I'm Opening a Game Store this Saturday

aramis erak

Two partners and I are opening a game store this Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia. We're calling it Sabre Games and Cards, and are furiously working to have everything installed and inventoried by then. You can find us on Facebook at Sabre Games and Cards, and if you're in the area we'd love to see you.
Good luck! (I suspect you'll need a bunch!)

I'll tell you the one thing that is the fastest way to lose me as a customer... (not that I'm where I'll be one of yours, but there is an UNfriendly Local Game Store in a nearby town that lost me as a customer over this...) The proprietor of a local store, when I asked about a particular expansion, told me I didn't want it, and that the base game sucked...

And the following full quote should be imprinted upon your employee's minds: "The customer is always right in matters of taste." (Marshal Field and/or Harry Selfridge.) That's what the proprietor of the ULGS didn't learn.
Fortunately, I have a FLGS I'm loyal to, and two more that qualify as friendly.

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The opening looked good. It was packed. It is a small shop but I was in there quite a while and the press did not let up. Much better coverage on RPGs than the other game store in town, especially in the Indie and OSR areas. I think they need more dice, but that's because I'm a hardcore dice goblin. I did get a gelatinous cube die. And I got some cake. The game space looked nice, and given that it's free I might run a game there.


The opening looked good. It was packed. It is a small shop but I was in there quite a while and the press did not let up. Much better coverage on RPGs than the other game store in town, especially in the Indie and OSR areas. I think they need more dice, but that's because I'm a hardcore dice goblin. I did get a gelatinous cube die. And I got some cake. The game space looked nice, and given that it's free I might run a game there.
Glad you liked it! Sorry I didn't get to meet you.





Someone just sent me this message on Discord. I thought it was very nice of them to say:

Hi there! I live in Richmond, and I was tabling at the new zine fest in Charlottesville on Saturday. Somebody was looking at my rpg zines, and told me there was a new game store just around the corner. After the zine fest was over I went to check it out, and my mind was completely blown by the awesome selection of indie stuff!! Like, the best I've seen. NOT what I was expecting from a small shop in a small town.

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