supportive of the Star Wars mythos! But if D&D 4E goes the SW Saga route, I will be very disappointed. Sure Third Ed needs another tweak & clean, but the SW Saga Edition is too unimaginative and too streamlined for Dungeons & Dragons which I percieve to be more creatively demanding given its vast array of material and diversity of FRPG hobbyists. For some reason SW Saga Ed does not appear to suffice as a model for what 4E should be... I won't say more at this point as I need to study this further.

'Tis best for now to wait and see, I think. :)
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I don't understand why anyone would have an opinion on this topic when we know exactly nothing about what 4E will actually be like, or even when it's coming.

jeffh said:
I don't understand why anyone would have an opinion on this topic when we know exactly nothing about what 4E will actually be like, or even when it's coming.
But this is the grist of speculation - just about everyone has (and should be allowed to have) an opinion on such matters. Who cares if they're wrong or misguided or funny or stupid or anal or even (eventually and at the end of the day) correct? This is what hype-building is all about baby! :D

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise


First Post
I personally do notthink we wil lsee 4e for a LONG TIME. They are releasin a rules compendium in afew months which I expect will cover alot of the problems people have with the current editon. However , i do not think ther sytem is too complicated .I do think that there ismaterial forevery concievable thing I want to do withthe game and that fix to polymoprh would be cool but other than sorceror sucking, everything is gpod. PHB 2 made fighter super powerful and weapon supremacy made playing fighter 20 a worthwhile endeavor

Aris Dragonborn

First Post
I'm pretty happy with 3.5 too, but I'll probably buy the 4E PHB, and if it catches my interest, and looks like it might be an improvement over 3.5, then I will most likely make the switch - though I swear this time, I really AM gonna show some self-control, and choose carefully which books (beyond the Core) that I buy.

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